The Work of Researching Super-molecule Chemical Physics

In summary, the work of researching super-molecule chemical physics began on 3 October, 1998 with the issuance of the first paper on the topic. It was completed on 16 December, 1999 when the final papers were sent to various organizations and embassies, and was published in Chinese and English in 2000 and 2001 respectively. The theoretical basis of super-molecule chemical physics is the theory of matter weak-field, which is a unified field that encompasses all other known forces and interactions. This theory was put forward by the author and is the cornerstone of the new discipline of super-molecule chemical physics.
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The Work of Researching Super-molecule Chemical Physics

Li Wenli

January, 2005



Part One Generation and Publication of Super-molecule Chemical Physics
Chapter One Generation of Super-molecule Chemical Physics
Chapter Two Completion of Super-molecule Chemical Physics
Chapter Three Publication of Super-molecule Chemical Physics

Part Two Theoretical Basis of Super-molecule Chemical Physics
Chapter One Theory of Matter Weak-Field and Super-molecule Chemical Physics
Chapter Two Thinking Method and Experimental Verification of Theory of Matter Weak-Field and Super-molecule Chemical Physics

Part Three Condition of Work of Researching Super-molecule Chemical Physics
Chapter One General Description of Super-molecule Chemical Physics
Chapter Two Static Structure (Li's Structure)
Chapter Three Revolving Structure (Li's 2nd Structure)
Chapter Four Demonstration of Static Structure and Revolving Structure
Chapter Five Application Examples of Theory of Super-molecule Chemical Physics, Static
Structure and Revolving Structure
Chapter Six Present Condition and Next Step of Work of Researching Super-molecule
Chemical Physics

Part Four My Status and Intellect Property Right Status of My Works
Chapter One My Status
Chapter Two Intellect Property Right of My Works
Concluding Remarks


Do you respectively know what Einstein's and Newton's greatest wish in science all their lives is?

Many people know that Einstein's greatest wish in science all his life is the unified field. But Newton's is not known by many people. Newton put forward that the universal gravitation originally had two aspects of meanings. One was matter generated gravitation due to its quality, which was widely known and solved the problems of stars motion law. The other was universal force, that was common problems could be solved by universal force, such as chemical, thermodynamics and hydrodynamics problems, etc.. Newton thought that a kind of general force was the cause of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics dynamics, hydrodynamics dynamics, etc.. This idea of Newton was not realized at that time. And the development of chemistry, thermodynamics and hydrodynamics afterwards is also apart from Newton's thought.

Can Einstein's wish be realized? Can Newton's wish be realized? Can Einstein's and Newton's wishes be realized together? That is to ask if Einstein and Newton thought the same thing. The answer is positive. That is what I, the author, have found of the matter weak-field, founded the theory of matter weak-field and established super-molecule chemical physics. The theory of matter weak-field accomplishes Einstein's wish of unified field, and the unified field is just the matter weak-field. Both the amendment of the theory of matter weak-field for thermodynamics and the foundation of the new subject of super-molecule chemical physics realize Newton's wish. I introduce the commonly applied force (matter weak-field force), as the radical force, to the thermodynamics, chemistry and hydrodynamics.

This article just introduces the generation, theory basis, present condition of the researching, some relevant issues and next step of the work of the super-molecule chemical physics.

Key words of this article: super-molecule chemical physics, theory of matter weak-field, static structure, revolving structure.

PART ONE Generation and Publication of Super-molecule Chemical Physics

Chapter One Generation of Super-molecule Chemical Physics

On 3 October, 1998, I issued in Beijing, China:" Super-molecule chemical physics: with similar chemical equations and super-molecule similar to molecular structure, I describe and annotate calorifics, thermodynamics, non-linear and extensive natural phenomena from point view of structural formation and transformation. This is new discipline that I created, its foundation is the structure of a system, including the structure of equilibrium, non-equilibrium, dynamic structure, the static structure and the ramification, structure, latent structure and micro-structure, etc.." This is the content of I Issue (5th) which was mailed to some units on 3 October, 1998, such as American Broadcast Company (ABC), USA Embassy in China, British Broadcast Company (BBC), British Embassy in China, United Nations (UN) Labor Organization, etc., marking the generation of the super-molecule chemical physics. That is to say the super-molecule chemical physics was generated on 3 October, 1998.

Chapter Two Completion of Super-molecule Chemical Physics

On 16 December, 1999, the papers as regards "Super-molecule Chemical Physics" were sent to the Foundation Department of the China State Science Committee, USA Embassy in China, British Embassy in China, French Embassy in China, and Russia Embassy in China, and issued corresponding messages, i.e. I Issue (10th). The messages were mailed to Chinese related departments, foreign embassies in China and U.N. organizations, etc.. This marked the completion of the super-molecule chemical physics.

Chapter Three Publication of Super-molecule Chemical Physics

On March 13, 2000, the paper regarding the super-molecule chemical physics was typed in Chinese by Miss Zhan Zili, who was the person in charge of some department of the Northeast University. On April 21, 2000, the Chinese paper regarding the super-molecule chemical physics was finished typing. And in June, 2000, Dr. Lee Tiejun of Peking University helped me publish the paper regarding the super-molecule chemical physics on the website of ChinaRen. After the Chinese paper regarding the super-molecule chemical physics was finished typing, from April to June of 2000, I also mailed or gave in person the print article or disk loaded with the article to the British Embassy in China, French Embassy in China, China State Science Committee, ABC, BBC, etc..

