Thermionic emission at same temperature

In summary, thermionic emission is a process in which electrons are emitted at high temperature, and the current density in vacuum depends on the temperature and the work function of the material. This work function is a constant specific to each material. In contrast, thermal radiation from a black body is solely dependent on temperature and is absorbed by the body. For non-black bodies, the emitted radiation is proportional to a coefficient less than 1, and the absorption is proportional to the same coefficient. This results in a balance between emitted and absorbed radiation between objects at equal temperatures. However, in thermionic emission, the emission per unit area is higher for materials with lower work functions, but the absorption is not affected by the work function. This leads to a lack
  • #1
goran d
As it is known, the thermionic emission (emission of electrons at high temperature) current density in vacuum depends on the temperature and the work function of the material. The work function is a material specific constant. Let's compare thermionic emission with thermal radiation. With thermal radiation, the amount of emitted photons per unit area for a black body depends only on the temperature. (It is proportional to T4). The black body absorbs all photons that fall on it. For non-black body, the emitted radiation is the black body radiation multiplied by a coefficient less than 1. The absorption is also proportional to the same coefficient. Because of this, at equal temperature, there is a balance between the emitted and absorbed radiation between objects. However, thermionic emission is very different. Here, the emission per unit area under equal temperature is larger for materials with lesser work function. However, the absorption doesn't depend on the work function - an object will absorb all electrons that hit it. So there is no balance between two objects with different work functions at the same temperature. If we place 2 such objects next to one another, more electrons will flow from the object with the smaller work function towards the one with larger work function than the other way round, since the object with smaller work function emits more. Therefore, a potential difference will be created between the 2 objects. If they are connected to an external circuit, a current will flow. This would be a thermionic generator with no need for cooling!
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  • #2
So, in conclusion, thermionic emission is very different from thermal radiation in the sense that it does not reach a balance between objects with different work functions at the same temperature. This can be used to create a thermionic generator with no need for cooling!

FAQ: Thermionic emission at same temperature

1. What is thermionic emission?

Thermionic emission is the process by which electrons are emitted from a heated surface or material. This phenomenon occurs when the thermal energy of the material is high enough to overcome the attractive forces holding the electrons in place.

2. How does temperature affect thermionic emission?

The rate of thermionic emission is directly proportional to the temperature of the material. This means that as the temperature increases, more electrons will be emitted from the surface.

3. Is thermionic emission always present at the same temperature?

No, the temperature at which thermionic emission occurs varies depending on the material. Some materials may require higher temperatures to emit electrons, while others may emit electrons at lower temperatures.

4. What are some applications of thermionic emission?

Thermionic emission has a variety of practical applications, including in vacuum tubes, electron guns, and cathode ray tubes. It is also used in thermionic converters, which convert heat energy into electrical energy.

5. Are there any limitations to thermionic emission?

Yes, thermionic emission is limited by the material properties, such as the work function and melting point, as well as the temperature at which the material can operate without degrading. Additionally, the emitted electrons can only be collected if there is a potential difference present.

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