Thiemann on the relation between canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity

In summary, the paper presents new solutions to the Euclidean Scalar Constraint in LQG, obtained through analyzing the one-vertex expansion of a simple Euclidean spin-foam. This highlights the potential of spin-foam models in understanding the physical Hilbert space of LQG, but also emphasizes the challenges that lie ahead in this field.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Linking covariant and canonical LQG: new solutions to the Euclidean Scalar Constraint[/B
Authors: Emanuele Alesci, Thomas Thiemann, Antonia Zipfel
(Submitted on 6 Sep 2011)
Abstract: It is often emphasized that spin-foam models could realize a projection on the physical Hilbert space of canonical Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). As a first test we analyze the one-vertex expansion of a simple Euclidean spin-foam. We find that for fixed Barbero-Immirzi parameter \gamma=1 the one vertex-amplitude in the KKL prescription annihilates the Euclidean Hamiltonian constraint of LQG. Since for \gamma=1 the Lorentzian part of the Hamiltonian constraint does not contribute this gives rise to new solutions of the Euclidean theory. Furthermore, we find that the new states only depend on the diagonal matrix elements of the volume. This seems to be a generic property when applying the spin-foam projector.

I didn't study the whole paper but looked first at the conclusions: you will find that it's still a a long and stony path ...
Physics news on
  • #2

Dear forum post author,

Thank you for sharing this interesting paper. As a scientist working in the field of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), I find this study on linking covariant and canonical LQG to be a valuable contribution to the ongoing research in this area.

The paper presents a novel approach to testing the projection of spin-foam models onto the physical Hilbert space of LQG. By analyzing the one-vertex expansion of a simple Euclidean spin-foam, the authors are able to show that for a fixed Barbero-Immirzi parameter, the one-vertex amplitude annihilates the Euclidean Hamiltonian constraint of LQG. This leads to the discovery of new solutions to the Euclidean theory, which only depend on the diagonal matrix elements of the volume.

This finding has important implications for our understanding of the spin-foam projector and its role in LQG. It also highlights the potential of spin-foam models as a tool for exploring the physical Hilbert space of LQG. However, as the authors note, this is just the first step in a long and challenging journey towards a complete understanding of the connection between covariant and canonical LQG.

I look forward to reading the full paper and further developments in this area of research. Thank you for bringing this study to our attention.

FAQ: Thiemann on the relation between canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity

1. What is the main focus of Thiemann's work on the relation between canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity?

Thiemann's work primarily focuses on bridging the gap between two approaches to quantum gravity - the canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity. He investigates the relationship between these two frameworks and proposes a unified theory that can incorporate both approaches.

2. How does Thiemann's work contribute to our understanding of quantum gravity?

Thiemann's research provides important insights into the connection between the canonical and covariant formulations of loop quantum gravity. This can help us better understand the fundamental principles of quantum gravity and potentially lead to a more complete theory of the universe at a fundamental level.

3. What are some key differences between canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity?

The main difference between these two approaches lies in their mathematical formalism and interpretation. Canonical loop quantum gravity uses canonical variables and quantizes the Hamiltonian, while covariant loop quantum gravity uses spacetime symmetries and quantizes the action. Additionally, the canonical approach focuses on the dynamics of the gravitational field, while the covariant approach considers the dynamics of spacetime itself.

4. How does Thiemann's proposed unified theory reconcile these differences?

Thiemann's work proposes a new mathematical framework that combines elements of both canonical and covariant loop quantum gravity. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of quantum gravity by incorporating both the dynamics of the gravitational field and spacetime itself.

5. What are some potential implications of Thiemann's work in the field of quantum gravity?

Thiemann's research has the potential to greatly impact our understanding of the universe at a fundamental level. If his proposed unified theory is successful, it could provide a deeper understanding of the nature of space and time, as well as potentially lead to a more complete theory of quantum gravity. It could also have practical applications in areas such as cosmology and black hole physics.
