The Value and Applications of Group Theory in Mathematics

In summary, group theory is a young branch of mathematics that was initially driven by curiosity about the structures it reveals. It has since become a useful tool in solving various problems in different fields such as combinatorics, cryptography, linear algebra, crystallography, and number theory. Some specific applications of groups include solving Diophantine equations, classifying finite Abelian groups, and studying automorphism groups in algebraic geometry. In addition, group theory has also played a role in modern physics, such as the fundamental group of manifolds in string theory. While it does not provide a general formula for solving polynomial equations of any degree, it can tell us whether a solution is possible or not. As an undergraduate math student, you may
  • #36
Anyway, I am sorry to have derailed the thread. My comment was more about the fact that finite groups can be viewed as special cases of other classes of groups. They are topologycal groups, Lie groups, Algebraic groups, Affine algebraic groups and so on.
Physics news on
  • #37
universe function said:
How does Galois theory solve polynomial equations of fifth degree or over?Or does it solve mutivariable polynomials?Like in algebraic geometry?
I believe if the Galois group associated with the polynomial itself is solvable then there is a solution by radicals for the polynomial.
  • #38
@martinbn: I am not sure what you mean by PSL, since you do not give the field. If you read the wikipedia link in my post you will see someone explicitly say that a certain case of PSL is isomorphic to a linear (matrix) group, via the adjoint representation.

Forgive me if i have misunderstood the issue, but to me if one distinguishes a matrix group, namely a subgroup of some GL(n), from a "linear group", namely one isomorphic to a matrix group, then as has been shown, ebvery finite group is linear in that sense. hence every PSL grouop over a finite field is linear, i.e. is isomorphic to a matrix group.

pardon me, best wishes.
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  • #39
mathwonk said:
@martinbn: I am not sure what you mean by PSL, since you do not give the field. If you read the wikipedia link in my post you will see someone explicitly say that a certain case of PSL is isomorphic to a linear (matrix) group, via the adjoint representation.

Forgive me if i have misunderstood the issue, but to me if one distinguishes a matrix group, namely a subgroup of some GL(n), from a "linear group", namely one isomorphic to a matrix group, then as has been shown, ebvery finite group is linear in that sense. hence every PSL grouop over a finite field is linear, i.e. is isomorphic to a matrix group.

pardon me, best wishes.
I meant it as an algebraic group over any field. The point I was trying to make was that by definition it isn't a subgroup of the general linear group. But I have never seen anyone say something like "PSL is not a linear group, it is isomorphic ot one." In fact the usual definition of a linear algebraic group is a group which is an affine variety. Then the theorem: they are linear.
  • #40
universe function said:
How can 1+...+1=0?it can't based on what we define as 1and 0.Could you tell me some examples of applications in number theory and if there are any applications of groups in string theory? I thought I read somewhere something related.I have not read till now about string theory except of some general things.
If '1' represents a 90-degree rotation and addition is defined as a sequence of rotations, then 1+1+1+1 = 0 because it gets you back to the original position. Abstract algebra and group theory applies to physical things and more than the number systems that are commonly used.
  • #41
FactChecker said:
If '1' represents a 90-degree rotation and addition is defined as a sequence of rotations, then 1+1+1+1 = 0 because it gets you back to the original position. Abstract algebra and group theory applies to physical things and more than the number systems that are commonly used.
Thank you for the information about those fields of math that you gave me. What percentage of the results of those fields apply to physical things until today, do you know?
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  • #42
martinbn said:
But I have never seen anyone say something like "PSL is not a linear group, it is isomorphic ot one."
Of course it is one. My only intention was to say, that those (linear algebraic, or projective) groups are usually infinite, and only of finite dimension, not of finite order. Of course there are some of finite order if the field is finite. But common meaning of the term finite groups are Galois groups rather than linear groups. The ordinary linear group is infinite, the finite ones are exceptions nobody really cares about, except in exams. The first line when it comes to linear groups is often: let us assume a field of characteristic not equal two. You never would assume such a thing when the topic is finite groups.

I got the impression that you confused dimension and order, or that at least readers might have gotten this impression.
  • #43
universe function said:
Thank you for the information about those fields of math that you gave me. What percentage of the results of those fields apply to physical things until today, do you know?
A great deal of mathematics has been motivated in one way or another by the physical world. I would not be surprised if virtually all of group theory (and abstract algebra, in general) has applications in physics, chemistry, etc. For example, the regular pattern of crystal structures is rich with applications.
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