There is no point to our existence, and all life is disposable.

In summary: Humans are just lucky creatures who happened to land on this planet at just the right time. And, like everything else in life, it's ultimately up to us to make the most of it.
  • #1
I have a harsh realistic philosophy. I enjoy it too. I am a atheist, and do not believe in any "super natural power" such as a "God." I know that science has its laws and that we were created by some chemical process. Humans contribute nothing, nor is there anything to contribute too. The universe shouldn't even be here, it does not make any sense. But besides that impossible debate, humans and life itself of all kinds are pointless. We study life and everything, for what? We are born then we die, it is a continuous cycle. So whatever you do in life, it does not matter. Sure it may benefit other humans, but they are going to die too. Who says murder is wrong? There is nothing wrong with it, though society and the human survival technique of fear has led to morals against it. We are simply organisms, just more complex than that roach you killed. Why don't we just go and party 24/7 and enjoy ourselves while we are here? why do that? since we all die and our experiences do not matter since they were just a mental feeling and etc...

basically, life is pointless. Though I admit to being human and with my morals that I have been taught, I can not simply change my ways and career due to my strong feelings toward nothing. Too renegade.

Yup, just thought I would express myself a little.
Physics news on
  • #2
Haha, what a coincidence, I just submitted a question on okcupid about this:

Life is
A diversion while we pass on our genes
A diversion for our immortal souls
An all-important end in itself
Important for the improvement of our souls

Only four options allowed, so I couldn't include your option - pointless and ridiculous:biggrin: btw, doesn't this count as enjoying ourselves? I don't need to get wasted and have sex out in the street to enjoy myself. Soooooooo isn't that evidence that life is about enjoying yourself enough to stay alive and pass on your genes? Plus, those morals you deride are ultimately aimed at ensuring the majority of people's enjoyment. I don't think it's a bad thing that people are discouraged to kill each other. Why live if life is going to consist of pain? I also don't have a burning desire to kill anyone, which would cause me pain anyhow. Your morals don't control your own career choice either, your need to eat and live comfortably do. You're free to go pack up and live in the (limited) free wilderness if you like. Of course, if you want to hang out with others, you'll have to put up with the "system."
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  • #3
You know, your 24/7 party-time idea is not a crazy idea--if that is what makes "you" happy. But such a state of existence may not make all happy, some may wish, for example, to sit and meditate 24/7 o:), others to read Physics Forums 24/7 :eek: Yet is does seem logical, as stated by Aristotle in Nicomachean Ethics (Book 1, Ch.8), that "happiness then is the best, noblest, and most pleasant thing in the world". But, I do not hold that life (either in general or specific) is "pointless", for the purpose of life is to continue to exist, and thus a "point" is found. Even then the purpose of existence itself is to continue to exist, thus even existence (the sum total of all reality) has a "point" to it. Now, then, if I may suggest the "point" of your existence Physicscrap, it is to "follow your bliss" and to "experience the rapture of being alive" (to borrow a few lines from Joseph Campbell). You may enjoy this essay by J-P Sartre, who outlines one way for the atheist to follow their bliss:
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  • #4
Good link Rade. Nietsche had some comments on feeling our atheism down deep too.
  • #5

Hell Yeah!

Eat drink and be merry...for tommorow we die! :devil:
  • #6
eggman said:

Hell Yeah!

Eat drink and be merry...for tommorow we die! :devil:

This is essentialism. Existentialism says we have no essential nature and are nothing but the sum of our past actions, nor do we have any sure thing ahead of us, but are "condemned to be free" to choose at every moment.

If you want to have been a pot-tosser then sure, eat drink and be merry.
  • #7
Who is condemned to be free ?

Where and upon whom are you placing this burden of responsibility?

...a sperm got I am...and in no way responsible for this

non sense called exsistance...
  • #8
eggman said:
Who is condemned to be free ?

Where and upon whom are you placing this burden of responsibility?

...a sperm got I am...and in no way responsible for this

non sense called exsistance...

Yup. And there's no god to blame it on or pray to for advice, so no help in your lonely task of figuring what to do next. Shall you paint yourself blue? Commit some "foul" act by received (and now known to be worthless) standards? Camus wrote about this in The Stranger. Why not murder some stranger? You have no connection to a moral code that would forbid it.
  • #9
Im also an atheist, but your views are alien to me. Although things we do now may not matter in years too come, they matter now. Nothing replaces feelings such as love, Even though we'll all die one way or another, as will the universe will live in, the things we hold close, are irreplacable, And, I personally can't see that as disposable
  • #10
I'm agnostic, and I'm well aware that our (and my) existence probably means absolutely nothing. Yet I still live, and want to keep living, just for the sake of being alive. I understand that I may be able to do anything, no matter how horrible, and still ultimately end up the same as everybody else. I don't do this because I wouldn't want anybody to ruin my life, so I won't ruin their's. As for needing God, I honestly don't think that I do. If I knew for sure that there was a god, it wouldn't change anything about the way I live and act.
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  • #11
I think, If I knew for sure there was a god I'd be tempted to change how I live my day to day life.
  • #12
Semaphia said:
I think, If I knew for sure there was a god I'd be tempted to change how I live my day to day life.

