Theoretical Physics or Electrical Engineering?

In summary, the conversation is about a high school junior trying to decide between majoring in Electrical Engineering or Theoretical Physics. They are curious about the job opportunities and salaries in each field. While there is some overlap between the two, the conversation suggests that physics may be a more difficult field to find a job in. Ultimately, the decision should be based on passion and interest rather than financial security.
  • #1
Hey Guys,

I'm a junior in High School and am trying to be proactive by having an idea on what I want to major in once I get to college. (Yes I know it's far too early) From a young age I excelled in both Math and Science and have always had a natural pull to physics. For years I've had my heart set on Electrical Engineering. Recently though, I've been looking into physics careers and they seem to really interest me. I'm leaning to Theoretical Physics that consists of mostly Quantum Mechanics. (Since that's what interests me most) What I'm wondering is how hard is it to find a physicist job? I'd be planning on earning a PH.D so I can truly engulf myself in the subject. Is it worth going into the physics field, or is it safer to stick with engineering? I just want a job that can assure me a position out of college, and a moderate to high starting salary.

Physics news on
  • #2
There are 5000 posts on here about how hard it is to get a job as a Physicist. Do a little searching around.

The good news is you really don't have to decide if you want to be an Engineer or a Physicist until your junior year in most colleges as the course work is very similar and in some cases close to identical.

Depending on the college you may have to initially declare as EE but then you can switch to physics later if you want.

When I was an undergrad I signed up as EE but planned to switch to Physics. I got a research job after my sophomore year in High-Energy Physics and that's when I decided to stick with EE. I'm really glad I did, as I truly love Engineering.

Nothing is certain in life, but typically it is a bit easier to get a moderate to high starting salary with an EE Ph.D., especially in an in-demand area like circuits or software.
  • #3
analogdesign said:
There are 5000 posts on here about how hard it is to get a job as a Physicist. Do a little searching around.

I honestly had no idea that finding a physicist position was so difficult. It seems like the biggest problem is within the medical branch of physics.
  • #5
You said:

vaultboy325 said:
I'd be planning on earning a PH.D so I can truly engulf myself in the subject.


vaultboy325 said:
I just want a job that can assure me a position out of college, and a moderate to high starting salary.

Which is it? I'd only go into physics if you are absolutely passionate about it, in the way that Van Gogh had an absolute passion for painting sunflowers. Do you think Van Gogh thought that painting would assure him, "a position out of college, and a moderate to high starting salary"?

If you aren't passionate about anything, and really do just want a certainty of a high paying job, I'd look around for jobs that are (i) highly paid and (ii) easy to get into. Physics is neither. Not sure that electrical engineering is, either. Maybe IT? Law? Medicine?
  • #6
We have had SEVERAL of this type of threads, where the member asked for two, extreme opposite of the spectrum, as IF there's nothing in between. I mean, c'mon. Is there nothing in between "theoretical physics" and electrical enginnering? Do you really have to choose either one extreme or the other? I bet you don't even know what "theoretical physics" really is! Would you even be surprised if I can point to you an area of physics that OVERLAPS physics and electrical engineering, AND, has a lot of "theoretical work" in it?

  • #7
Or even condensed matter physics. Both theory and experimental sides have some overlap with EE.

FAQ: Theoretical Physics or Electrical Engineering?

1. What is the difference between theoretical physics and electrical engineering?

Theoretical physics is a branch of physics that uses mathematical models and theories to explain fundamental aspects of the universe. It focuses on understanding the underlying principles and laws that govern the behavior of matter and energy. On the other hand, electrical engineering is a field of engineering that deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It is a broad field that involves designing, developing, and testing electrical systems and devices.

2. What are some common areas of overlap between theoretical physics and electrical engineering?

Both theoretical physics and electrical engineering deal with the study of electricity and electromagnetism. Some common areas of overlap include quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and relativity. In addition, there are many applications of theoretical physics in electrical engineering, such as in the development of advanced electronics and communication systems.

3. Can someone with a background in theoretical physics pursue a career in electrical engineering?

Yes, someone with a background in theoretical physics can pursue a career in electrical engineering. Theoretical physics provides a strong foundation in mathematics and physical principles, which can be applied in various areas of electrical engineering. With additional training and experience, a theoretical physicist can work in fields such as electronics, telecommunications, power systems, and more.

4. How do theoretical physicists and electrical engineers collaborate?

Theoretical physicists and electrical engineers often collaborate on research projects that involve a combination of theoretical and experimental work. For example, they may work together to develop new theories or models to explain phenomena in electromagnetism or quantum mechanics, and then test these theories using advanced equipment and technology developed by electrical engineers. They may also collaborate on the development of new technologies and applications based on theoretical physics principles.

5. What are some current areas of research in theoretical physics and electrical engineering?

Some current areas of research in theoretical physics include quantum computing, dark matter and dark energy, and the search for a unified theory of physics. In electrical engineering, some current areas of research include renewable energy systems, wireless communication and networking, and artificial intelligence. There is also ongoing research on the integration of theoretical physics principles into electrical engineering applications, such as in the development of more efficient and advanced electronic devices.

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