Thermodynamics - Calculate power and dimensions of piping

In summary, to calculate the power of piping, you need to determine the flow rate (in m^3/s) and the pressure drop (in Pa) of the fluid passing through the pipe and use the formula P = QΔP. The dimensions needed for this calculation are the flow rate and pressure drop, which are essential in determining the amount of energy being transferred through the pipe. The flow rate of a fluid in a pipe can be determined using the formula Q = A × v, where Q is flow rate, A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe, and v is the velocity of the fluid. The pressure drop in a pipe is directly proportional to the power of piping, meaning that as the pressure drop increases, so
  • #1

Homework Statement

500 kg/hr of steam drives a turbine. The steam enters the turbine at 60 bara and 500C at a linear velocity of 5.0 m/s. After driving a set of turbine wheels to generate shaft power, the steam exhausts from a pipe that is 10 m below the entrance pipe at 35.0 m/s and at 2.5 bara and 225C. The turbine has an exposed area of 20 m^2 with an average temperature (Ts) of 105F while the factory average air temperature is 75F. The average heat transfer coefficient, h, is 2.5Btu/(hr*ft^2*F) and the heat loss form the turbine can be calculated by q = hA(Ts - Tair).
a) How much power (rate of work) is delivered to the turbine's shaft?
b) What is the area of the pipe at the inlet and outlet?

Homework Equations

q=hA(Ts - Tair)
U + (1/2)v^2 + gz = Q - w

The Attempt at a Solution

I've calculated the heat loss from the turbine to be 16150 Btu/hr. However, I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. I would love to provide a more detailed attempt but I am completely at a loss as to how to even begin this problem. Thank you.
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Hi there,

First of all, great job on calculating the heat loss from the turbine. That's an important step in solving this problem.

To find the power delivered to the turbine's shaft, we can use the energy conservation equation:

U + (1/2)v^2 + gz = Q - w

U = internal energy of the steam (not relevant in this case)
v = velocity of the steam
g = acceleration due to gravity
z = height difference between inlet and outlet pipes
Q = heat energy added to the steam
w = work done by the steam on the turbine's shaft (what we're trying to find)

Since we know the initial and final velocities of the steam, we can calculate the change in kinetic energy (1/2mv^2) and the change in potential energy (mgz) and plug them into the equation. We also know the heat loss from the turbine (Q), so we can rearrange the equation to solve for w (power delivered to the shaft).

For part b), we can use the ideal gas law to find the volume of the steam at the inlet and outlet, and then use the equation for linear velocity (v = Q/A) to solve for the area.

I hope this helps and gives you a starting point for solving the problem. Let me know if you have any other questions or need further clarification. Good luck!

FAQ: Thermodynamics - Calculate power and dimensions of piping

1. How do you calculate the power of piping?

To calculate the power of piping, you first need to determine the flow rate (in m^3/s) and the pressure drop (in Pa) of the fluid passing through the pipe. Then, you can use the formula P = QΔP, where P is power, Q is flow rate, and ΔP is pressure drop. The resulting power will be in watts (W).

2. What are the dimensions needed to calculate the power of piping?

The dimensions needed to calculate the power of piping are the flow rate (in m^3/s) and the pressure drop (in Pa). These dimensions are essential in determining the amount of energy being transferred through the pipe.

3. How do you determine the flow rate of a fluid in a pipe?

The flow rate of a fluid in a pipe can be determined using the formula Q = A × v, where Q is flow rate, A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe, and v is the velocity of the fluid. The cross-sectional area can be calculated using the diameter or radius of the pipe, and the velocity can be measured using a flow meter.

4. How does pressure drop affect the power of piping?

The pressure drop in a pipe is directly proportional to the power of piping. This means that as the pressure drop increases, so does the power required to maintain the same flow rate. Therefore, it is important to minimize pressure drop in order to reduce the power consumption of piping systems.

5. What are the different units of power and dimensions used in thermodynamics?

The most commonly used units of power in thermodynamics are watts (W) and horsepower (hp). The most commonly used dimensions in thermodynamics are length (m), mass (kg), and time (s). However, other units and dimensions may also be used, depending on the specific application of thermodynamics.

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