How so? I know that nothing for me would change, except for the fact that I would acknowledge the existence of a god.
  • #13
I think I might atone my life to be more, thankful to the force that put my here :)
  • #14
Semaphia said:
I think I might atone my life to be more, thankful to the force that put my here :)

Many people are non-theists intellectually, but "down-deep" they continue the religious attitudes of their ambient culture. This is an example; not all forms of religion emphasize sin and atonement, but I'll bet your family came from one that did.
  • #15
Well, My family, well, natural parents are mainly english, irish and sicillian, So I come from a strong religious background. :) If I knew there was something there, It would definatly change my way of life
  • #16
Semaphia said:
Well, My family, well, natural parents are mainly english, irish and sicillian, So I come from a strong religious background. :) If I knew there was something there, It would definatly change my way of life

From the Irish and Sicilian I conjecture Roman Catholic. I was a Catholic for many years (adult convert) but I eventually "converted back" out of it. As just about the only branch of Christianity that preserves a sacrament of reconciliation (still called "confession" by many), it certainly does focus on sin, the unworthiness of the sinner, and of the saving power of liturgical atonement. And I have heard your gratitude to your maker expressed as a reason for good works in many small group sessions of Catholics.
  • #17
I have a harsh realistic philosophy. I enjoy it too.
These two statements, so close together, are somewhat telling. (I used to swing my atheism around my head like a dead cat, waiting for someone to walk close enough.) When one is at peace with one's beliefs, one doesn't feel the need to be so challenging about them.

I am a atheist, and do not believe in any "super natural power" such as a "God." I know that science has its laws and that we were created by some chemical process. Humans contribute nothing, nor is there anything to contribute too.
You are not alone in this philosophy, by any means. But it does not have to lead to despair.

So whatever you do in life, it does not matter. Sure it may benefit other humans, but they are going to die too. Who says murder is wrong? There is nothing wrong with it, though society and the human survival technique of fear has led to morals against it. We are simply organisms, just more complex than that roach you killed. Why don't we just go and party 24/7 and enjoy ourselves while we are here? why do that? since we all die and our experiences do not matter since they were just a mental feeling and etc...
Just because the universe and all life in it does not have any purpose (an enlightened philosophy more common than you may realize) does not mean we - as highly complex and subtle creatures - do not still experience joy, love, sadness and hate. And as long as we personally experience those things, it does not matter whether there is a higher "purpose". We still have excelllent reason to act in such as way as to make our lives more "happy" and less "sad".

Consider the irony: it may be *you*, of all people, who seeks a "reason" to choose Happier over Sadder. :approve:
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  • #18

If you're not enjoying it, you need to have a rethink :smile:

Life's brilliant.

Don't get bogged down with mundane stuff - enjoy life :smile:

And I don't have a religion, but I don't get people that say they're an atheist. Have they no imagine? Can they not imagine that there is something bigger out there than our present understanding?

This is my god.

God is the unknown - organised religious texts are more handbooks to ethics, they don't necessarily represent my god.

But I wouldn't dismiss a higher power that we haven't tapped into, which I think people do by labelling themselves an atheist.
  • #19
Certainly, all life is 'disposable'- all life gets disposed of. Nothing new in that is there. As far as a "point to life" is concerned, your life has whatever point you give it.
  • #20
As one who considers themself an athiest, I'd like to take this opportunity to defend myself. Sorry if I'm getting in the way of your conversation.

When we use the term 'athiest', most of us mean that we are convinced that there is no divine conscious entity that created and/or is watching over us all. I know that this isn't the literal meaning of the word but it's the generally accepted use. I and most of the athiests I know are not blind to the possibility of a god, we have just concluded that one doesn't exist until we have credible or logical evidence to the contrary -- much how I won't believe in pink unicorns until somebody presents credible evidence for their existence.

On the topic, I agree with HallsofIvy -- life has the meaning we give it. Your life is YOU, dammit, it's the only thing you really own. I don't understand why people expect a higher meaning than just ourselves, and then get depressed when they can't find one. There's no reason why there should be a better reason, and I don't see the problem with having no purpose other than our own.
  • #21
physicscrap said:
I have a harsh realistic philosophy. I enjoy it too. I am a atheist, and do not believe in any "super natural power" such as a
Yup, just thought I would express myself a little.
Your post practically shouts existentialism in almost every statement. Have you ever read any kierkegaard, I wonder? It could be said in his name that, because life is meaningless, and because the universe is absurd (The universe shouldn't even be here, it does not make any sense), then why not believe in something? Why not believe in anything? Why not believe in God?