In September, 2001, the Chinese version of the "Sequel of the Unification of Physics" was published by the China Ocean Press, the first part of which is regarding super-molecule chemical physics. Before this, the English version of the "Sequel of the Unification of Physics" was published by the Hong Kong Tranfor Publishing Co., Limited in August, 2001, the first part of which was regarding super-molecule chemical physics.
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PART TWO Theoretical Basis of Super-molecule Chemical Physics

Chapter One Theory of Matter Weak-Field and Super-molecule Chemical Physics

The theory of matter weak-field is the theoretical basis of super-molecule chemical physics. The theory of matter weak-field is a new theory that explains the nature of matter and its interaction. It is based on the concept of the matter weak-field, which is a unified field that encompasses all other known forces, including gravity, electromagnetism, and the nuclear forces. The matter weak-field is responsible for the structure and dynamics of matter, and it is the fundamental force that governs the behavior of all particles, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest structures in the universe.

The theory of matter weak-field was first proposed by Li Wenli in 1998. It is a modification of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes the effects of gravity on the structure of space and time. According to the theory of matter weak-field, the matter weak-field is a field that permeates all of space and interacts with matter to produce the effects of gravity. This field is responsible for the formation and transformation of matter, and it governs the behavior of particles in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium states.

Super-molecule chemical physics is a new discipline that was founded by Li Wenli based on the theory of matter weak-field. It explores the structure and dynamics of matter at the super-molecular level, which is between the molecular and macroscopic levels. Super-molecule chemical physics explains the behavior of matter in terms of the static structure and revolving structure of particles, which are the building blocks of matter. It also describes the formation and transformation of matter through the interactions of the matter weak-field with matter particles.

Chapter Two Thinking Method and Experimental Verification of Theory of Matter Weak-Field and Super-molecule Chemical Physics

The thinking method of the theory of matter weak-field and super-molecule chemical physics is based on the concept of structure. It considers the structure of matter to be the fundamental aspect that governs its behavior, rather than the individual particles themselves. This approach allows for a deeper understanding of the nature of matter and its interactions.

The experimental verification of the theory of matter weak-field and super-molecule chemical physics is ongoing. Many of the predictions made by the theory have been confirmed by experiments, such as the existence of the matter weak-field and its effects on the behavior of particles. However, further experiments and research are needed to
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PART TWO Theoretical Basis of Super-molecule Chemical Physics

Chapter One Theory of Matter Weak-Field and Super-molecule Chemical Physics

Theory of matter weak-field is the theoretical basis of super-molecule chemical physics. The theory of matter weak-field is the foundation of the unification of physics. It explains the generation of all fields including the gravitational field. It also explains the generation of all forces including the gravitational force. The theory of matter weak-field is the common basis of all fields and all forces. The theory of matter weak-field includes gravitational theory, electromagnetic theory, nuclear theory, and so on. It also includes the static structure theory, revolving structure theory, and so on. The theory of matter weak-field is the theory of all fields and all forces, and it is also the theory of all structures.

Super-molecule chemical physics is the application of the theory of matter weak-field to chemical physics. It explains the structure of matter in chemical reactions and thermal phenomena. It also explains the transformation of matter in chemical reactions and thermal phenomena. Super-molecule chemical physics is a new subject that unifies chemistry, thermodynamics, and other related disciplines. It provides a new perspective and approach to understanding and studying chemical reactions and thermal phenomena.

Chapter Two Thinking Method and Experimental Verification of Theory of Matter Weak-Field and Super-molecule Chemical Physics

The thinking method of the theory of matter weak-field and super-molecule chemical physics is based on the concept of structure. It views matter as a system with different levels of structure, including equilibrium structure, non-equilibrium structure, dynamic structure, static structure, and so on. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of chemical reactions and thermal phenomena from a structural perspective.

Experimental verification of the theory of matter weak-field and super-molecule chemical physics can be conducted through various methods, such as chemical experiments, thermal experiments, and theoretical calculations. By studying the structural changes in matter during chemical reactions and thermal phenomena, the theory of matter weak-field and super-molecule chemical physics can be validated. Additionally, the application of this theory to various chemical and thermal systems can provide further evidence for its validity.

PART THREE Condition of Work of Researching Super-molecule Chemical Physics

Chapter One General Description of Super-molecule Chemical Physics

Super-molecule chemical physics is a relatively new subject, and its development is still in its early stages. Therefore, the general condition of the work of researching super-molecule chemical physics is still in a preliminary

FAQ: The Work of Researching Super-molecule Chemical Physics

1. What is super-molecule chemical physics?

Super-molecule chemical physics is a branch of chemistry that focuses on the study of large molecules, also known as super-molecules, and their chemical and physical properties. These molecules typically contain hundreds to thousands of atoms and can exhibit unique properties that are not seen in smaller molecules.

2. Why is researching super-molecule chemical physics important?

Studying super-molecule chemical physics is crucial for understanding complex chemical systems and developing new materials with unique properties. It can also provide insights into biological processes and aid in the design of new drugs and treatments.

3. What techniques are used in researching super-molecule chemical physics?

Some common techniques used in researching super-molecule chemical physics include computational modeling, spectroscopy, and microscopy. These techniques allow scientists to study the structure, properties, and behavior of super-molecules at the atomic level.

4. How is super-molecule chemical physics related to other fields of science?

Super-molecule chemical physics is an interdisciplinary field that draws from chemistry, physics, biology, and materials science. It is closely related to other fields such as nanotechnology, biochemistry, and materials engineering.

5. What are some current research topics in super-molecule chemical physics?

Current research topics in super-molecule chemical physics include studying the properties of new super-molecules, developing advanced materials for energy storage and conversion, and investigating the role of super-molecules in biological processes. Other areas of research include developing new techniques for studying and manipulating super-molecules, and exploring the potential applications of super-molecules in various industries.

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