The work energy theorem in polar coordinates

In summary, the problem involves a mass m moving in a circular motion on a frictionless table, held by a string passing through a hole in the table. The string is slowly pulled, changing the radius of the circle from l1 to l2. The goal is to show that the work done in pulling the string is equal to the increase in kinetic energy of the mass. The solution involves evaluating the work done using the given integral equations and then using the conservation of angular momentum to arrive at the desired result. However, there may be an issue with a missing factor and the applicability of Newton's laws in this scenario.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Mass m whirls on a frictionless table, held to circular motion by a string which passes through a hole in the table. The string is slowly pulled through the hole so that the radius of the circle changes from l1 to l2. Show that the work done in pulling the string equals the increase in kinetic energy of the mass.

Homework Equations

[tex]\int \boldsymbol{F}\cdot d\boldsymbol{r}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm sorry that I don't have much to say about the solution. I want a hint because I have tried so hard. The work can anyway be evaluated to
[tex]\int \boldsymbol{F}\cdot d\boldsymbol{r}=\int_{l_1}^{l_2}m(r\omega^{2}+ \ddot{r} )dr=m\int_{l_1}^{l_2}r\omega^{2}+m\int_{l_1}^{l_2}\ddot{r}dr[/tex]

The second term is easily evaluated using the substition dr=dr/dt*dt this is because you can derivate
Now you know that the result of the first term should be
I try to make a similar approach as with the second term and therefore evaluate
[tex]\frac{d}{dt}(m\frac{r^2\omega^{2}}{2})=mr\omega( \frac{dr}{dt} \omega+\frac{d\omega}{dt}r)[/tex]
The result is two terms, so how can I find a variable substitution? Now it is easy to find a solution once you know that
[tex]\omega=\omega_0 \sqrt{\frac{r_0}{r}}[/tex]
This might be found by setting up a force diagram and finding a differential equation. But there are two problems here. First we don't know anything about the force (except that it is weak) and secondly the result will be in time t not in position r. So therefore my pessimism is still.
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  • #2
I'm sorry that I don't have much to say about the solution. I want a hint because I have tried so hard. The work can anyway be evaluated to
[tex]\int \boldsymbol{F}\cdot d\boldsymbol{r}=\int_{l_1}^{l_2}m(r\omega^{2}+ \ddot{r} )dr=m\int_{l_1}^{l_2}r\omega^{2}+m\int_{l_1}^{l_2}\ddot{r}dr[/tex]
The second term is easily evaluated using the substition dr=dr/dt*dt this is because you can derivate

Actually, the second term can be taken as 0. The string is slowly being pulled in, so acceleration in r is negligible.

The result is two terms, so how can I find a variable substitution? Now it is easy to find a solution once you know that
[tex]\omega=\omega_0 \sqrt{\frac{r_0}{r}}[/tex]

Try the conservation of angular momentum.
  • #3
ideasrule said:
Try the conservation of angular momentum.

Ok, I use the differential [tex]m(r + dr)(\omega + d \omega )^{2} - mr\omega^{2}=0[/tex] to arrive at the differential equation [tex]2 \frac{d \omega}{\omega}=-\frac{dr}{r}[/tex] which gives the desired result.

Now I can integrate [tex]m \int_{l_{1}}^{l_{2}} r \omega^{2}_{0}\frac{r_{0}}{r}dr=m \omega^{2}_{0}r_{0}(l_{2}-l_{1})=m(l_{2}^2\omega^{2}_{2}-l_{1}^2\omega^{2}_{1})=m(v_{\theta}^2(l_{2})-v_{\theta}^2(l_{1}))[/tex]
One problem here is that a factor 1/2 is missing.

But another problem is that the problem is in the chapter of Newtons laws, before angular momentum is discussed (that is why I don't know about it). Is there no way to solve this problem using Newtons laws?!

FAQ: The work energy theorem in polar coordinates

What is the work energy theorem in polar coordinates?

The work energy theorem in polar coordinates is a mathematical principle that relates the work done on an object to its change in kinetic energy. It is a fundamental concept in physics and is used to analyze the motion of objects in polar coordinate systems.

How does the work energy theorem differ in polar coordinates compared to Cartesian coordinates?

In polar coordinates, the work energy theorem takes into account the direction of motion of an object, which is not considered in Cartesian coordinates. This is because polar coordinates use a radial and angular coordinate system, while Cartesian coordinates use a horizontal and vertical coordinate system.

What is the equation for the work energy theorem in polar coordinates?

The equation for the work energy theorem in polar coordinates is W = ∫F(r) * dr, where W is the work done, F(r) is the force acting on the object at a distance r from the origin, and dr is the displacement in the radial direction. This equation can also be written as W = ∫F(r) * v(r) * dt, where v(r) is the velocity of the object at distance r and dt is the change in time.

Can the work energy theorem be applied to all types of motion in polar coordinates?

Yes, the work energy theorem can be applied to any type of motion in polar coordinates, including circular motion, rotational motion, and oscillatory motion. As long as the force acting on the object can be expressed in terms of radial and angular components, the work energy theorem can be used to analyze the motion.

What are some real-world applications of the work energy theorem in polar coordinates?

The work energy theorem in polar coordinates is used in many real-world applications, such as analyzing the motion of celestial bodies in astronomy, designing roller coasters in engineering, and understanding the motion of particles in nuclear physics. It is also used in sports, such as analyzing the trajectory of a thrown ball in baseball or the path of a figure skater's spin.

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