This looks almost too easy where did I go wrong? Complex Analysis.

In summary, the problem attempted to solve had a pole at z=0, but was not able to find a function which satisfied the limit condition.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Problem 2 of Part III.

Homework Equations

Complex Analysis.

The Attempt at a Solution

So, I think my proof is wrong (since I never used the fact that it was [itex]f^2[/itex]) as opposed to [itex]f[/itex]. So, could you point out at where?

Since [itex]f[/itex] is meromorphic, it can only have poles as discontinuities. We'll argue by means of contradiction. Let [itex]a[/itex] be a pole of [itex]f[/itex]. Since meromorphic functions have isolated zeroes, there exists a small disk with border [itex]\gamma[/itex] around [itex]a[/itex] such that [itex]f[/itex] has no zeroes, nor other singulaties. In particular, this implies [itex]g := \frac{1}{f^2}[/itex] is analytic on said disk. Applying Runge's theorem, we can obtain a sequence of polynomials [itex]g_n[/itex] uniformly converging to [itex]g[/itex]. So, [tex] \int_{\gamma} g_n f^2 dz \rightarrow \int_{\gamma} gf^2 dz = length(\gamma) [/tex] But by the given,

[tex]\int_{\gamma} g_n f^2 dz = 0[/tex] for all [itex]g_n[/itex], which is a contradiction.

Am I just invoking a theorem too powerful?

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
An integral over a closed loop with a constant function is 0, not the length of the loop. This does not lead to a contradiction.
  • #3
Oh wow. Shameful. Shameful, shameful, shameful. Been doing too much real stuff lately haha. How about this?

By the integral condition, it suffices to only consider [itex]f[/itex] having simple poles as discontinuities. Wlog, we assume it has a pole at [itex]z = 0 [/itex] and choose a contour around it which only has that as the only discontinuity in the region it defines. Thus, by the residue theorem and the integral condition, we have that [itex] \lim_{ z \rightarrow 0} z f(z) = 0 [/itex]. Thus, there exists some small c such that [itex] |z| \leq c \rightarrow |z f(z)| < 1 [/itex]. The function [itex] g(z) = z f(z) [/itex] has only 0 as a discontinuity in previously-mentioned region, and it's removable, so it's analytic on the domain defined by the contour. For [itex] |z| < c[/itex] we have by the maximum modulus principle that [itex]|g|[/itex] attains a max value at [itex]|z| = c [/itex], so in particular, [itex]|f(z)| < 1/c [/itex], for [itex]|z| < c [/itex], hence the discontinuity is removable, so not a pole.
  • #4
l'Hôpital said:
Thus, by the residue theorem and the integral condition, we have that [itex] \lim_{ z \rightarrow 0} z f(z) = 0 [/itex].
I don't understand that reasoning.

Thus, there exists some small c such that [itex] |z| \leq c \rightarrow |z f(z)| < 1 [/itex]. The function [itex] g(z) = z f(z) [/itex] has only 0 as a discontinuity in previously-mentioned region, and it's removable, so it's analytic on the domain defined by the contour. For [itex] |z| < c[/itex] we have by the maximum modulus principle that [itex]|g|[/itex] attains a max value at [itex]|z| = c [/itex], so in particular, [itex]|f(z)| < 1/c [/itex], for [itex]|z| < c [/itex], hence the discontinuity is removable, so not a pole.
I would simplify this to "no pole of any order could satisfy the lim condition, therefore f has not a pole". But you have to get the lim condition first.
  • #5
Alright. So, by the integral condition and the residue theorem (in that order), we get the equalities

[tex]0 = \int zf^2 dz = Res(zf^2,0)[/tex]

Since we are assuming it's a simple pole of [itex]f[/itex], it's an order 2 pole of [itex]f^2[/itex], hence simple pole of [itex]zf^2[/itex], so the residue boils down to the limit condition [itex] \lim_{z \rightarrow z} z(z f^2 (z) ) = 0 [/itex] which is equivalent to the stated limit condition before by taking a square root.

We can assume it's a simple pole since if it was any higher, say [itex]m[/itex], we can simply replace [itex]f[/itex] with [itex]z^{m-1} f [/itex], which would then have a simple pole at [itex]z= 0[/itex] , then show it's not really a pole by the argument I produced earlier which means it couldn't have been a pole of said order for [itex]f[/itex].

I tried to reduce to the simple pole case since for higher order, the residue involves taking derivatives, and that looked scary.
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  • #6
l'Hôpital said:
We can assume it's a simple pole since if it was any higher, say [itex]m[/itex], we can simply replace [itex]f[/itex] with [itex]z^{m-1} f [/itex], which would then have a simple pole at [itex]z= 0[/itex] , then show it's not really a pole by the argument I produced earlier which means it couldn't have been a pole of said order for [itex]f[/itex].
Better start with modified polynomials directly, otherwise your assumption is not valid - your other cases do not look like the case you considered.

Related to This looks almost too easy where did I go wrong? Complex Analysis.

1. What is Complex Analysis?

Complex Analysis is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of complex numbers and their functions. It involves the analysis of functions of complex variables and their properties, including derivatives, integrals, and series expansions.

2. What are complex numbers?

Complex numbers are numbers that are expressed in the form of a+bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit (equal to the square root of -1). They are used to represent quantities that cannot be expressed by real numbers, such as the square root of a negative number.

3. What are some applications of Complex Analysis?

Complex Analysis has many applications in physics, engineering, and other areas of mathematics. It is used to solve problems in fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics, among others. It also has applications in signal processing, image processing, and computer science.

4. How is Complex Analysis different from Real Analysis?

Complex Analysis deals with functions of complex variables, while Real Analysis deals with functions of real variables. Complex numbers have both real and imaginary components, while real numbers only have a single component. Complex Analysis also has some unique properties, such as the Cauchy-Riemann equations, that are not found in Real Analysis.

5. Is Complex Analysis difficult to learn?

Complex Analysis can be challenging for some people, as it involves a lot of abstract concepts and mathematical proofs. However, with proper study and practice, it can be mastered. It is important to have a strong foundation in mathematics, particularly in calculus and linear algebra, before studying Complex Analysis.

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