The Universe as an isolated system

In summary: your whole question here is about the choice of words? "Closed" vs. "isolated"?I think by studying the recombination era and photon decoupling, we can deduce a theoretical temperature for the CMBR.Or, we know the current CMBR temperature, 2.75K. We also know that scale factor is inversely proportional to temperature so we can deduce the temperature of the CMBR. And see if...What is the scale factor?I'm not sure, but it is something that is determined by temperature. It is inversely proportional to temperature. So as the universe gets colder, the scale factor gets smaller.Thanks for the contribution
  • #1
Can the universe be treated as a thermodynamic isolated system? And why?
Space news on
  • #2
What research have you done on this? What have you found?
  • #3
I have gone through some works relating to this topic and have found out that some people are still skeptical about the universe being thermodynamically isolated or closed. The universe being a closed system was based on the fact that, it could allow energy exchange between other universes in the multiverse system. But if this is true, why does the Friedman equation not give room for some extra energy parameter? And since it doesn't why can we treat the universe as an isolated system? On the other part some say since the universe is all there is, then it is Isolated.
I wrote something about it and sent to one of my lecturer, but he said i have no argument, and that i can treat it as an isolated system if i want to.


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  • #4
I am not aware of any valid argument that our universe is in causal contact with ANYTHING "outside" of itself. Personally, I'm doubtful that there IS anything "outside" of our universe but that's a different topic.
  • #5
I agree with you on that, i also personally don't think there is anything out there besides our universe. So do you think it can be treated as an isolated system?
  • #6
Trust10 said:
I agree with you on that, i also personally don't think there is anything out there besides our universe. So do you think it can be treated as an isolated system?
Yes, but given that it is possibly infinite in extent, I'm not clear how that can even matter in any practical sense.
  • #7
Trust10 said:
I have gone through some works relating to this topic and have found out that some people are still skeptical about the universe being thermodynamically isolated or closed.

Can you give some specific references?
  • #8
Trust10 said:
The universe being a closed system was based on the fact that, it could allow energy exchange between other universes in the multiverse system.

Um, if the universe is exchanging energy with other universes, then it is not a closed system.
  • #9
Trust10 said:
Can the universe be treated as a thermodynamically isolated system? And why?
In the derivation of the Fluid equation, from thermodynamics,

$$dQ=dE+PdV$$ we take ##dQ=0##. Which means that there's no heat flow from the universe (in or out). So this suggests that the universe is a closed system. If we take ##dQ\neq 0 ##. Then it means that the universe can exchange heat or lose heat etc.

Now I think you are trying to ask that why we say ##dQ=0##. I think the main reason is observation. If the universe was "gaining" heat then we could have seen this effect on the CMBR. Since CMBR is highly homogeneous we can treat the universe as a closed system.
  • #10
Thanks for the contributions. Although I further discussed this with some friends at school and we settled for this; Since there isn't any heat flow in or out from the universe, matter is not in anyway transferred out or into the universe, and work is not in any way done on the universe, why call it closed and not isolated system . For a closed system the condition to be satisfied is that only heat and not matter can be exchange between a system and a surrounding. But for an isolated system neither matter nor heat is exchanged with the surrounding and this satisfies the homogeneity of the CMB (as cited by Arman) and the homogeneity universe as a whole. Moreover dQ=0 is also true for an isolated system which is Adiabatic.
  • #11
Trust10 said:
why call it closed and not isolated system your whole question here is about the choice of words? "Closed" vs. "isolated"?

Trust10 said:
For a closed system the condition to be satisfied is that only heat and not matter can be exchange between a system and a surrounding. But for an isolated system neither matter nor heat is exchanged with the surrounding

Perhaps this is how standard thermodynamics textbooks define those terms, but I don't know if cosmologists use those definitions. In any case, the physics doesn't depend on what words you use.
  • #12
Arman777 said:
If the universe was "gaining" heat then we could have seen this effect on the CMBR. Since CMBR is highly homogeneous

Why do you think that the CMBR being homogeneous rules out the universe gaining heat? Couldn't the heat gain be homogeneous?
  • #13
I guess you are right, "The physics does not depend on what words I use". Thanks.
  • #14
PeterDonis said:
Why do you think that the CMBR being homogeneous rules out the universe gaining heat? Couldn't the heat gain be homogeneous?

