[Thermo] One m^3 of an ideal gas expands in an isothermal

In summary, the problem is asking for the specific work done by an ideal gas that expands isothermally from 760 to 350 kPa with a specific volume of 1 m3/kg. However, to find the specific work, the molar mass of the substance is needed, which is not given in the problem. Without this information, it is not possible to accurately calculate the specific work.
  • #1

Homework Statement

One m3 of an ideal gas expands in an isothermal process from 760 to 350 kPa. Determine the specific work done by the gas.

Homework Equations

1W2=mRTln(P1/P2) = P1V1ln(P1/P2)


The Attempt at a Solution

P1V1ln(P1/P2) = (760)(1)ln(760/350) = 589.29kJ

V2=(760)(1)/(350) = 2.17m3

I tried doing PV=mRT using STP and my mass calculated was .31kg but it doesn't seem right. How do I find mass?
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  • #2
Are you sure you're not given the molar mass of the substance? (or allowed to suppose its a certain element, like Nitrogen for example). Also, in case you didn't know in ##PV=mRT## , ##m## referes to moles and not mass... So its more usually written as ##PV=nRT##
  • #3
Oh alright I'll remember that. I just have it written down differently. Unfortunately, that's all I'm given. Maybe there was a typo and she meant to just say work instead of specific work?
  • #4
Maybe she meant work per mole, which you can find.
  • #5
  • #6
Well work along an isothermal path is ##W_{1\to2} = -nRT \ln\frac{V_2}{V_1}##. You can see that ##\frac{W{1\to2}}{n}=-RT \ln\frac{V_2}{V_1}## would be the work done per mole.

You can do manipulations like the ones you did in your original post (such as P1V1=P2V2) to figure out more compact expressions that match the given data.
  • #7
She said it was supposed to be 1 m3/kg, so how does this change it? I know that gives us specific volume, not sure what to do with it.
  • #8
Well I would say that makes no sense. Specific work has units J/kg.
  • #9
leafjerky said:
She said it was supposed to be 1 m3/kg, so how does this change it? I know that gives us specific volume, not sure what to do with it.
Mass density, ρ, is the reciprocal of specific volume, v , such that ρ = 1 / v.

  • #10
Okay so if I have 1 m3/kg of an ideal gas, the mass density of that gas is 1 kg/m3, what do I do with that and how does that get me to find my work? I've manipulated the equations as much as I know how and now I'm even more lost than I was when I posted this problem.
  • #11
Hey guys, this still is unanswered, I could really use some help. Please?

specific volume (v1) = 1 m3/kg - ideal gas
P1 = 760 kPa
P2 = 350 kPa

Find specific work.

Sorry to nag, I just really want to know how to do this.
  • #12
In my opinion, you need someway to know the molar mass of this substance. The ideal gas equations don't care about how much mass you've got, but care about the number of particles; which is why it is expressed as PV=nRT where n is the number of moles.

I feel you're teacher is hiding something of great importance here. (The molar mass)
  • #13
I'm not sure you know any calculus yet but here is the reasoning for what I've just said:

Work is ##-pdV##

Pressure is ##P=\frac{nRT}{V}=\frac{\frac{m}{M}RT}{V}##

So work is ##dW=-\frac{m}{M}RT\frac{dV}{V}##

And specific work is ##d\omega =-\frac{1}{M}RT\frac{dV}{V}##

And we conclude you need the molar mass of the substance...

Are you sure that your problem doesn't say "1 m3 of Nitrogen gas..." or something along those lines?

FAQ: [Thermo] One m^3 of an ideal gas expands in an isothermal

1. What is an ideal gas?

An ideal gas is a theoretical gas that follows the gas laws (Boyle's law, Charles's law, and Avogadro's law) and has particles that have no volume and do not interact with each other.

2. What does it mean for a gas to expand in an isothermal process?

An isothermal process is when the temperature of a system remains constant while it undergoes a change in volume. So, when a gas expands isothermally, its volume increases while its temperature stays constant.

3. How is the volume of an ideal gas related to its pressure in an isothermal process?

According to Boyle's law, the volume of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its pressure at a constant temperature. So, as the gas expands, its pressure decreases, and vice versa.

4. What happens to the energy of an ideal gas during an isothermal expansion?

In an isothermal process, the energy of an ideal gas remains constant. This is because the temperature stays constant, and according to the ideal gas law, the product of pressure and volume (which is equal to energy) is also constant.

5. How does the volume of an ideal gas change during an isothermal expansion?

The volume of an ideal gas increases during an isothermal expansion. This is because the pressure decreases, and according to Boyle's law, the volume is inversely proportional to pressure at a constant temperature.
