Thinking of switching from Chemistry to Physics

In summary, the person in this conversation is a 20-year-old Chemistry major who is considering switching to Physics. This would require taking a number of difficult courses in a short amount of time. They are also unsure about their interest in pursuing medical school and are considering the potential career options with a degree in Physics. The person speaking has already taken several chemistry courses and is concerned about the job opportunities for both Chemistry and Physics majors. They are seeking guidance on whether switching to Physics would be a good idea.
  • #1
I am a 20 year old Chemistry major who is currently finishing up his junior year of college. My initial plan was to graduate with a Chemistry BA and then proceed to apply to medical school. However, after taking physics non-calc based 1 & 2 I remembered how much I enjoy the physics. I am currently thinking of switching from chemistry to physics, however changing my major would be very difficult. I would have to stay an extra semester (so 3 more in total), and I would have to take the following courses: Calc 3, Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetism 1 & 2, Sophomore Lab, Junior Lab, and Modern Physics. All of these courses would have to be completed within 3 semesters. However, the road to completing my Chemistry BA will also be quite hard as I focused on fulfilling my medical school requirements first before doing anything else so I am not even that far into my major. I have only taken Chem 1 & 2, Organic Chem 1& 2, and Organic Chem Lab. This means if I want to finish my chem degree I will also have to cram in a lot of hard chemistry courses. To me, receiving a degree in Physics seems like a good idea because just in case I do not go to medical school or decide I do not want to go, I could always fall back on my Physics education and look for a job that interests me. This is in contrast with Chemistry, as I do not feel I would enjoy being a Chemist. In closing, do you think it would be a good idea to switch from Chemistry to Physics? I do not truly know if I would enjoy the upper level Physics/Math courses as my knowledge and enjoyment of the subject is limited to the introductory courses.

Edit: How do I move this Academic Guidance? Sorry.
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  • #2
It sounds to me like you're not really sure you want to go to medical school. Or, if you do want to go, you want to take the long, hard way.

I changed from Chemistry to Physics in my junior year. I won't say I regret the decision -- the challenge of physics changed me in a way that chemistry would not have. I completed chemistry classes through Physical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, but I found physics to be much more difficult.

Where I live, the opportunities for BS Chemists are much better than BS Physics. Spend some time looking around this forum and you will see this is typical.

That said, Chemist jobs are not very plentiful, either.

What do you want to achieve with your education?

Related to Thinking of switching from Chemistry to Physics

1. What are the main differences between Chemistry and Physics?

Chemistry is a branch of science that focuses on the composition, properties, and reactions of matter. It involves studying the behavior of atoms and molecules and their interactions with each other. Physics, on the other hand, is a branch of science that focuses on the fundamental laws of nature and how matter and energy behave in the universe. It involves studying concepts such as motion, forces, and energy. While both fields involve studying the natural world, they have different approaches and use different methods and techniques.

2. Can I transfer my knowledge and skills from Chemistry to Physics?

Yes, there is some overlap between the two fields, so you may be able to transfer some of your knowledge and skills. For example, both Chemistry and Physics use mathematics and scientific principles to understand and explain the natural world. However, keep in mind that there will also be new concepts and techniques to learn in Physics, so be prepared for a learning curve.

3. What career opportunities are available in Physics compared to Chemistry?

Both Chemistry and Physics offer a wide range of career opportunities, so it ultimately depends on your interests and goals. Some career options in Physics include research and development, engineering, data analysis, teaching, and more. Chemistry offers similar career options, as well as opportunities in fields such as pharmaceuticals, environmental science, and forensic science. It's important to research and consider your interests and strengths to determine which field may be the best fit for you.

4. Will switching from Chemistry to Physics impact my academic progress?

It may impact your academic progress if you are switching majors in the middle of your undergraduate degree. However, if you are switching before starting your degree or during the first year, you should be able to make the transition smoothly. It's important to meet with an academic advisor to discuss your options and create a plan to ensure you are on track to meet your academic goals.

5. How can I prepare for the transition from Chemistry to Physics?

To prepare for the transition, you can start by familiarizing yourself with basic concepts and principles in Physics. You can also reach out to professors or students in the Physics department to ask questions and get a better understanding of what to expect. Additionally, you can take advantage of any resources or support services offered by your university, such as tutoring or study groups, to help you with the transition.

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