I think by studying the recombination era and photon decoupling, we can deduce a theoretical temperature for the CMBR.

Or, we know the current CMBR temperature, 2.75K. We also know that scale factor is inversely proportional to temperature so we can deduce the temperature of the CMBR. And see if these two result match. If they match, it means that ##dQ=0##

Also any heat exchange would change the photon-baryon ratio.
  • #15
Other crucial point that I want to make is that, any effect on the CMBR, that is done by "something" already would be a part of the universe. A universe which is apart from ours cannot effect the CMBR in the past.
  • #16
Arman777 said:
I think by studying the recombination era and photon decoupling, we can deduce a theoretical temperature for the CMBR.

Meaning the temperature of the CMBR at the time of decoupling? Yes, that can be deduced from the known properties of atoms.

Arman777 said:
we know the current CMBR temperature, 2.75K. We also know that scale factor is inversely proportional to temperature so we can deduce the temperature of the CMBR.

How? We don't directly measure the scale factor. We deduce it from other observations. But those other observations include assumptions, one of which is, basically, that the universe is not gaining heat from somewhere we can't observe.

Also, the argument you are making here is not that the universe gaining heat from somewhere we can't observe would make it not homogeneous. It is that the universe gaining heat from somewhere we can't observe would change the temperature of the CMBR--which could happen in a homogeneous fashion. So you appear to have shifted your ground from the post of yours that I originally responded to.

Arman777 said:
any heat exchange would change the photon-baryon ratio.

If the heat exchange were in the form of photons, yes.
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  • #17
PeterDonis said:
How? We don't directly measure the scale factor. We deduce it from other observations. But those other observations include assumptions, one of which is, basically, that the universe is not gaining heat from somewhere we can't observe.

Yes, you are right. The scale factor comes from the fluid equation which in the derivation we use ##dQ=0##

We can derive the ##a∝T^{-1}##, by using the thermodynamics. So if see that, theoretical CMBR temperature derived from the at the time of photon decoupling (using particle physics etc.) and the temperature derived from the ##a∝T^{-1}## (that is derived by setting ##dQ=0##) matches then it means that there cannot be any heat exchange.

But I did not understand why you said scale factor is observable. We can deduce it from the Friedmann Equations. Oh you mean the density parameters ?

PeterDonis said:
Also, the argument you are making here is not that the universe gaining heat from somewhere we can't observe would make it not homogeneous. It is that the universe gaining heat from somewhere we can't observe would change the temperature of the CMBR--which could happen in a homogeneous fashion. So you appear to have shifted your ground from the post of yours that I originally responded to.

But then I remembered that, It does not matter if the heat distrubition is homogeneous or not, If something affects the CMBR its already part of the our universe.So we cannot say there can be heat flow.

I discussed this question before on this site.

You can look post #4 and #7
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  • #18
Arman777 said:
The scale factor comes from the fluid equation

What do you mean by this?

Arman777 said:
We can derive the ##a∝T^{-1}##, by using the thermodynamics

Can you be more specific?

Arman777 said:
if see that, theoretical CMBR temperature derived from the at the time of photon decoupling (using particle physics etc.) and the temperature derived from the ##a∝T^{-1}## (that is derived by setting ##dQ=0##) matches

Matches what? How can you tell, observationally, that it matches?

Arman777 said:
I did not understand why you said scale factor is observable

I said the scale factor is not observable.

Arman777 said:
If something affects the CMBR its already part of the our universe.

This is basically defining the "universe" to be an isolated system. But you can't change physics by defining words.

Arman777 said:
I discussed this question before on this site.

