The vector space of linear transformations

In summary, every linear map between two finite-dimensional vector spaces can be represented as a matrix between the associated euclidean spaces. This is called the matrix representation of the linear map and is a standard topic in most linear algebra textbooks. The transformation itself does not change, but the matrix representation can vary depending on the choice of basis for the vector spaces. This connection between linear transformations and transformation matrices exists for linear mappings to and from arbitrary vector spaces, as any arbitrary vector space can be reduced to ##\mathbb{R}^n##.
  • #1
Consider the operation of multiplying a vector in [itex]ℝ^{n}[/itex] by an [itex]m \times n [/itex] matrix A. This can be viewed as a linear transformation from [itex]ℝ^{n}[/itex] to [itex]ℝ^{m}[/itex]. Since matrices under matrix addition and multiplication by a scalar form a vector space, we can define a "vector space of linear transformations" from [itex]ℝ^{n}[/itex] to [itex]ℝ^{m}[/itex].

My question is whether this connection between linear transformations and transformation matrices exists for linear mappings to and from arbitrary vector spaces. So given some general n-dimensional vector space U and m-dimensional vector space W, can every linear mapping from U to W be viewed as multiplication by a [itex]m \times n [/itex] transformation matrix ?

Or is there a linear transformation which cannot be viewed as multiplication by a transformation matrix?

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  • #2
Yes, because you can always reduce your general situation down to ##\mathbb{R}^n##.

Given a general n-dimensional vector space U, you can choose a basis ##\{ \hat e_1, \hat e_2, \ldots, \hat e_n \}## (and without loss of generality you can let it be orthogonal, for convenience). Now consider the map $$\phi: U \to \mathbb{R}^n, u_1 \hat e_1 + \cdots + u_n \hat e_n \mapsto ( u_1, \ldots, u_n)$$.
  • #3
What is [itex] \{ u_{1},u_{2}...,u_{n} \} [/itex] ?
And once you've reduced to [itex]ℝ^{n}[/itex] and [itex]ℝ^{m}[/itex], is it necessarily the case that the linear transformation can be viewed as multiplication by a transformation matrix? Would we need to establish an isomorphism between them?BiP
  • #4
Every linear map between two finite dimensional vector spaces can be represented as a matrix between the associated euclidean spaces. This is called the matrix representation of the linear map and is a standard topic in most linear algebra textbooks. See, for example, chapter 5 of Lang "Linear Algebra".
  • #5
Bipolarity said:
What is [itex] \{ u_{1},u_{2}...,u_{n} \} [/itex] ?
They are the components of the vector in U. In the definition of the function I wrote an arbitrary element of U as ##u_1 \hat e_1 + u_2 \hat e_2 + \cdots + u_n \hat e_n## which I can do because ##\{ \hat e_i \mid i = 1, \ldots, n \}## is a basis.

WannabeNewton said:
Every linear map between two finite dimensional vector spaces can be represented as a matrix between the associated euclidean spaces.

To give you an idea: choose a basis ##\{ \hat e_1, \hat e_2, \ldots, \hat e_n \}## on ##\mathbb{R}^n## and ##\{ \hat f_1, \hat f_2, \ldots, \hat f_m \}## on ##\mathbb{R}^m##. Let ##T : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m## be a linear transformation. Then you can write
$$T \hat e_i = a_{i,1} \hat f_1 + \cdots + a_{i,m} \hat f_m = \sum_{j = 1}^m a_{ij} \hat f_j$$
The coefficients ##a_{ij}## form entries of an ##n \times m## matrix ##A##. It is straightforward to check that multiplying ##A## with a vector which contains a 1 in position i and 0 in all others (e.g. (0, 0, ..., 0, 1, 0, 0, ...)) gives you the correct coefficients, so that A is the matrix representation of T.
Note that I make a distinction between the linear map T itself and the matrix A. Of course, you are free to choose another basis on ##\mathbb{R}^n## and/or ##\mathbb{R}^m##, which will change the numbers in the matrix. The transformation T doesn't change though - this can be confusing at first! :)

Now if ##S: U \to V## is another transformation you can let ##\phi: U \to \mathbb{R}^n## be as I described earlier, mapping an element of U into a vector in ##\mathbb{R}^n## by picking out the components relative to some arbitrary basis. Let ##\psi: V \to \mathbb{R}^m## be a similar map for V. Now you can show that ##\phi## and ##\psi## are bijections and therefore for any u in U, you can write S(u) as ## \psi^{-1} A \phi u## for some suitable matrix A, which just represents a linear transformation ##\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m##.

If you don't follow the above paragraph, just think of it this way: if U is an n-dimensional vector space, you can see it as just ##\mathbb{R}^n## looking slightly different. So any map between U and an m-dimensional space V is secretly just a map from ##\mathbb{R}^n## to #\mathbb{R}^m##.

(PS: Note that things do get trickier if the spaces are no longer finite-dimensional.)

FAQ: The vector space of linear transformations

1. What is a vector space of linear transformations?

A vector space of linear transformations is a collection of all possible linear transformations that can be performed on a given set of vectors. It is a fundamental concept in linear algebra and is used to describe the behavior of linear functions in a geometric or algebraic sense.

2. How is a vector space of linear transformations different from a regular vector space?

A regular vector space deals with the properties of individual vectors, while a vector space of linear transformations deals with the properties of the transformations themselves. In other words, a regular vector space focuses on the objects being transformed, while a vector space of linear transformations focuses on the transformations themselves.

3. What are some examples of linear transformations?

Some examples of linear transformations include rotation, scaling, shearing, and reflection. These transformations are often used in computer graphics and computer vision to manipulate images and objects.

4. How is linearity important in a vector space of linear transformations?

Linearity is a fundamental property of a vector space of linear transformations. It means that the transformation preserves the properties of a vector space, such as addition and scalar multiplication. This property allows us to perform operations on the vectors and still obtain meaningful results.

5. What are the applications of a vector space of linear transformations?

A vector space of linear transformations has numerous applications in various fields, such as physics, engineering, and computer science. It is used to model and analyze linear systems, such as circuits and mechanical systems, and to solve optimization problems. It also plays a crucial role in machine learning and data analysis.
