Thermodynamic equilibrium constants calculating the reaction free energy

In summary, to evaluate Prof. W.H Bogus' claim, we calculated the reaction free energy change for the proposed reaction under the given conditions using the equation G=Gf+(RTlnK). The resulting value of +10.43 kJ/mol shows that the reaction is not spontaneous, meaning the claim is not valid.
  • #1
Can someone please help me answer this question and explain the concepts/solution step by step:

Prof. W.H Bogus claims that he has prepared a powerful new catalyst that makes it possible to synthesize NH3 with a 70% yield in a reactor operating 500K and 2 atm pressure and having a feed consisting of N2 and H2 in stochiometric ratio. Evaluate his claim by calculating the reaction free energy change for the proposed reaction under the conditions stated. For NH3 at 500K, Gf= 4.778 kJ/mol.

The answer is +10.43 kJ/mol which means this is not a spontaneous reaction.

I first calculated K using ln K=(-G/RT) then i didnt know what to do after that. Please help me.
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  • #2
To evaluate Prof. W.H Bogus' claim, you will need to calculate the reaction free energy change for the proposed reaction under the given conditions. This can be done using the equation G=Gf+(RTlnK), where G is the reaction free energy change, Gf is the standard free energy of formation of NH3 under the given conditions (in this case, 4.778 kJ/mol at 500K), R is the universal gas constant, T is temperature (in this case, 500K) and K is the equilibrium constant for the reaction. Since we are trying to calculate the reaction free energy change, we must first calculate the equilibrium constant K. This can be done using the equation lnK=(-G/RT), where G is the standard reaction free energy change for the reaction (which can be calculated using the standard free energies of formation for the reactants and products). Once we have calculated K, we can then use the equation G=Gf+(RTlnK) to calculate the reaction free energy change for the reaction under the given conditions. In this case, the standard reaction free energy change for the reaction is -29.2 kJ/mol. Plugging this into the equation lnK=(-G/RT), we get lnK=-6.08. Using this value for K in the equation G=Gf+(RTlnK), we get a reaction free energy change of +10.43 kJ/mol. This means that the reaction is not spontaneous under the given conditions, and thus Prof. W.H Bogus' claim is false.

FAQ: Thermodynamic equilibrium constants calculating the reaction free energy

1. What is thermodynamic equilibrium?

Thermodynamic equilibrium is a state in which a system's energy and entropy are at their maximum and minimum values, respectively. This means that the system is at a stable and balanced state, and no spontaneous changes will occur.

2. How is equilibrium constant related to reaction free energy?

The equilibrium constant (K) is a measure of the ratio of products to reactants at thermodynamic equilibrium. It is directly related to the reaction free energy (ΔG) through the equation ΔG = -RTlnK, where R is the gas constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

3. How is thermodynamic equilibrium constant calculated?

The thermodynamic equilibrium constant is calculated by taking the product of the concentration of products raised to their respective stoichiometric coefficients, divided by the product of the concentration of reactants raised to their respective stoichiometric coefficients. Alternatively, it can also be calculated using the partial pressures of the gases involved in the reaction.

4. What does a high equilibrium constant value indicate?

A high equilibrium constant value indicates that the products are favored at equilibrium, meaning that the reaction proceeds almost entirely in the forward direction. This also corresponds to a negative ΔG value, indicating that the reaction is thermodynamically favorable.

5. How does temperature affect equilibrium constant and reaction free energy?

According to the equation ΔG = -RTlnK, temperature has a direct effect on the equilibrium constant and reaction free energy. An increase in temperature will result in a decrease in both the equilibrium constant and the reaction free energy, making the reaction less favorable. On the other hand, a decrease in temperature will result in an increase in both values, making the reaction more favorable.
