The Weight of Black Holes: Physics Behind Tiny Masses with Giant Implications

In summary: If so,what is the nature of this rotation?The space inside a black hole is always in a state of rotation, according to Stephen Hawking's theory. Although the nature of this rotation is still unknown, it is likely that it is similar to the rotation of the Earth around the sun. In summary, Stephen Hawking's new theory states that there is no loss of information from black holes in our Universe, as long as there are enough alternative Universes.
  • #1
What makes black hole so heavy even it's tiny in size? :eek:
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Well, It is a star at least 10 times the Sun's mass that has collapsed in on itself, and with such high densities it has a huge (infinite) gravitational pull towards the singularity, or center of a black hole. All the stuff pulled into a black hole will innevitably be crushed into the infinately dense singularity.

Answer your question?
  • #3
All the "stuff" including light.
Hence the color, "black" :biggrin:
  • #4
Welcome to Physics Forums, anarchy.spirit

Active stars have a balancing act where the inward pressure of all their mass is counterbalanced by the outward pressure of the fusion reaction in the star's core. When the star dies and the fusion reaction in the core stops, the star's matter crunches inward under its own weight/gravity. The end result depends on how much matter there is being crushed down. A star like our sun will compact down to an object called a white dwarf which will be about the size of the planet Earth. Larger stars crush down to something even smaller...a city-sized object called a neutron star. Even larger stars crush down to a point thereby creating a black hole. So, it's small, but it's made from a lot of mass.
  • #5
Phobos is describing a heirarchy of degenerate matter in star collapse. When the mechanism supplying a star's outward pressure fails, the star will collapse. Depending on the mass of the remains of the star, it may end up as a white dwarf (in which the Pauli Exclusion principle prevents atoms from being compressed beyond a certain point because the electrons resist being forced together) or as a neutron star (in which the electrons and protons have been forced to combine to produce neutrons, but the neutrons again obey the Pauli Exclusion principle and resist further densification). Then, there are the more extreme mass star remnants - these are expected to form black holes hidden behind event horizons which hide their properties from our universe.
  • #6
Phobos said:
A star like our sun will compact down to an object called a white dwarf which will be about the size of the planet Earth.

isnt our sun is expected to become a red giant?
  • #7
DB said:
isnt our sun is expected to become a red giant?
A white dwarf is what's left when a red giant runs out of fuel for fusion and blows away its outer layers, leaving the core behind. See red giants and white dwarfs.
  • #8
Hence the color, "black" :biggrin:[/QUOTE]
Do you mean that the black hole is perfectly black?
  • #9
kiru said:
Do you mean that the black hole is perfectly black?
Blackholes can't be seen directly, because light cannot escape them. They are detected from the X-rays that the accretion disks they form. When material falls into a black hole from a companion star, it gets heated to millions of degrees Kelvin and accelerated. The superheated materials emit X-rays, which can be detected by X-ray telescopes such as the orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory. The star Cygnus X-1 is a strong X-ray source and is considered to be a good candidate for a black hole. Stellar winds from the companion star, blow material onto the accretion disk surrounding the black hole. As this material falls into the black hole, it emits X-rays.
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  • #10
The end result depends on how much matter there is being crushed down. ]
If so,how the informations in the balack hole can be retraced?I recently heared that "Stephen Hawkings" accepted that there is a non zero poosibility for getting back the information that is absorbed by the black hole due to its gravity.
  • #11
Stephen Hawking has stuck to his guns regarding the ultimate loss of information from black holes in our Universe.
However, his new theory uses the many worlds/sum over histories hypothosis and states that there are sufficient (ie:- a majority of) alternative Universes, where the prevailing physics prevents the formation of black holes and hence any loss of information.
Locally, individual Universes may lose information, but these comprise a minority of the total number of possible Universes. Therefore, overall there is no loss of information.
  • #12
is the space in a black hole constant or does it undergo any revolution or rotation?

FAQ: The Weight of Black Holes: Physics Behind Tiny Masses with Giant Implications

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space with such a strong gravitational pull that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star dies and its core collapses under its own weight.

2. How is the weight of a black hole measured?

The weight of a black hole is measured using its event horizon, which is the point of no return for anything that enters the black hole. The size of the event horizon is directly related to the mass of the black hole, so by measuring the size, we can determine the weight.

3. What is the physics behind the weight of black holes?

The weight of black holes is determined by the amount of mass that is contained within their event horizon. As more matter gets pulled into the black hole, its weight increases. The gravity of a black hole is so strong because all of its mass is concentrated into a single point, known as the singularity.

4. What are the implications of the weight of black holes?

The weight of black holes has significant implications in astrophysics and our understanding of the universe. It helps us understand the evolution of galaxies, the formation of stars, and the behavior of matter in extreme conditions. It also plays a crucial role in the study of gravity and the search for a unified theory of physics.

5. Can the weight of black holes change?

Yes, the weight of black holes can change over time. As they continue to consume matter, their weight increases. However, the rate at which they gain weight slows down over time. Black holes can also lose weight through a process called Hawking radiation, where they emit small amounts of energy over time.

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