The vacuum Einstein equations and flat spacetime

In summary: The second effect comes from the Ricci tensor. The third effect comes from the Ricci scalar.In summary, the vacuum Einstein equation states that in the absence of matter, spacetime can still be curved. This is because the matter nearby creates a field that extends into the space around it, similar to classical fields. In the case of a flat spacetime, the Ricci tensor and energy-momentum tensor may be zero, but this does not necessarily mean the total energy is zero. The curvature of spacetime can also be an intrinsic property without the presence of mass or energy, as seen in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric. However, the effects of spacetime curvature are greatest due to the expansion of the universe, followed
  • #1
Rencently, I found myself confused by some fundamental concepts in GR. I hope someone can help me with that.

We all know the vacuum Einstein equation (VEE) without the cosmological constant \Lambda is Rab=0. Since I learn GR the words " matters bend the spacetime " been told again and again. I know the zero Rici tensor does not mean flat spacetime while the zero Riemann tensor do. So the VEE means spacetime may be still curved without matter. Who curves it?
Until now we have many solutions for the VEE, which one is the real metric if there are really this vacuum state? Is this a paradox? I feel a flat spacetime is better in vacuum so that it is the only one .

Another question. If we are in flat spacetime, e.g. Minkowski spacetime,the Ricci tensor is zero. According to the general Einstein equation the energy momentum tensor should also be zero. Whether that means the total energy must be zero in flat spacetime. What about curved spacetime?

Thanks !
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  • #2
Hi xiaomaclever,

We all know the vacuum Einstein equation (VEE) without the cosmological constant \Lambda is Rab=0. Since I learn GR the words " matters bend the spacetime " been told again and again. I know the zero Rici tensor does not mean flat spacetime while the zero Riemann tensor do. So the VEE means spacetime may be still curved without matter. Who curves it?
The matter nearby curves it. Just think of classical fields. The matter creates a field [itex]g_{\mu\nu}[/itex] which extends into the space around it. This field isn't the same as an electric fileld, but it shares that property.

Another question. If we are in flat spacetime, e.g. Minkowski spacetime,the Ricci tensor is zero. According to the general Einstein equation the energy momentum tensor should also be zero. Whether that means the total energy must be zero in flat spacetime. What about curved spacetime?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'total energy'. Are you using a quantum field analogy ?
  • #3
Do you mean the fields curve the spacetime? I know in QFT the vacuum is not nothing but with the fields which all reside in the ground states, namely no excitations. So this case it will still have vacuum energy which will curve the spacetime. But you should know at the time of GR's generation the QFT was not found. Certainly I don't know what is the vacuum in Einstein's mind. I want to know if there is noting in vacuum,no matter,no fields,Is spacetime curved?
  • #4
Yes, spacetime can be curved in the local absence of matter. Take an isolated spherical star. Inside the star there is matter, and the solution is not the vacuum Schwarzschild solution. Outside the star, there is no matter, and by Birkhoff's theorem, the solution is the vacuum Schwarzschild solution, which is curved.
  • #5
atyy said:
Yes, spacetime can be curved in the local absence of matter. Take an isolated spherical star. Inside the star there is matter, and the solution is not the vacuum Schwarzschild solution. Outside the star, there is no matter, and by Birkhoff's theorem, the solution is the vacuum Schwarzschild solution, which is curved.

you do not explain who curves the spacetime in vacuum, that's my question.
  • #7
atyy said:
Yes, spacetime can be curved in the local absence of matter.

As an analogy, an electric field can exist at a certain point in space even though there is no charge at that point. The field at that point is determined by the field at nearby points according to Laplace's equation.
  • #8
It might help to note that "curved" has two distinct meanings which can be illustrated in 3D by the curvature of part of a cone (which can be locally matched by a flat piece of paper) and the curvature of part of a sphere (which cannot).

Loosely speaking the space-time curvature of the gravitational field outside a mass-energy distribution is like the curvature of part of a cone, and the space-time curvature inside a mass-energy distribution is like the curvature of part of a sphere.
  • #9
xiaomaclever said:
you do not explain who curves the spacetime in vacuum, that's my question.

Curvature can be an intrinsic property of spacetime, it is not necessary to have mass. Think of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker-metric with rho=0 and k=+-1. Also, there is no a priori reason why the background metric of spacetime shouldn't be the Schwarzschild metric. M would then be an arbitrary parameter instead of some Newtonian mass. Of course this does not agree with our observations of an homogeneous universe, but theoretically it's thinkable.
You can also think of it as living on a sphere (of any dimension). It is curved, even if there is no mass on it. Or (anti) de Sitter-spaces.

So what I'm trying to say: Mass does bend spacetime, but that doesn't mean spacetime can't be bent without mass or energy.
  • #10
amanheis raises an interesting case. For the FLRW the first two Ricci components are

R_{00}=-\frac{3\,\partial t\left( \partial t R\left( t\right) \right) }{R\left( t\right) }

R_{11}=-\frac{R\left( t\right) \,\partial t\left( \partial t\left( R\left( t\right) \right) \right) +2\,{\partial t\left( R\left( t\right) \right) }^{2}+2\,k}{k\,{r}^{2}-1}

and the scalar curvature is

R=\frac{6\,\left( R\left( t\right) \,\partial t\left( \partial t\left( R\left( t\right) \right) \right) +{\partial t\left( R\left( t\right) \right) }^{2}+k\right) }{{R\left( t\right) }^{2}}

where k is -1,0 or 1.

Draw your own conclusions. If all the derivatives are zero ( static universe ) then there is still spatial curvature and a non-zero scalar curvature if k is not 0.

The greatest effect comes from the expansion itself.

FAQ: The vacuum Einstein equations and flat spacetime

1. What are the vacuum Einstein equations and how do they relate to flat spacetime?

The vacuum Einstein equations are a set of equations that describe the behavior of spacetime in the absence of matter or energy. They relate to flat spacetime by describing the curvature of spacetime due to the presence of mass and energy, even when no matter is present.

2. What is the significance of flat spacetime in the context of the vacuum Einstein equations?

Flat spacetime is a special case in which the curvature of spacetime is zero. This means that the vacuum Einstein equations reduce to the simpler form of the wave equation, which is easier to solve and understand. Flat spacetime also serves as a useful reference point for understanding the effects of matter and energy on the curvature of spacetime.

3. How are the vacuum Einstein equations derived?

The vacuum Einstein equations are derived from the more general Einstein field equations, which describe the behavior of spacetime in the presence of matter and energy. By setting the energy-momentum tensor to zero, the equations reduce to the vacuum Einstein equations.

4. What are some real-world applications of the vacuum Einstein equations and flat spacetime?

The vacuum Einstein equations and flat spacetime have numerous applications in theoretical physics and astrophysics. They are used to study the behavior of black holes, gravitational waves, and the expansion of the universe. They are also essential in developing theories of quantum gravity and understanding the fundamental nature of spacetime.

5. Are the vacuum Einstein equations and flat spacetime still relevant in modern physics?

Yes, the vacuum Einstein equations and flat spacetime are still highly relevant in modern physics. They are a cornerstone of general relativity, and their predictions have been confirmed by numerous experiments and observations. They also continue to be a subject of active research and are crucial in understanding some of the most elusive phenomena in the universe.
