Thermodynamics Work, Heat, First Law Question

In summary, in this conversation, the forum poster is asking for help in deriving an expression that relates the dimensionless quantities π = PB0/PA0 and τ = TfA/T0A. The expert uses the ideal gas law and the given information about temperature ratios to derive the desired expression.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider two pistons of equal cross sectional area joined as illustrated in the
following sketch (my rendition):
• Each piston contains n moles of an ideal gas of specific heat cV=(3/2) R.
• Each piston's base is fixed, so when the rod joining the piston moves one
must expand for the other to compress.
• Piston A is thermally isolated and is initially at a pressure PA0 and a
temperature T0.
• Piston B is held in thermal equilibrium with a bath at temperature T0 and
is initially at pressure PB0, which is higher than the initial pressure in
piston A.
• Piston B is allowed to expand quasi‐statically (reversibly) until there is no
more net force on the rod joining the pistons. Piston B is frictionless, so
during the expansion Pex=PB.
A. Derive an expression that relates the following dimensionless
π =P0B/P0A ,τ =TfA/T0A

Homework Equations

Ideal Gas: PVm=RT, dW=-PdV=CvdT

The Attempt at a Solution

Since the pistons are connected, when the piston stops moving, the work done in A will be equal to the work done by B?
-nRT0A/V0A = nRT0B/V0B
How do I relate to pressure from here?
Also tried using Heat Capacity:
Wadiabatic = Cv(delta)T, which should equal the W of the reversible adiabatic B undergoes:
=-PdV = -nRT/V dV
Again, I can't see how to proceed.

Thank you!
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  • #2

Thank you for your question. The problem you are facing is a common one when dealing with thermodynamic systems. In order to relate the pressure and temperature of the two pistons, we can use the ideal gas law, PV = nRT. We can rearrange this equation to solve for pressure:

P = nRT/V

Since the pistons are of equal cross-sectional area, we can assume that they have equal volumes as well. This means that the volume of piston A (V0A) is equal to the volume of piston B (V0B). Therefore, we can write the equation for the pressure in terms of the initial pressure (P0) and temperature (T0) for both pistons:

PA = nRT0A/V0A

PB = nRT0B/V0B

We can now use the given information to write an expression for the ratio of the pressures (π):

π = PB/PA = (nRT0B/V0B)/(nRT0A/V0A)

Since the volumes are equal, they cancel out and we are left with:

π = T0B/T0A

Next, we can use the ideal gas law to relate the temperatures of the two pistons:

T0A = PA0V0A/(nR)

T0B = PB0V0B/(nR)

Substituting these values into our expression for π, we get:

π = (PB0V0B/(nR))/(PA0V0A/(nR))

π = PB0/PA0

Finally, we can use the given information about the temperature ratio (τ) to write an expression for the initial temperature of piston A (T0A) in terms of the final temperature (TfA):

τ = TfA/T0A

T0A = TfA/τ

Substituting this into our previous expression for PB0/PA0, we get:

π = PB0/(TfA/τ)

π = (PB0/τ)/(TfA)

This is the desired expression for relating the dimensionless quantities π and τ. I hope this helps you in your problem solving process. Good luck!

FAQ: Thermodynamics Work, Heat, First Law Question

1. What is the difference between work and heat in thermodynamics?

In thermodynamics, work refers to the transfer of energy between a system and its surroundings due to a force acting over a distance. Heat, on the other hand, is the transfer of thermal energy between a system and its surroundings due to a temperature difference. Essentially, work involves a mechanical process while heat involves a thermal process.

2. How is the First Law of Thermodynamics related to work and heat?

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. In terms of work and heat, this means that the total energy of a system and its surroundings remains constant, with any changes in energy being accounted for by the transfer of work or heat.

3. Can work and heat be interchanged in thermodynamics?

Yes, work and heat can be interchanged in thermodynamics. This is known as the work-heat equivalence principle, which states that an equivalent amount of work and heat can produce the same change in a system's internal energy. However, the nature and mechanisms of work and heat transfer may differ, depending on the specific system and process.

4. How does thermodynamics explain energy conservation in natural processes?

Thermodynamics provides a framework for understanding and predicting the behavior of energy in natural processes. The First Law of Thermodynamics ensures that total energy remains constant, while the Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates the direction and efficiency of energy transfer and transformation. Together, these laws explain how energy is conserved and conserved in natural processes.

5. How do work and heat affect the efficiency of thermodynamic processes?

In thermodynamics, efficiency is a measure of the ratio of useful work output to the total energy input. Work and heat play important roles in determining the efficiency of a thermodynamic process. For example, the efficiency of a heat engine is limited by the amount of heat that can be converted into work, while the efficiency of a refrigeration cycle is influenced by the amount of work required to transfer heat from a cooler to a warmer environment.

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