(Thermo) Tank of N is heated, valve opened, find time duration

So, to find the time it takes to reach the final state, we can use the energy balance equation: m(u2-u1) = Q - WSince there is no work being done (W = 0), we can rearrange the equation to solve for t, the time it takes to reach the final state: t = m(u2-u1)/Q. Plugging in the values from the given information, we get t = 128.6(92-44)/10000 = 0.22 hours or 13 minutes. So, it takes a total of 12 + 13 = 25 minutes for the final state to be reached (part B). In summary, a nitrogen gas-liquid mixture
  • #1

Homework Statement

A nitrogen gas-liquid mixture is in a 20 cubic foot tank at a condition of 161 R with an initial quality of 0.1. Heating occurs at a rate of 10,000 Btu/h until the pressure reaches 100 psia. At this condition the BHE safety valve opens and maintains a constant pressure as saturated vapor is released from the top of the tank. At the final condition the last of the liquid has evaporated and th tank is just full of saturated vapor.

a) how long does it take until the valve opens?

b) how long does it take until the final state (sat. vapor) is reached? (This is the only part I cannot get)

c) how much mass leaves the tank while the valve is open?

Homework Equations

energy balance: Change in energy = mass*(change in specific internal energies) = Q - W

The Attempt at a Solution

No change in volume so W = 0
At the initial state, from a nitrogen v-u chart we have:
T = 161 Rankine
x = 0.1 (quality)
v = 0.14 cubic ft / lbm
P = 50 psia
u = 30 Btu/lbm
V = 20 ft^3
mass = V/v = 142.9 lbm

At state two, just before the valve is opened:
T = 177 Rankine
v = initial v = 0.14 cubic ft/lbm
P = 100 psia
u = 44 Btu/lbm
x = 0.2
mass = initial mass = 142.9 lbm

Change in internal energy is found by m(u2-u1) = 142.9(44-30) = 2000 Btu
It is heated at 10000 Btu/hour, so it takes 2000/10000 = 1/5 hours or 12 minutes to reach this point (part a is solved)

At state 3, after the valve has finished draining
P = 100 psia
T = 177 rankine
x = 1.0 (sat. vapor)
v = 1.4 cubic ft/ lbm
u = 92 Btu/lbm

Mass lost = V1/v1 - Vf/vf = 142.9 - 20/1.4 = 128.6 lbm lost (part C)

As for part B, I am pretty lost. It seems to me that more information about the valve would need to be given in order to find out how long it takes to go from state 2 to 3. Any ideas?
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  • #2
I've figured it out. I was assuming that the heating stopped as the valve opened, but the heating continues.

Related to (Thermo) Tank of N is heated, valve opened, find time duration

1. How does heating the (Thermo) Tank of N affect the time duration?

The time duration is directly affected by the temperature of the tank. As the tank is heated, the molecules inside gain energy and move faster, resulting in a shorter time duration for the valve to be opened.

2. What is the purpose of opening the valve after heating the (Thermo) Tank of N?

Opening the valve allows for the heated molecules inside the tank to escape, which can be used for various purposes such as powering a turbine or heating a space.

3. Can the time duration be calculated using a formula?

Yes, the time duration can be calculated using the ideal gas law, which takes into account variables such as temperature, pressure, and volume.

4. How does the volume of the (Thermo) Tank of N affect the time duration?

The volume of the tank plays a crucial role in determining the time duration. A larger volume means more molecules, which will take longer to heat up and escape through the valve, resulting in a longer time duration.

5. Is there a maximum temperature that the (Thermo) Tank of N can reach?

Yes, there is a maximum temperature that the tank can reach before it reaches its boiling point and turns into a gas. This temperature depends on the pressure and volume of the tank, as well as the properties of the gas inside.

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