Theories about why the universe is expanding faster

In summary, experts believe that the rate of expansion in the universe is slowing gradually, but it is approaching a constant value due to the presence of 'dark energy.' Dark energy is not a specific type of energy, but is a placeholder name for something which we know exists from observations. There is no leading theory for what this 'something' is, but the simplest explanation is that it is left-over intrinsic spacetime curvature after inflation ended.
  • #1
electric jake
I like physics involving the cosmos. I was wondering what theories are out there that explain how the observable universe is expanding at an increased rate rather then slowing down due to gravity or other variables. I know the dark energy theory that basically states there's a energy that affects gravity allowing the universe to expand faster. Forgive me i don't even know the full details on the dark energy theory but i would appreciate it if you give me other theories and explanations on why this phenomenon is happening. thank you
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  • #2
Also i just saw a diagram of the history of our universe and it showed that at a time our universe was expanding slower but then all of a sudden dark energy appeared and increased it's expansion to today's rate. How does dark energy appear when all the energy and matter that would ever be in the universe was created in the big bang?
  • #3
Dark energy does not suddenly appear, but at one point it becomes dominant because it does not become diluted as the universe expands like matter and radiation does.
  • #4
so basically dark energy was there before but 7.5 billion years ago "if this chart is correct" it started to become dominant and now experts estimate that the energy takes up about 68.3 % of the known universe. What other theories are out there besides the dark energy theory for our increased rate of expansion?

  • #5
Orodruin said:
Dark energy does not suddenly appear, but at one point it becomes dominant because it does not become diluted as the universe expands like matter and radiation does.
Doesn't this suggests dark energy is more a property of spacetime rather than a object or whatever on its own?
  • #6
electric jake said:
What other theories are out there besides the dark energy theory for our increased rate of expansion?
'Dark energy' is not really a theory in the usual sense, it's just a place-holder name for 'something' which we know exists from observations, and it has the characteristic properties associated with forms of energy.
What the 'something' is remains a mystery at present, (hence 'dark'), but there is no leading theory.
  • #7
fresh_42 said:
Doesn't this suggests dark energy is more a property of spacetime rather than a object or whatever on its own?
Yes, the simplest interpretation is a "left-over" intrinsic spacetime curvature after inflation ended (Einstein's cosmological constant, Lambda). This interpretation still fits all the verified data, but we cannot be sure it is the 'correct' interpretation. Hence a lot of study and observation are presently trying to reduce the error bars.
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  • #8
electric jake said:
I like physics involving the cosmos. I was wondering what theories are out there that explain how the observable universe is expanding at an increased rate rather then slowing down due to gravity or other variables. I know the dark energy theory that basically states there's a energy that affects gravity allowing the universe to expand faster. Forgive me i don't even know the full details on the dark energy theory but i would appreciate it if you give me other theories and explanations on why this phenomenon is happening. thank you
It's not that the rate is increasing. The rate of expansion is slowing gradually. But it seems to be approaching a constant value. In a universe with a constant rate of expansion, objects accelerate away from one another. To see this, consider that expansion can be written as speed per unit distance. So an object that is twice as far away will, on average, be moving twice as fast away from us. Thus as an object moves from distance A to a distance 2A, it speeds up.

As for why it's approaching a constant expansion rate, the expansion rate itself is a manifestation of space-time curvature. The space-time curvature is proportional to the amount of stuff in the universe. As the amount of stuff per unit volume approaches a constant (because the dark energy has a constant or approximately constant energy density per unit volume), the expansion approaches a constant. And constant expansion = things move away from one another at accelerated speeds.
  • #9
Thanks everyone this helps immensely

FAQ: Theories about why the universe is expanding faster

1. What evidence supports the theory of the universe expanding faster?

The primary evidence for this theory comes from observations of distant galaxies. These observations show that the light from these galaxies is shifted towards longer (red) wavelengths, indicating that they are moving away from us at increasing speeds. This is known as the "redshift" and is consistent with the idea of an expanding universe.

2. How does the theory of accelerated expansion explain the universe's growth?

The theory of accelerated expansion suggests that the universe is not only expanding, but the rate of expansion is increasing over time. This is thought to be caused by a mysterious force called "dark energy" which is pushing galaxies further apart. This theory is supported by observations of distant supernovae and the cosmic microwave background.

3. What are the potential implications of the universe expanding faster?

If the universe is indeed expanding faster, it could mean that it will continue to expand indefinitely, eventually leading to a "big freeze" where all matter and energy are spread too far apart to sustain life. It could also mean that our current understanding of physics is incomplete and there are unknown forces at play in the universe.

4. How does the theory of cosmic inflation tie into the expansion of the universe?

Cosmic inflation is a theory that suggests the universe underwent a rapid period of expansion in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. This theory helps to explain the observed homogeneity and flatness of the universe. It is thought that this initial inflationary period may have set the stage for the universe's ongoing expansion.

5. Are there any alternative theories to explain the universe's accelerated expansion?

While the theory of dark energy is currently the most widely accepted explanation for the universe's accelerated expansion, there are some alternative theories. These include modifications to our understanding of gravity, such as modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) or the theory of emergent gravity. However, these alternative theories have not been as well-supported by observations as the theory of dark energy.

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