Thermodynamics: Cyclic Processes

In summary, the gas undergoes a three step process: 1) adiabetical expansion from T1=550K to T2=389K, 2) compression at constant pressure until T=T3, and 3) return to original pressure and temperature by a constant-volume process. T3 is found to be 231.3638K, change in internal energy, work done and heat added to the gas for each process is -1964.9353J, and change in internal energy, work done by the gas and heat added for a complete cycle is 0.
  • #1
Thermodynamics: Cyclic Processes (solved)

Sorry for the false alarm guys. It looked like I did use the wrong equation while finding the internal energy for case 1.
referred to this. Thanks.

Given that
1 mol of ideal monoatomic gas at p= 1 atm undergoes a three step process:
1) Adiabetical expansion from T1=550K to T2=389K
2) Compression at constant pressure until T=T3
3) Return to original pressure and temperature by a constant-volume process

a. T3
b. Change in internal energy, work done and heat added to the gas for each process
c. Change in internal energy, work done by the gas and heat added for a complete cycle

Homework Equations

mol= 1 mol

Given monoatomic gas, therefore f=3
Cv=f/2R=3/2(8.31)=12.465 J mol-1 K-1
Cp=Cv+R= 20.775 J mol-1 K-1

The Attempt at a Solution

for a.
By process,
1) Under adiabatic expansion (ΔQ=0)
Using PV=nRT
then V1=nRT1/P=0.04512 m3

Using T1V1γ-1=T2V2γ-1
therefore V2γ-1=T1V1γ-1/T2
therefore V2= (T1V12/3/T2)3/2= 0.07586 m3

therefore P2=nRT/v2=4.2613x104Pa

3) Under Isovolumetric process (ΔV=0; ΔW=0)
Q= nCvΔT
P2=P3=4.2613x104Pa since 2) is an isobaric process

Using PV=nRT; ΔV=0
then V3=V4
then nRT3/P3=nRT4/P4
therefore, T3=T4P3/P4=231.3638K

That aside, my real problem is in question b, actually

for b.
By process,
1) ΔEint=-W under adiabatic process,

I think that under this condition, W should probably be

But I'm not sure of it's validity.
Anyway eventually it'll lead to W=nR(389-550)(ln 0.07586-ln 0.04512)=-695.1298J
Which I doubt is correct.

2) Under isobaric process (ΔP=0); T3=231.3638K

3) ΔV=0; W=0
Since W=0
then ΔEint=Q=nCvΔT=(12.465)(550-231.3638)=3971.8Jc.
Since the whole thing is a cyclical process,
which also means
W-Q=0 or the cumulative ΔEint=0

I can't answer this one because,
after adding all the ΔEint it appears that it's not 0.
So. Problem there. I still suspect is 1) that's causing the trouble.

Help there?
Also, if you may, please do look through the workings to see if there are any faults in there. Thank you.
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  • #2
Yeah, your work seems fine other than part 1). Though, I cannot attest to your numbers, maybe setting your straight for the adiabatic process will fix it.

[tex]PV^\gamma = C[/tex]
[tex]W=\int P dV[/tex]
[tex]W = \int C V^{- \gamma} dV[/tex]
[tex]W = \frac{1}{- \gamma + 1} (CV_2^{-\gamma +1}- CV_1^{-\gamma +1})[/tex]
we know that
[tex]P_1 V_1^\gamma = C = P_2 V_2^\gamma[/tex]
so plug it in for C in the right spots
[tex]W_{adi}=\frac{1}{1-\gamma}(P_2 V_2 - P_1 V_1)[/tex]

P.S. I am always getting my sign confused and have to rely on physical intuition to get it right, so don't trust my sign.
  • #3
Ohh. So that's how that formula came about.

Hmm. I actually used W= -nCvΔT? It worked sufficiently, in a surprising way.
But I was wondering how, since V1 and V2 are obviously not the same and Cv is the heat capacity at constant volume?

Thanks for the reply though. Really helpful.

FAQ: Thermodynamics: Cyclic Processes

1. What is a cyclic process in thermodynamics?

A cyclic process in thermodynamics is a process that starts and ends at the same state. This means that the system undergoes a series of changes and eventually returns to its original state, with no net change in its internal energy.

2. How is work calculated in a cyclic process?

In a cyclic process, the work done by the system is equal to the area enclosed by the process on a pressure-volume diagram. This can be calculated by integrating the pressure with respect to volume over the entire cycle.

3. What is the efficiency of a cyclic process?

The efficiency of a cyclic process is the ratio of the work output to the heat input. This is typically represented by the symbol η and is expressed as a percentage. In an ideal cyclic process, the efficiency is 100%, meaning all of the heat input is converted to work output.

4. How does the first law of thermodynamics apply to cyclic processes?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. In the case of a cyclic process, the first law still applies as the internal energy of the system remains constant throughout the process.

5. What are some real-life examples of cyclic processes?

Some real-life examples of cyclic processes include a car engine, where the fuel-air mixture undergoes a series of changes and eventually returns to its original state; a refrigerator, where the refrigerant undergoes a cycle to cool the interior; and a steam turbine, where steam is constantly cycled through the system to produce electricity.

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