Thermal equilibrium through radiation and Stefan Boltzmann

In summary, the conversation revolved around the concept of thermal equilibrium and the applicability of the Stefan Boltzmann law. The speaker presented a thought experiment involving two objects of different sizes and identical emissivity placed on the focal points of a vacuum-filled rotational ellipsoid. The discussion led to the conclusion that the Stefan Boltzmann law cannot be applied in this scenario, as it does not account for the fact that not all of the energy from one object can be focused onto the other. This realization led to a better understanding of the second law of thermodynamics.
  • #1
Hey Guys,

so I had a longish discussion with colleagues and on reddit about thermal equilibrium and the sun and how you cannot heat up anything above the surface temperature of the sun using clever mirrors and stuff.

However, somebody came up with Napkin calculations of the Stefan Boltzmann law and I cannot put my finger on why it is not applicable.

To illustrate the problem I devised a thought experiment.

You place two objects on the focal points of a vacuum filled rotational ellipsoid. The inside of the ellipsoid is a perfect mirror and the objects have the same emissivity but different sizes/surface areas. They start out at the same temperature. And finally the ellipsoid is large with respect to the objects.

Every physics instinct screams at me that the two are at thermal equilibrium and will stay that way. However, given the configuration all the power radiated by one body is absorbed by the other and vice versa. Given the Stefan Boltzmann law, one of the bodies radiates more energy than the other (P=εσAT^4) as the surface area A is different for both bodies.

If this were true, the objects would move away from thermal equilibrium with the large body heating up the small one.

This doesn't make any sense.

So the obvious guess is, you cannot just apply the Stefan Boltzmann law here. The question is: Why?

Thanks for reading so far,
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  • #2
For anyone interested, eventually I figured out where the error is (also thanks to this site:

The assumption that for a sufficiently large ellipsoid all the energy from one energy hits the other is wrong. No matter how you dimension your ellipsoid, you will never focus the entire energy of a source with a finite size onto a smaller object (as pointed out in the link, not even on an equally sized object).

Thus your energy balance is not simply one Boltzmann-term of absorbed energy minus one Boltzmann term of radiated energy but (unsurprisingly) a radiation equilibrium not violating the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Related to Thermal equilibrium through radiation and Stefan Boltzmann

1. What is thermal equilibrium?

Thermal equilibrium refers to a state in which two objects or systems are at the same temperature and there is no net flow of heat between them.

2. How does thermal equilibrium through radiation occur?

Thermal equilibrium through radiation occurs when two objects with different temperatures are placed in an environment where they can exchange thermal radiation. The hotter object will emit more radiation than it absorbs, while the cooler object will absorb more radiation than it emits, until they reach the same temperature.

3. What is the Stefan-Boltzmann law?

The Stefan-Boltzmann law is a physical law that describes the relationship between the temperature and the total energy radiated by a blackbody (a perfect emitter and absorber of thermal radiation). It states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a blackbody is directly proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.

4. How is the Stefan-Boltzmann law used in thermal equilibrium through radiation?

The Stefan-Boltzmann law is used to calculate the rate of energy exchange through radiation between two objects in thermal equilibrium. It allows us to determine the temperature at which two objects will reach thermal equilibrium and the amount of energy that will be exchanged between them.

5. What factors affect thermal equilibrium through radiation?

The factors that affect thermal equilibrium through radiation include the temperature difference between the two objects, the surface area of the objects, and the emissivity (ability to emit radiation) of the objects. The Stefan-Boltzmann constant, which is a fundamental constant in the Stefan-Boltzmann law, also plays a role in the rate of energy exchange through radiation.

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