"Thermal" neutrino generation?

In summary: What is wrong with the process ##e+\gamma \to e +Z^*(\nu\nu)##? It has a huge suppression from the energy scale, which also means the neutrinos won't follow a proper thermal spectrum, but it can produce some neutrinos at quite low energies.
  • #1
Consider the Sun. It radiates energy by generating EM radiation. However, Sun is not transparent to EM, and therefore energy can only escape from the surface using this mechanism. Hot plasma below the surface generates and absorbs gazillions of photons, but they are "trapped" there.

But EM is just one side of electroweak force. In particular, every EM process mediated by photons has a counterpart mediated by Z-boson.

So I suddenly realized that "hot plasma below Sun's surface" ought to also generate virtual Z-bosons as well (with vastly lower probability than photons). And unlike photons, Z-bosons can transform back not to electrons, but neutrinos. And _those_ particles are not trapped!

So, Sun should be radiating these "thermally" generated neutrinos from its entire volume, not just its surface. In fact, not only virtual Z-bosons contribute, W-bosons should as well: e- => nu + W- => nu + e- + anti-nu.

(As usual, these processes are possible, just like analogous photonic processes, only in the presence of other particles, to satisfy energy and momentum conservation. Freely traveling electrons do not spontaneously emit light, or Z-bosons. Electrons in Suns plasma can.)

Since I never read any scientific discussions about stars emitting "thermal neutrinos", I suppose the probability is so low that even the advantage of radiating from the entire volume does not make this process noticeable in energy balance?

Alternatively, do I miss something and these processes are not allowed?
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  • #2
The weak force is called weak for a reason. The mass of the Z-boson should suppress your interaction rate by a factor of ##E^4G_F^2##, where ##E## is the typical energy involved. For a temperature corresponding to the Sun's core, this is a factor roughly ##10^{-34}## relative to photon interactions.
  • #3
Does Urca process depend on the availability of suitable beta radioactive nuclei, or are any neutrinos emitted directly from thermal Z neutrinos?
Also, can hot sources like supernova cores and young neutron stars only emit electron and antielectron neutrinos, which only later oscillate to mu, antimu, tau and antitau neutrinos, or can any mu, tau, antimu and antitau neutrinos form directly from thermal virtual Z bosons?
  • #4
snorkack said:
Also, can hot sources like supernova cores and young neutron stars only emit electron and antielectron neutrinos, which only later oscillate to mu, antimu, tau and antitau neutrinos, or can any mu, tau, antimu and antitau neutrinos form directly from thermal virtual Z bosons?
The Z couples equally to all neutrino types.

For neutron stars neutrinos contribute a lot to initial cooling - with a couple of different processes.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
The weak force is called weak for a reason. The mass of the Z-boson should suppress your interaction rate by a factor of ##E^4G_F^2##, where ##E## is the typical energy involved. For a temperature corresponding to the Sun's core, this is a factor roughly ##10^{-34}## relative to photon interactions.

Thanks for some numbers.

Using photons (and convection), energy from the Sun's core needs on the order of a million year to cross about ~1 light second distance from the core to surface (where it can finally escape). That's less efficient than neutrinos on the order of 3*10^13.
Combining with your number, Sun's thermal neutrino luminosity is ~10^-20 of the "photonic" one.
  • #6
Don't take the number too seriously. It is sort of only an upper bound. In fact, you do not have the same thermal interactions with Zs as you do with photons. The photon gas is kept in approximate local thermal equilibrium by reactions that absorb or emit a photon. In the case of the Z, there is not enough energy to produce an on-shell Z and so you need to add an additional vertex to actually go to neutrinos. What would be more relevant to look at would be the neutrino production rates. You then essentially have two options:
  1. Production via ##p+e \to n + \nu_e##. Since the Sun's core temperature is lower than the mass difference, this is strongly Boltzmann suppressed.
  2. Production via dressing electron-electron interactions with a Fermi vertex emitting a neutrino-antineutrino pair. You would have a final 4-body phase space rather than the 3-body phase space for photon production and the suppression with energy should be based on the momentum transfer.
The conclusion must be that thermal neutrino production is way too slow to play any sort of role in terms of cooling the stellar core.

You can compare this to what happens in a supernova, where thermal neutrino production plays a significant role. Supernova cores are dense enough to be opaque to neutrinos and so just like a star has a photosphere, a supernova has a neutrino sphere. A major part of the energy from a core collapse supernova is emitted in the form of neutrinos.
  • #7
What is wrong with the process ##e+\gamma \to e +Z^*(\nu\nu)##? It has a huge suppression from the energy scale, which also means the neutrinos won't follow a proper thermal spectrum, but it can produce some neutrinos at quite low energies. On the other hand: There are also fusion reactions that produce low energy neutrinos by random chance. Probably much more than the other processes.
  • #8
mfb said:
What is wrong with the process ##e+\gamma \to e +Z^*(\nu\nu)##?
What is wrong with it is that I missed it so early in the morning due to not thinking enough of the photon gas. :rolleyes:
When thinking of photons I only thought about processes changing the photon number, since it varies with temperature.

It has a huge suppression from the energy scale, which also means the neutrinos won't follow a proper thermal spectrum, but it can produce some neutrinos at quite low energies.

Agreed. One might argue whether or not being produced by the interactions of thermal components it should be called thermal production or not. I agree that it will not have a thermal spectrum, but it should be suppressed by the momentum transfer all the same.

Related to "Thermal" neutrino generation?

1. What is the process of "Thermal" neutrino generation?

The process of "Thermal" neutrino generation is the production of neutrinos through high temperatures, typically in the range of millions of degrees. This process occurs in various astrophysical environments, such as the cores of stars or during the early stages of the universe, and is responsible for the majority of neutrinos observed on Earth.

2. How do neutrinos gain thermal energy?

Neutrinos can gain thermal energy through various mechanisms, such as collisions with other particles or through interactions with strong magnetic fields. However, the most common way for neutrinos to gain thermal energy is through the process of thermalization, where they exchange energy with other particles in a hot environment.

3. Can thermal neutrinos be detected?

Yes, thermal neutrinos can be detected through various methods, such as using large detectors like IceCube or Super-Kamiokande. These detectors are specifically designed to observe neutrinos and can detect the faint signals produced by thermal neutrinos, which have very low interaction rates with matter.

4. What is the significance of studying thermal neutrino generation?

Studying thermal neutrino generation is important for understanding the inner workings of astrophysical objects and processes. Neutrinos are unique messengers from high-energy environments and can provide valuable insight into the dynamics of these systems. Additionally, studying thermal neutrino generation can also help us better understand the properties of neutrinos themselves.

5. Are there any practical applications for thermal neutrino generation?

While the study of thermal neutrino generation is primarily focused on furthering our understanding of the universe, there have been some proposed practical applications. For example, some researchers have suggested using thermal neutrinos to study the interior of the Earth or to monitor nuclear reactors. However, these applications are still in the early stages of development and require further research.

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