Theory that everything is composed of 'string'

In summary, based on the Kaluza-Klein theory, photons may be 5th dimensional matter, but we can only observe the very center of the string.
  • #1
In the search for the ultimate particle that all matter is made of scientists once thought that it was the atom and then protons and neutrons etc. Now the theory that everything is composed of 'string' has come along and not everyone agrees with it.

Does it not seem obvious that all matter is made of a 1-dimensional object (such as string) because if it was not then surely the multi-dimensional object could theroticaly be broken down?
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  • #2
Nothing is obvious! Before string theory, the fundamental particles (leptons, quarks) were thought of as points, recognizing this leads to problems when you get too close.
  • #3
Exactly. I realize that string theorists believe this is almost the TOE and that they are thiiiiis close to completing it. History, however, dictates that quite the opposite is true. Who is to say what may be discovered -theoretically or not- in the future. Strings (or branes) may be found to be composed of even smaller than plank length particles. only time will tell

  • #4
What are branes? Hawking tried to explain them in the universe in a nutshell but I did not understand.
  • #5
The n-dimensional equivalent of strings. Points are 0-d objects; strings 1-d object; n-branes are n-dimensional objects. I like to think of 2-branes as little flapping sheets, sort of like a flag.
  • #6
Originally posted by damgo
The n-dimensional equivalent of strings. Points are 0-d objects; strings 1-d object; n-branes are n-dimensional objects. I like to think of 2-branes as little flapping sheets, sort of like a flag.

Not sure that I understand. Are they just dimensions then and if so why not just call them that?
  • #7
Strings are not dimensions, though the only have one dimension. Branes are the same - they are fundamental objects with 0 to 10 dimensions.
  • #8
Do you mean 10 space and 1 time, or 10 dimensions total? Would it be somehow possible that there is a fundamental building block of time? thatd be crazy...sorry I am kinda...hmmmmm 'out of it' right now :wink:
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  • #9
Reality and mathematic models are not equivalent in my opinion. The superstring theory seems more and more to illustrate this point as physicists develop new math continually to complete it. I can't really say I understand any of the math, but it is impossible for to picture a 10 dimensional universe. The fascinating thing to me about the string theory is that it deals with the quantum foam problem by saying that you can divide space no further once you have reached a minimum of Planck Length.
  • #10

The quantum undulations, which, due to their complexity shall never be able to be expressed mathematically, have been 'smoothed' out by string theory. The theory introduces the concept of supersymmetry, which when implemented does not describe the undulations but rather allows string theorists to work around them. These superpartner particles are said to have the exact mass, but opposite charge and spin of their partners. However, to this day none of these particles have been experimentally detected. This is somewhat of a mystery because they would certainly be large enough for our accelerators to detect given their size and mass.

I believe in Geneva they are constucting the Large Hadron Collider which will be completed within the decade. This collider is supposed to be able to detect these partners which thus far have remained unseen by us. But why are they unseen? If they have the same mass just opposite spin and charge from the particles we witness today, then why haven't we observed them in our current accelerators?

  • #11
I'm at a loss at whether to believe in existence of any matter that exists in less than 3 dimensions. With the wave function, we can say that the object can and will exist in 3 or more dimensions at one time.

It's difficult to comprehend something that has length but has no width whatsoever. No matter how close the width of the particle approaches 0, it will never do so, because then the particle will cease to exist and so will the length of the particle, which is its only dimension. I must say that it will most likely be the smallest possible width of any quantum particle, which just may be the base of all measurement.

Also, if we have a 5th or higher dimensional particle, the string of the particle would be spinning into the 5th or respective dimension, would it not? But nevertheless, the very center of the string exists in all dimensions, as it has no spin.

I had an idea once, that photons may be 5th dimensional matter, based on the Kaluza-Klein theory; but all we can observe is the very center of the string, or even a spinning electron that possesses no spin that we can observe in any dimension. Being that the string is the base of matter itself, the center of the string, that we can detect only due to the particles dissasociation of the electron in this case with any other subatomic particle, with the only one to have a spin. But if we dig deeper into the photon, if it is an electron in the 5th, perhaps we can detect another spinning string, or the center of which.
  • #12
When one explores the quantum level, by definition that observer interferes with the nature of the object. Such interference may not only affect observables included in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, but also the (spacetime) geometry of the underlying structure. Particles could have a fractal nature whose nonlinearity corresponds to general relativity, but changes dimensionality depending on the scale probed.
  • #13
Originally posted by Loren Booda
Such interference may not only affect observables included in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, but also the (spacetime) geometry of the underlying structure.

Wait, so if we suppose that I had superpowerful 20/1 x 10^-20 vision, that I could see a subatomic particle, and measure it, somehow, that the size would change relative from measuring it while observing it at 20/20 vision? I would expect the scale you're viewing it to change, but the unit of measurement to reamin the same through any conversions.
  • #14
Not so much the size, but structure and dimensionality. As a crude example, magnify a "2-D" piece of paper until one sees its "1-D" fibrous nature, then again to its atomic "3-D" nature, and still again to the "0-D" nature of its point-like electrons. This might continue indefinitely, as others have suggested. The progression of dimensionality with scale thus transforms seemingly at random, and possibly without limit.

FAQ: Theory that everything is composed of 'string'

1. What is the "string theory"?

The string theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to explain the fundamental nature of all particles and forces in the universe. It proposes that everything in the universe, including particles and energy, is ultimately made up of extremely small, vibrating strings.

2. How does the string theory differ from other theories?

The string theory differs from other theories, such as the standard model of particle physics, by proposing that particles are not point-like objects, but rather tiny, vibrating strings. It also attempts to unify all four fundamental forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force) into one cohesive framework.

3. What evidence supports the string theory?

Currently, there is no direct experimental evidence to support the string theory. However, it has been successful in resolving some conflicts between quantum mechanics and general relativity, and it has also made predictions about the existence of extra dimensions and certain properties of particles that have yet to be confirmed through experiments.

4. What are the potential implications of the string theory?

If the string theory is proven to be true, it would revolutionize our understanding of the universe and potentially lead to new technologies and advancements. It could also provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of nature and the origin of the universe.

5. How close are we to proving the string theory?

The string theory is still a highly debated and actively researched topic in the scientific community. While progress has been made in understanding its implications and making predictions, there is currently no conclusive evidence to prove its validity. It will likely take many more years of research and experimentation before the string theory can be definitively proven or disproven.

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