The points @Bandersnatch makes in that discussion are valid, but they're not the same as the claims you're trying to make here. Also, the points @Bandersnatch makes in that discussion do not imply that the universe must be an isolated system. He is just making the obvious point that heat transfer, like any other process, can only take place at or below the speed of light.
  • #19
Trust10 said:
Can the universe be treated as a thermodynamic isolated system? And why?
With the assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy, yes, definitely. Every co-moving volume will have as much heat leaving the volume as entering it, so it can be treated as isolated. Though this is often done by considering it to have periodic boundary conditions instead.

However, the thermodynamics of the universe depends critically upon the thermodynamics of gravity, and we don't have a good way of understanding how gravity behaves with respect to thermodynamics. We know a few edge cases (black holes, de Sitter space), but that's it.
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  • #20
kimbyd said:
With the assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy, yes, definitely. Every co-moving volume will have as much heat leaving the volume as entering it

And also, every co-moving volume will have no net matter crossing its boundary.
  • #21
PeterDonis said:
What do you mean by this?
To Solve the Friedmann Equations (or to find the scale factor), we need a fluid equation, acceleration equation and the normal Friedmann equation that is derived from GR.

I mean that when we are deriving the fluid equation we are setting ##dQ=0## hence in the process of finding the scale factor ( by solving these 3 equations) we are already assuming that universe is a closed system.

PeterDonis said:
Can you be more specific?
Okay well,

we set ##dQ=0## so we have,
By setting ##E=εV## where ##ε## is the energy density of the photons. And we also know that ##ε=σT^4## and the pressure of the photons ##P=σT^4/3## (since (##P=wε## ,and for photons ##w=1/3##)

If we solve this we would get,

$$\frac {1} {T}\frac {dT} {dt}=-\frac {1} {3V}\frac {dV} {dt}$$

for ##V∝a(t)^{-3}## we see that $$T(t)∝a(t)^{-1}$$
PeterDonis said:
Matches what? How can you tell, observationally, that it matches?

So you agreed with me that we can calculate the CMBR temperature by using the particle physics etc. So here we get a Temperature value.

Also, we can look at the CMBR and we can see that it has a temperature of 2.75K. Now by using the Friedmann Equations, we can derive the scale factor and then using the $$T(t)∝a(t)^{-1}$$ we can have another temperature value (by using their ratios). If these two values are nearly the same then we can say that ##dQ=0##. Since while we were deriving the scale factor, we used the fluid equation for ##dQ=0##.

My point is in this second way we are never using any particle physics related to the CMBR temperature. So these are two different ways of obtaining the temperature of the CMBR.

If they were give us different results, then I think we can say that ##dQ\neq 0##

It's like this; using the particle physics gives us the theoretical value of the CMBR Temp. and the scale factor gives us the experimental value of the CMBR Temp.

PeterDonis said:
I said the scale factor is not observable.
Oh sorry, I misread it I think.
  • #22
Arman777 said:
So you agreed with me that we can calculate the CMBR temperature by using the particle physics etc.

I agreed that we can calculate the temperature of the CMBR when it is emitted (i.e., at the time of recombination) using particle physics. You keep referring to this as "the CMBR temperature", but that's really not precise enough; the CMBR always has a temperature, but it's not always the one it had when it was emitted.

Arman777 said:
we can look at the CMBR and we can see that it has a temperature of 2.75K

It has a temperature of 2.75 K now, yes. Again, you really need to be more precise in your language.

Arman777 said:
by using the Friedmann Equations, we can derive the scale factor

No, we can't. We can, as you did, derive a relationship between the temperature of the CMBR and the scale factor, assuming that dQ = 0. But that relationship is a ratio; it doesn't tell you the actual scale factor now or at any time. It just tells you that, if dQ = 0, then the ratio of the scale factor now to the scale factor when the CMBR was emitted is the inverse of the ratio of the temperature of the CMBR now to the temperature at emission that we calculated from particle physics. But, again, all of this assumes that dQ = 0.

Arman777 said:
these are two different ways of obtaining the temperature of the CMBR.

No, they aren't. You have things backwards. Here's how the actual logic goes:

(1) We measure the temperature of the CMBR now.

(2) We calculate what the temperature of the CMBR was when it was emitted based on the physics of atoms.

(3) We calculate the relationship between the CMBR temperature and the scale factor of the universe, assuming dQ = 0.

