Thermo- Heated Air in Brick Box.

In summary, the conversation revolves around a question posed by a professor regarding the mathematics behind heat flow through solids. The question involves a 1m^3 box made of Brick .1m thick with air at 30C inside and 20C outside. The main goal is to determine the temperature inside the box after 1 hour, 12 hours, and approximately how long it takes for the air inside to reach 20C. The equations for heat flow are discussed, but the problem in this situation is that the equations cannot be turned into a dynamic system. The suggested approach includes finding the energy inside the box and calculating the rate of energy transfer using the brick's R-value. However, assistance is needed to create a specific formula for
  • #1

This is a question purposed to me by my professor as we went over the mathematics behind the diffusion of heat flow through solids.

Many parts of this question are left up to us to create. Here is what i am working with.

A m^3 box made of Brick .1m thick has air at 30C. Out side is 20C.
What is the temp. inside the box after 1 hour? 12hours? Aprox. How long until the air is 20C inside also?


This question was assigned when looking at Heat flow equations, these equations are to look at the distribution of heat inside the wall with constant heat sources on either side. Unlike this problem, dispite my best efforts any attempt to change them into a dynamic system fails.

Having thought about this problem here is what i think is my approach, some one care to help?

1) Set volume of air to 1m^3, with 30C and standard preasure. Find the Energy inside the box.(need help here)
2)Using the surface area of the box, the rate of energy/heat transfer from Brick, the energy difference inside/out.

R-valuebrick= 0.80 (k*m^2/W)

3)Need help!

Ok from what i can tell, i should be able to calculate the energy in the box, the rate energy is lost using the brick's R value, and create an formula specific to this situation. Can some one please get me on the right track?
Science news on
  • #2

Wrong part of forum to post this. I apologize, please move if some one has the power (=
  • #3


I would approach this problem by first understanding the basic principles of heat transfer and thermodynamics. The key equation for this problem would be the heat transfer equation, which states that the rate of heat transfer is proportional to the temperature difference and the thermal conductivity of the material. In this case, the material is brick and we can use its thermal conductivity to calculate the rate of heat transfer through the walls of the box.

Next, I would consider the initial conditions of the box, with air at 30C and the outside temperature at 20C. From here, we can use the heat transfer equation to calculate the temperature inside the box after 1 hour, 12 hours, and the approximate time it will take for the air inside to reach 20C. This would involve solving a differential equation, which may require some advanced mathematical techniques.

Another approach could be to use a computer simulation to model the heat flow in the box over time. This would allow us to change different variables and see how they affect the temperature inside the box.

Overall, the key is to understand the fundamental principles and use them to create a mathematical or computational model that accurately represents the situation. I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Good luck!

FAQ: Thermo- Heated Air in Brick Box.

What is "Thermo-Heated Air in Brick Box"?

"Thermo-Heated Air in Brick Box" refers to a scientific experiment that involves heating air inside a brick box to study its effects on the air molecules and the surrounding environment.

How does "Thermo-Heated Air in Brick Box" work?

The experiment works by using a heat source, such as a burner or a heating element, to warm up the air inside the brick box. This causes the air molecules to gain kinetic energy and move faster, resulting in an increase in temperature and changes in the air pressure and density. The effects of this heated air can then be observed and studied.

What are the potential applications of "Thermo-Heated Air in Brick Box"?

The experiment can be used to study the behavior of air molecules and their interactions with the environment. It can also be applied to real-world scenarios, such as understanding the effects of air pollution or studying the dynamics of weather patterns.

What are the key components of "Thermo-Heated Air in Brick Box"?

The key components of the experiment include the brick box, a heat source, a thermometer to measure temperature, and tools to measure air pressure and density. Other components may also be used, depending on the specific objectives of the experiment.

What are the benefits of conducting "Thermo-Heated Air in Brick Box"?

Aside from gaining a better understanding of the properties and behavior of air, the experiment can also improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It can also be a fun and engaging way to learn about thermodynamics and the scientific method.

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