Your philosophy almost says for it's self; have no reason not to.

food for thought, sartre would probably (mostly) agree with you though.
  • #22
This is odd but I have some of the same views, in fact most the same. I find their to be no God or at least their is no proof so I cannot believe their is a god, I guess that's agnostic. I also find that I should do whatever I want to make me happy here because I don't know if I will have the opprutunity to be happy later, I guess I just do what I want.
  • #23
Carpe Diem
  • #24
I think a general aspect of our "purpose" is to develope to a point were we can start populating the rest of the universe.
  • #25
or... to spread life as far as it can go, so to say.
  • #26
pallidin said:
I think a general aspect of our "purpose" is to develope to a point were we can start populating the rest of the universe.
Ah yes, the James Kirk/Will Ryker immortality gambit...:biggrin:
  • #27
I just think it would be nice to have a nice life.
Not much of a deep philosophy, I'm sure..
  • #28
There was a cartoon in this week's New Yorker that expresses the up side of life extension. Two luscious babes in skimpy bikinis romping in the surf. Caption: "I never thought turning 80 would be this much fun."
  • #29
selfAdjoint said:
There was a cartoon in this week's New Yorker that expresses the up side of life extension. Two luscious babes in skimpy bikinis romping in the surf. Caption: "I never thought turning 80 would be this much fun."

(Yes it was about the anniversary of the bikini, but I didn't interpret it that way!:devil: )
  • #30
physicscrap said:
Who says murder is wrong? There is nothing wrong with it, though society and the human survival technique of fear has led to morals against it. We are simply organisms, just more complex than that roach you killed.

It is a generally accepted moral that killing in general is wrong. I have yet to find someone truly partial to the idea of simply killing others for no reason except for serial killers. I see the truth in your statement, but personally I like laws against murder simply to maintain some order in society. This order is what allows your and me to type on this forum without fear of death.

Why don't we just go and party 24/7 and enjoy ourselves while we are here? why do that? since we all die and our experiences do not matter since they were just a mental feeling and etc...

I also used to adopt this philosophy, but then I asked the question, "If life is pointless and I'm just going to die, why should I enjoy myself?" It's not like when you die you're going to remember all the good times that you had, all that sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. If we all adopted the philosophy of hedonism, I think it's safe to say that our civilization would have progressed much more slowly and would continue to progress slowly now. Instead of me justifying to you why you shouldn't party and have every action depend on your happiness, tell me why you should.
  • #31
clouded.perception said:
I and most of the athiests I know are not blind to the possibility of a god, we have just concluded that one doesn't exist until we have credible or logical evidence to the contrary
Then you and those you know are not atheists but agnostics.
  • #32
MeJennifer said:
Then you and those you know are not atheists but agnostics.

Not exactly. I've posted this classification scheme elsewhere:

Regarding The Existence of God
  • The Theist: Believes in the existence of a god or gods.
  • Strong Atheist: Holds the positive belief that no god exists.
  • Weak Atheist: Does not believe in the existence of a god, but does not make the positive assertion that no god exists.
Regarding the Possibility of Knowledge
  • Gnostic: Believes it is possible to have knowledge of whether or not a god exists.
  • Strong Agnostic: Holds the positive belief that it is not possible to know whether or not a god exists.
  • Weak Agnostic: Holds no belief regarding whether or not it is possible to know whether a god exists.

According to this scheme, the commitment one makes regarding the existence of a god and the commitment one makes regarding the certainty of this knowledge can overlap in a variety of ways. It is entirely possible to be an agnostic theist, believing in the existence of a god or gods even though you believe it impossible to have certain knowledge of its existence. Someone like Pascal or even Kierkegaard might be classified in this way.

You'll note, if you've studied the philosophy of religion at all, that I've added my own category: weak agnosticism. I don't know of any philosophers that currently use the term other than myself, but I felt there was nothing to cover the possibility of people that simply did not care or did not feel qualified to make any epistemic commitment.
  • #33
Jameson said:
It is a generally accepted moral that killing in general is wrong. I have yet to find someone truly partial to the idea of simply killing others for no reason except for serial killers.
Eeh, serial killers DO have reasons for killing.
For example, their victims must die because their right ear lobe is of the wrong shape.
  • #34
physicscrap said:
I have a harsh realistic philosophy. I enjoy it too. I am a atheist, and do not believe in any "super natural power" such as a "God." I know that science has its laws and that we were created by some chemical process. Humans contribute nothing, nor is there anything to contribute too. The universe shouldn't even be here, it does not make any sense. But besides that impossible debate, humans and life itself of all kinds are pointless. We study life and everything, for what? We are born then we die, it is a continuous cycle. So whatever you do in life, it does not matter. Sure it may benefit other humans, but they are going to die too. Who says murder is wrong? There is nothing wrong with it, though society and the human survival technique of fear has led to morals against it. We are simply organisms, just more complex than that roach you killed. Why don't we just go and party 24/7 and enjoy ourselves while we are here? why do that? since we all die and our experiences do not matter since they were just a mental feeling and etc...

basically, life is pointless. Though I admit to being human and with my morals that I have been taught, I can not simply change my ways and career due to my strong feelings toward nothing. Too renegade.

Yup, just thought I would express myself a little.

Doesn't matter since you're all just a figment of my imagination.
  • #35
Jeez... you cats sound depressed as all hell.

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