Theorem 3.1.4 - Berrick and Keating - Noetherian Rings and Modules

In summary, the conversation is about a reader seeking help with understanding the proof of Theorem 3.1.4 in the book "An Introduction to Rings and Modules with K-theory in View" by A.J. Berrick and M.E. Keating. The proof involves using Lemma 2.5.7, Proposition 3.1.2, and Corollary 3.1.3, and relies on the fact that a free right module of finite rank over a right Noetherian ring must be Noetherian. The conversation ends with the reader thanking the person, identified as Steenis, for providing a helpful explanation of the proof.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading the book "An Introduction to Rings and Modules with K-theory in View" by A.J. Berrick and M.E. Keating ... ...

I am currently focused on Chapter 3; Noetherian Rings and Polynomial Rings.

I need help with the proof of Theorem 3.1.4.

A brief explanation of the proof precedes the statement of Theorem 3.1.4 In Berrick and Keating and reads as follows (page 110):
I do not follow the authors brief explanation of the proof ... which is given in a few lines above the statement of the Theorem ... ...

Can someone please give a more explicit, clear and easy to follow explanation?

Hope someone can help as at present the explanation of B&K means little to me ...

***EDIT 1***

The explanation of the proof refers to Lemma 2.5.7 whch reads as follows:View attachment 4879***EDIT 2***

The explanation of the proof also refers to "the last two results" ... ... that is Proposition 3.1.2 and Corollary 3.1.3 ... these two results read as follows ... ... View attachment 4880
View attachment 4881View attachment 4882
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  • #2
Proof of Theorem 3.1.4 in “Berrick - An Introduction to Rings and Modules; With K-theory in View (2000)”. In the proof, we use Lemma 2.5.7, Prop. 3.1.2, and Corol. 3.1.3:
Lemma 2.5.7, p.92
$M$ is a fingen (finitely generated) R-module with n generators if and only if there is a surjective homomorphism from $R^{(n)}$ to $M$.

(((Note that $R^{(n)}$ is the direct sum, where $R^n$ is the direct product of $n$ copies of $R$.)))

Prop. 3.1.2, p.109/110

$0 \longrightarrow M’ \longrightarrow^ \alpha M \longrightarrow^ \beta M” \longrightarrow 0$

be a SES of right $R$-modules $M’$, $M$, and $M”$.
Then $M$ is noetherian if and only if both $M’$ and $M”$ are noetherian.

Corol. 3.1.3, p.110
A free right module of finite rank over a right noetherian ring must be noetherian.
So if $R$ is a right noetherian ring (this means that $R$ is noetherian as a right $R$-module) then for each integer $n \geq 1$, the free right $R$-module $R^{(n)}$ must be noetherian.

Theorem 3.1.4, p.110:
Suppose that $R$ is a right noetherian ring and that $M$ is a fingen right R-module. Then $M$ is noetherian.
Given: $R$ is a right Noetherian ring and $M$ is a fingen right R-module.
By lemma 2.5.7 there is an integer $n \geq 1$ such that $M$ is the homomorphic image of $R^{(n)}$. Let $p: R^{(n)} \longrightarrow M$ be this homomorphism and $p$ is surjective. This means that

$0 \longrightarrow ker(p) \longrightarrow^i R^{(n)} \longrightarrow^p M \longrightarrow 0$

is a SES
By Corol. 3.1.3 $R^{(n)}$ is noetherian, and $M$ is noetherian by Prop. 3.1.2.
  • #3
steenis said:
Proof of Theorem 3.1.4 in “Berrick - An Introduction to Rings and Modules; With K-theory in View (2000)”. In the proof, we use Lemma 2.5.7, Prop. 3.1.2, and Corol. 3.1.3:
Lemma 2.5.7, p.92
$M$ is a fingen (finitely generated) R-module with n generators if and only if there is a surjective homomorphism from $R^{(n)}$ to $M$.

(((Note that $R^{(n)}$ is the direct sum, where $R^n$ is the direct product of $n$ copies of $R$.)))

Prop. 3.1.2, p.109/110

$0 \longrightarrow M’ \longrightarrow^ \alpha M \longrightarrow^ \beta M” \longrightarrow 0$

be a SES of right $R$-modules $M’$, $M$, and $M”$.
Then $M$ is noetherian if and only if both $M’$ and $M”$ are noetherian.

Corol. 3.1.3, p.110
A free right module of finite rank over a right noetherian ring must be noetherian.
So if $R$ is a right noetherian ring (this means that $R$ is noetherian as a right $R$-module) then for each integer $n \geq 1$, the free right $R$-module $R^{(n)}$ must be noetherian.

Theorem 3.1.4, p.110:
Suppose that $R$ is a right noetherian ring and that $M$ is a fingen right R-module. Then $M$ is noetherian.
Given: $R$ is a right Noetherian ring and $M$ is a fingen right R-module.
By lemma 2.5.7 there is an integer $n \geq 1$ such that $M$ is the homomorphic image of $R^{(n)}$. Let $p: R^{(n)} \longrightarrow M$ be this homomorphism and $p$ is surjective. This means that

$0 \longrightarrow ker(p) \longrightarrow^i R^{(n)} \longrightarrow^p M \longrightarrow 0$

is a SES
By Corol. 3.1.3 $R^{(n)}$ is noetherian, and $M$ is noetherian by Prop. 3.1.2.

Many thanks Steenis ...

Working through your proof now ...


Related to Theorem 3.1.4 - Berrick and Keating - Noetherian Rings and Modules

What is Theorem 3.1.4 in Berrick and Keating's book "Noetherian Rings and Modules"?

Theorem 3.1.4 in Berrick and Keating's book "Noetherian Rings and Modules" states that if R is a Noetherian ring and M is a finitely generated R-module, then every submodule and every factor module of M is also Noetherian. This means that the descending chain condition holds for submodules and factor modules of a finitely generated module over a Noetherian ring.

What is a Noetherian ring?

A Noetherian ring is a commutative ring in which every ascending chain of ideals eventually stabilizes. In other words, there are no infinite ascending chains of ideals in a Noetherian ring. This property is named after mathematician Emmy Noether, who proved its significance in the study of commutative rings.

What is a finitely generated R-module?

A finitely generated R-module is a module M over a ring R that can be generated by a finite number of elements. This means that every element in M can be written as a linear combination of a finite set of elements in M, with coefficients from R. In other words, there exists a finite set of elements that can "span" or "generate" the entire module M.

Why is Theorem 3.1.4 important?

Theorem 3.1.4 is important because it provides a useful property of Noetherian rings and their finitely generated modules. It allows us to study the structure of these modules by looking at their submodules and factor modules, which are also Noetherian. This can aid in proving other theorems and results in the study of Noetherian rings and modules.

Are there any other versions of Theorem 3.1.4?

Yes, there are several variations of Theorem 3.1.4 that hold for different types of rings and modules. For example, there are versions for non-commutative rings, for modules over non-Noetherian rings, and for infinite-dimensional modules. These variations allow the theorem to be applied in a wider range of mathematical contexts.

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