Thickness of a partially reflective copper mirror

In summary, the formula provided to calculate the thickness of a copper layer that will produce a desired reflectance in a beam of a particular wavelength is incorrect. The thickness of the copper layer may not produce the desired reflectance, and the reflectance may vary depending on the wavelength of the beam.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

We are trying to fabricate a copper layer that is 41% reflective to a beam of 1521nm wavelength.

The formula I have used to calculate the thickness is:

R = 1 - e-αt

R: desired reflectance of mirror
t: thickness of mirror that would produce said reflectance
α: material- and wavelength-specific absorption coefficient. (for copper at 1521nm: α = 8.4327e+5 cm-1, from

For these values, I get t=6.25nm. When they fabricated it at the lab, there was almost no reflection at all.

Is the formula wrong? I based it on the transmission of a mirror being approximately T=e-αt and R being 1-T for a mirror. Is there a siginificant amount of energy absorbed by the copper itself?

Your help is highly appreciated.
Science news on
  • #2
That exponential formula represents how much of the radiation entering the sample is absorbed. The rest goes through.
Reflection is another story. It may depend on the substrate too.
Maybe this will be useful
  • #3
Hi Nasu,

Reflection is what we are interested in. Unfortunately, the link you provided does not offer an insight into the theory involved. Where do I start reading?

I have assumed it would be rather simple as only normal incidence is involved.
  • #4
Also, if a portion of the energy is transmitted, and the rest is absorbed (as described by this formula), wouldn't that mean that no reflection at all takes place?

Moreover, the fabricated mirror was almost completely transmissive, and not 59% transmissive as it should according to the formula (regardless of whether remaining energy is reflected or absorbed).
  • #5
At the interface part of the beam is reflected, part enters the second medium. Your formula describes how this second part behaves as it propagates through the medium.

And your observed behaviour makes sense. If the medium is very transparent, the reflectivity is very low.

You can use that online calculator to calculate the reflection coefficient for layers of copper of various thicknesses on a substrate. I suppose your copper layer is on some substrate, isn't it?

FAQ: Thickness of a partially reflective copper mirror

1. How is the thickness of a partially reflective copper mirror determined?

The thickness of a partially reflective copper mirror is determined by the desired level of reflectivity and the wavelength of light being reflected. The thickness is calculated using a formula that takes into account the refractive index of copper and the wavelength of light.

2. What is the ideal thickness for a partially reflective copper mirror?

The ideal thickness for a partially reflective copper mirror depends on the specific application and desired level of reflectivity. In general, a thickness of around 100-200 nanometers is often used for visible light reflection, but this may vary for different wavelengths or purposes.

3. How does the thickness of a partially reflective copper mirror affect its reflective properties?

The thickness of a partially reflective copper mirror directly affects its reflective properties. Thicker mirrors will reflect more light, but also absorb more light, resulting in a lower overall reflectivity. Thinner mirrors will have a higher reflectivity but may also be more fragile and prone to damage.

4. Can the thickness of a partially reflective copper mirror be adjusted after production?

In most cases, the thickness of a partially reflective copper mirror cannot be adjusted after production. The thickness is determined during the fabrication process and altering it after production would require significant changes to the mirror's structure and properties, which could compromise its functionality.

5. Is the thickness of a partially reflective copper mirror the only factor that affects its reflectivity?

No, the thickness of a partially reflective copper mirror is not the only factor that affects its reflectivity. Other factors such as the purity of the copper, the smoothness of the surface, and the angle of incidence can also impact the mirror's reflectivity. Additionally, the wavelength of light being reflected can also influence the reflectivity of the mirror.
