Thermodynamics - Vapour Power Plants

In summary, a compressor takes in 4 kg/s of air at 1 bar and 25 degrees C and compresses it to 4 bars and 200 degrees C. The power input to the compressor is 703.5 kW and its isentropic efficiency is 0.83. To find the isentropic efficiency, the formula (h2s - h1)/(h2-h1) is used, where h2s is found by solving for Pr2 and looking up the corresponding value in a table of ideal gas properties for air.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A compressor takes in 4 kg/s of air at atmospheric pressure and temperature, 1 bar and 25 degrees C. Air leaves the compressor at 4 bars and 200 degreesC. Calculate the power input to the compressor and its isentropic efficiency. For air Cp=1.005 and Cv=0.718 kJ/kg K

Answers: (703.5 kW, 0.83)

Homework Equations

(h2s - h1)/(h2-h1)

The Attempt at a Solution

I have already calculated the power input by using mass flow rate x Cp x delta T, however I am unable to find the isentropic efficiency. My attempt so far has been to divide Power input by mass flow rate to obtain h2-h1. The h2-h1 value i have obtained is 175.9kJ. I need help in finding h2s-h1.

I am doing this questions as exam preparation (this has nothing to do with coursework/homework) so maximum help would be very helpful.

Physics news on
  • #2
Find a table of ideal gas properties for air that list T, h and Pr. Pr is the relative pressure for air when S2-S1=0 (constant entropy). Find h1, h2 and Pr1 from the table, h2s is tricky.

For the special case of air modeled as an ideal gas and S2-S1=0 this relation holds true:

P2/P1=Pr2/Pr1 solve for Pr2. Look up Pr2 in table and note corresponding h2s of about 443 Kj/Kg

From Fundamentals of Engineering Thermo. Moran and Shapiro edition 4, P. 276

FAQ: Thermodynamics - Vapour Power Plants

What is a Vapour Power Plant?

A Vapour Power Plant is a type of power plant that uses a thermodynamic cycle to convert heat energy into mechanical energy, which is then used to generate electricity. This process involves the use of steam or other vapour as the working fluid.

What is the purpose of a Vapour Power Plant?

The purpose of a Vapour Power Plant is to generate electricity by harnessing the energy from heat sources such as fossil fuels, nuclear power, or renewable sources like solar or geothermal energy. The plant uses a thermodynamic cycle to convert the heat energy into mechanical energy, which is then converted into electricity using a generator.

How does a Vapour Power Plant work?

A Vapour Power Plant works by using a fuel source to heat water and produce high-pressure steam. The steam is then directed through a turbine, which turns a generator to produce electricity. The steam is then condensed back into water and recycled back into the system to be heated again.

What are the main components of a Vapour Power Plant?

The main components of a Vapour Power Plant include a boiler, turbine, condenser, and generator. The boiler is used to heat the water and produce steam, which is then directed through the turbine to generate electricity. The condenser is used to convert the steam back into water, while the generator converts the mechanical energy from the turbine into electricity.

What are the advantages of Vapour Power Plants?

Vapour Power Plants have several advantages, including their ability to use a variety of heat sources, making them a versatile source of electricity. They also have a high efficiency rate, meaning they can produce more electricity with less fuel. Additionally, Vapour Power Plants do not produce direct emissions, making them a cleaner source of energy compared to fossil fuel power plants.
