Theoretical Physics or Earth Physics?

In summary, the person is a student of theoretical physics from Italy and is currently enrolled in the theoretical physics curriculum. They are considering changing to the Earth physics (Geophysics) curriculum due to their interest in fluid dynamics and applied mathematics. However, they are hesitant because they want a prestigious study title and are worried about the feeling of failure. They are seeking advice on whether to stay in theoretical physics or switch to Earth physics for their PhD.
  • #1
Good Evening to everyone!

I'm currently a student of theoretical physics. I have a Bachelor Degree in Physics and I'm from Italy.
When you finish your B.D. you can choose to go on with your studies in order to get a Master Degree (other 2 years of study) and here you can choose your curricula (Nuclear physics, Theoretical physics, Matter physics, Applied Physics [that means Medical physics od Physics of Complex Systems namely, here, Plasm physics], Astrophysics and Cosmology, Climate physics and Earth Physics [that also include Climate physics, but also Geophysics of Solid an liquid Earth]).

My problem is this: I started my second year of study, and I'm enrolled in theoretical physics curricula.
It's since July that I feel a certain sense of bitter, because theoretical physics is the same old story: strings, cosmology and black holes. And don't try to say "no it isn't" because it is.

I've always loved Fluid Dynamics, Fluid physics, the application of Fluid Dynamics and Continuum Mechanics to concrete problems, and theoretical physics i guess it's not my way..
But I'm not sure at all.

I'm going to make a change of my curricula or.. Should I? From theoretical physics to Earth Physics (Geophysics).
I'm speaking by thinking about my future. Fluid physics has a large amount of application: climate physics, ocean physics, physics of city mobility and physics of cities climate. And in general it's applied mathematics and applied physics and I love that branch, named Mathematical Physics.

What should I do? It's clear that I want a Ph.D. so what's your idea about this? Should I stay or should I go? :D
So the question is: it's better to think about the future, or it's better to have a "prestigious study title"?
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  • #2
Strangelet said:
It's since July that I feel a certain sense of bitter, because theoretical physics is the same old story: strings, cosmology and black holes. And don't try to say "no it isn't" because it is.

I know more than a dozen theoretical physicists, and only two I know do strings, cosmology or black holes. (And that's if I let strings=quantum gravity). I know several theoretical physicists who work in fluid dynamics, even.

Strangelet said:
So the question is: it's better to think about the future, or it's better to have a "prestigious study title"?

There's not point in a "prestigious study title" if you hate it. You need to be passionate in what you do to be a successful physicist. You won't get through a PhD otherwise.

Strangelet said:
What should I do? It's clear that I want a Ph.D. so what's your idea about this? Should I stay or should I go

Like I said, you won't get through a PhD if you're not passionate about what you're doing. So if you're not enjoying theoretical physics, you should change. Your definition of theoretical physics is strangely limited though. Perhaps look at other universities to see what their theoretical physics departments do?
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  • #3
Well my limitation in the theoretical physics sight is caused by where I am. Italy is not so full of opportunities, as instead it may be Europe. Overall UK, France, Germany and Austria, for example, where I saw lots of open position for Ph.D. in Fluid Dynamics and related fields.

Theoretical physics, here, works in that way: you start your Master in which the first year is full of courses: Quantum Field Theory, Theoretical physics (relativisti waves equations, strings, supersymmetry), statistical mechanics are the obligatory courses. Then you can choose 6 other courses like relativity, general relativity, cosmology, advanced mathematical methods, advances in QFT and GR. I mean: there is no way to have a curriculum with "normal classical theoretical physics" like Flyud Mechanics, Classica Electrodynamics, Continuum Mechanics, Turbulence...

So when you get a Master Degree in theoretical physics, you are effectively driven to strings, cosmology, field theory or abstract mathematics like topology, differential geometry or something similar.

Other universities work at the same way.

Instead the Earth physics curricula is almost fine to what I dream to study and to do in the future.
I really do love to get a Ph.D. (for example, but I really wish I can do it) in Geophysics Fluid Dynamics at Imperial College, or at Cambridge, or in Zurich.

But in the other side there is the bitter taste of a loss.. it's like I've lost a trial. It's like to say "i quit Theoretical physics. I love it, I wish I can be two to study the one and the other, but I'm only one, and I quit."
And the bitter taste grows when you think about this.

lol I know I'm dramatic and a bit exaggerated... But this shows how much I'm tensed and agitated
  • #4
Strangelet said:
But in the other side there is the bitter taste of a loss.. it's like I've lost a trial. It's like to say "i quit Theoretical physics. I love it, I wish I can be two to study the one and the other, but I'm only one, and I quit."
And the bitter taste grows when you think about this.

Yeah, I understand this feeling. It's hard to have committed to something only to realize that it's not for you, especially if you've spent a lot of effort on something. But if it's not for you, then that's ok. The lessons you learned will be valuable elsewhere.
  • #5

I believe that it is important to follow your passions and interests in your academic and career pursuits. While a "prestigious study title" may seem appealing, it is ultimately more fulfilling and beneficial to pursue a field that truly interests and excites you.

If you are feeling a sense of bitterness towards your current curriculum in theoretical physics, it may be worth considering a change to Earth Physics if that is where your true interests lie. Earth Physics offers a wide range of practical and applied applications, and it sounds like you have a strong interest in fluid dynamics and its applications.

Additionally, a Ph.D. is a significant commitment of time and effort, so it is important to choose a field that you are truly passionate about and will enjoy studying for several years. It is also worth considering the job market and opportunities available in both theoretical physics and Earth Physics, and choosing a field that aligns with your career goals.

Ultimately, the decision is yours and should be based on your personal interests and goals. I would recommend speaking with advisors and professors in both fields to gain more insight and information before making a decision. Good luck!

Related to Theoretical Physics or Earth Physics?

1. What is the difference between theoretical physics and earth physics?

Theoretical physics is a branch of physics that focuses on developing mathematical models and theories to explain the fundamental laws of nature. It deals with abstract concepts and is often used to explore phenomena that cannot be directly observed. On the other hand, earth physics is a subfield of geophysics that studies the physical processes and properties of the Earth, such as its structure, composition, and dynamics.

2. How does theoretical physics contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Theoretical physics plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe by providing mathematical models and theories that explain the fundamental laws of nature. These theories help us to understand the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest and largest scales, from subatomic particles to the entire universe.

3. What are some examples of theoretical physics in action?

Some examples of theoretical physics in action include the development of the Standard Model, which describes the fundamental particles and forces of the universe, and the theory of general relativity, which explains the behavior of gravity and its effects on the fabric of spacetime.

4. How does earth physics help us understand our planet?

Earth physics helps us understand our planet by studying its physical properties and processes. This includes studying the Earth's internal structure, its magnetic field, and the forces that shape its surface, such as plate tectonics and erosion. By understanding these processes, we can better predict and mitigate natural hazards, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

5. What are some current challenges in theoretical and earth physics?

One of the current challenges in theoretical physics is reconciling the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics, which have been difficult to unify. In earth physics, some current challenges include understanding and predicting the effects of climate change on the planet and developing new technologies to explore and study the Earth's interior. Additionally, both fields face the challenge of making their research more accessible and inclusive for a diverse community of scientists and researchers.

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