(4) We use the relationship in (3) plus the temperatures from (1) and (2) to calculate the ratio between the scale factor of the universe now and the scale factor when the CMBR was emitted. This calculation depends on the assumption dQ = 0, since (3) does.

And that is all we can do. We have no way of actually measuring the scale factor now or the scale factor when the CMBR was emitted, so we have no way of using the above to check the assumption that dQ = 0. Cosmologists routinely quote the above numbers because they believe that the assumption dQ = 0 is extremely unlikely to be wrong, not because they have actually measured the scale factor and checked it.
  • #23
@PeterDonis I see your point. So there's no another way of deriving the CMBR temperature at the last scattering beside the particle physics ?
  • #24
Arman777 said:
there's no another way of deriving the CMBR temperature at the last scattering beside the particle physics ?

  • #25
PeterDonis said:
Hmm okay then, thanks
  • #26
PeterDonis said:
We have no way of actually measuring the scale factor now or the scale factor when the CMBR was emitted,
To be a little bit more precise, the scale factor itself is not a physical quantity at all. The scale factor at anyone time is whatever we choose it to be. Usually it's convenient to define the scale factor today as being equal to 1.

Ratios in scale factors at different times are measurable, however. The scale factor today is measured at roughly 1090 times larger than it was at CMBR emission.

To Arman777:
Yes, the temperature at last scattering is determined by the temperature at which the hydrogen-helium plasma in the early universe cools to a transparent gas. This temperature is estimated by models of this gas which include inputs from both lab experiments and theoretical calculations using quantum electrodynamics.
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  • #27
kimbyd said:
The scale factor today is measured at roughly 1090 times larger than it was at CMBR emission.

Based on the temperature ratio, yes. Strictly speaking, though, this temperature ratio assumes that no other heat source has produced homogeneous black-body radiation since the CMBR was emitted. I agree that is extremely likely to be the case, but it is still, strictly speaking, an assumption that has to be made in order to deduce the scale factor ratio.
  • #28
PeterDonis said:
Based on the temperature ratio, yes. Strictly speaking, though, this temperature ratio assumes that no other heat source has produced homogeneous black-body radiation since the CMBR was emitted. I agree that is extremely likely to be the case, but it is still, strictly speaking, an assumption that has to be made in order to deduce the scale factor ratio.
Assumptions have to be made with any measurement. It's the nature of the beast. The CMBR is on pretty solid footing with regard to that, especially as the detailed nature of the statistics of the hot and cold spots provides such rich, testable information about the nature of our universe (such as the ratio of dark matter to normal matter).

FAQ: The Universe as an isolated system

1. What is an isolated system in the context of the universe?

An isolated system is a theoretical concept in physics that describes a system that is completely isolated from its surroundings and does not exchange matter or energy with the outside world. In the context of the universe, it refers to the idea that the universe as a whole is an isolated system, meaning that it does not interact with anything outside of itself.

2. How is the universe considered an isolated system?

The universe is considered an isolated system because it is believed to be the only existing system in which all matter and energy is contained. It is thought to be self-contained and not influenced by anything outside of itself, making it an isolated system.

3. Can an isolated system exist in reality?

In theory, an isolated system can exist in reality, but it is difficult to create and observe in practice. In order for a system to be truly isolated, it would have to be completely cut off from any external influences, which is nearly impossible to achieve. However, certain systems can be considered isolated for practical purposes, such as a closed ecosystem or a thermally isolated container.

4. What are the implications of the universe being an isolated system?

If the universe is indeed an isolated system, it means that everything within it is governed by the laws of thermodynamics, which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. This has implications for the eventual fate of the universe, as well as the behavior of matter and energy within it.

5. How does the concept of an isolated system relate to the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory, which is the prevailing scientific explanation for the origin and evolution of the universe, suggests that the universe began as a singularity and has been expanding ever since. In this sense, the universe can be seen as an isolated system, as it is believed to be self-contained and not influenced by anything outside of itself. However, this is still a topic of debate and further research is needed to fully understand the nature of the universe as an isolated system.
