- #36
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"A scalar quantity has magnitude only."
A good counterexample to that is electric charge.
A good counterexample to that is electric charge.
BobG said:From http://www.sonicelectronix.com/cat_i6_capacitors.html: "If a vehicle has dimming headlights when music is played, a capacitor could solve that problem."
I have so many problems with this idea. For one thing, are you absolutely sure you heard the professor correctly? Surely you must be deaf by now!
And if your headlights are dimming when the music is playing, I think it means you have way too much audio system for your vehicle! And everyone sitting next to you at the stoplight probably thinks so, too!
But his was a silly statement unless he was limiting his comments to your normal home electronics. Try working at a high power space radar site that's bouncing 5 MW pulses off of space objects. They have what's essentially a small room of huge capacitors in parallel for each radar beam.
Jasso said:One of the biggest things that gets me is the concept of relativistic mass, i.e. that mass increases at relativistic speeds. It's led to more than a few misunderstandings on these forums, mostly from thinking that a fast enough particle will turn into a black hole because of it.
the_emi_guy said:Seriously?
We have students in Argentina being taught that the American moon landings were a hoax
and at the top of your list is the proper interpretation of "relativistic mass"?
Do we really expect high school science teachers to be able to know that their stack of books on special relativity, as well as the Wikipedia
page on "mass in special relativity" are not in line with the "modern" interpretation?
I agree with Sophiecentaur on this, and I'll take it a step further. A teacher job is not to just cram us full of "correct" facts.
It is more important that they teach students how to think for themselves, learn independently, question things,
and inspire them to want to learn more.
They can do this very effectively without having multiple PhDs.
OmCheeto said:Argentina? Your profile says Maryland. Are you from Argentina? I only ask, because one of our professors from Buenos Aires passed away this last year. He was with us from 1981.
the_emi_guy said:Seriously?
We have students in Argentina being taught that the American moon landings were a hoax
and at the top of your list is the proper interpretation of "relativistic mass"?
Do we really expect high school science teachers to be able to know that their stack of books on special relativity, as well as the Wikipedia
page on "mass in special relativity" are not in line with the "modern" interpretation?
I agree with Sophiecentaur on this, and I'll take it a step further. A teacher job is not to just cram us full of "correct" facts.
It is more important that they teach students how to think for themselves, learn independently, question things,
and inspire them to want to learn more.
They can do this very effectively without having multiple PhDs.
Bboy Physics said:A. He's lying, he's actually in Argentina.
B. He pulled a random country that seemed third world enough.
C. He knows somebody in Argentina
Best guesses!
soothsayer said:I was thinking along the lines of C. Perhaps he has some knowledge of the Argentine education system or heard from some source that teaching students that the moon landing was a hoax was part of the curriculum at some Argentine schools.
What?Redbelly98 said:"A scalar quantity has magnitude only."
A good counterexample to that is electric charge.
QuasiParticle said:What?
CWatters said:When I was at school (<1978) two of the subjects I studied were Physics and Applied Maths. There was some overlap which sometimes caused problems.
In physics class the syllabus taught us that friction was independant of contact area. That makes sense - you might think that increasing the contact area would increase friction but it also spreads out the load over a larger area so net effect could reasonably be zero.
However the Applied Maths syllabus seemed to use a different definition of the coefficient of friction. That required us to factor in the contact area. We did raise this contradiction with our teachers but were just told we had to remember which exam we were sitting in and answer accordingly!
We must have done because we passed with good grades.
Studiot said:I am interested in the background behind this since in my experience there were some differences of emphasis and rigour in Physics and Applied maths, but no outright conflicts as you describe.
. . . .
The amount of limiting friction is independent of the area of contact between the two surfaces and the shape of the surfaces, provided that the normal reaction is unaltered.
. .. .
All these laws are needed for the mathematical analysis of friction.
I have italicised Law 4 as it is quite clearly in line with Physics.
Really strange. I can't think of another version that wouldn't need to involve including the modulus of the materials involved and resulting actual contact area. But then, except for a non-linear material, all that stuff would cancel out.
As one who was taught long before 1974 (and have forgotten an awful lot of details about what actually went on), I might suggest a bit of mis-remembering?
Studiot post#48
I am interested in the background behind this since in my experience there were some differences of emphasis and rigour in Physics and Applied maths, but no outright conflicts as you describe.
sophiecentaur said:I'm saying that we'd need some details of this 'special' Applied Maths treatment before we could be confident about its existence. Any other treatment of friction would have to be a bit above School / College level, I think. (I'm only implying the need for evidence.)
Studiot said:Friction is not the only tangentiial force acting in the interaction between the road surface and a rolling pneumatic tyre.
If you want a fir comparison with the theory of sliding friction (blocks) you should lock the wheels and tow the truck.
PeteyCoco said:The Octet Rule! I would have had a much better time in school and intro chem if I understood that it was mainly to C N O and F. I'm sure my teachers mentioned it at some point, but I never listened in high school. Sometimes I feel like I wasn't old enough to appreciate what was being taught in high school!
0xDEADBEEF said:same for singers breaking wine glasses (at least it doesn't work for non defective glasses)
epenguin said:I think that one was more often seen a century or more ago when the average glass was a lot less perfect and had stresses in it.
I only saw it once, sitting at a restaurant table this thick glass suddenly exploded and all that was left was a fine glass powder (except for the stalk I think).
PeteyCoco said:The Octet Rule! I would have had a much better time in school and intro chem if I understood that it was mainly to C N O and F. I'm sure my teachers mentioned it at some point, but I never listened in high school. Sometimes I feel like I wasn't old enough to appreciate what was being taught in high school!
fluidistic said:In elementary school (when I was 8) I was taught that the surface tension of water was due to gravity: Our teacher put the end of a pencil into water and removed it very slowly until it was over the surface but the water was still sticky on it. She said that it's the same force that the Moon exerts on Earth and create tides. The worst thing is that I believed her.
I don't think someone had a similar experience but if you do, please post. :)