This question is driving me nuts. (counter-balancing forces)

In summary, the question asks for the weight, w2, and angle needed to keep a man's leg from being pulled down by a cast. The equation is w_x_1 + w_x_2 =0, which can be solved for w2 using w_x_1 + w_y_2 =0. The weight is 164 N and the angle is 59.2 degrees.
  • #1
Hi, I am new. I need someone to help me out with this question, because I've spent the last hour and a half trying to figure this out. I have an exam tomorrow and this question might be asked. Here it is:

A man's leg and cast weigh 210 N (center of the mass). The counterbalance weighs 105 N. Determine the weight, w2 and the angle needed so that no force is exerted on the hip joint by the leg plus the cast.

There is a diagram showing a man's leg being raised at a 40 degree angle by a wire and pulley on the right, on the end of it is a 105 N weight. On the other side (left), there is another wire pulley with an unknown weight, w2, attached to it at an unknown angle as well. Here is the diagram:

How do I even begin this question?
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  • #2
First sum up all of the forces that are acting in the system. Make sure you get your positive and negative symbols correct.

Hint:Convert every force to an x and y plane equivelant.

The key to solving this is remembering that the sum of all forces must equal 0 because it is in equilibrium. Using this, you should be able to form two simultaneous equations. Let me know how you go.
  • #3
okay. i pretty much had a hunch that this what they wanted.

w1 triangle:

r1 = 105/sin40 = 163.4
y1 = 105
x1 = cos40 x 163.4 = 125.2

the x1 value should be the same as the x2 value, if T-T=0 so:

x2 = 125.2

and this is where I am stuck. I suppose i could use 210 as the height of the triangle, which gives me 244, but then what? I receive an angle approximate to 59.2 degrees by taking the inverse cosine of 125/244. However, then i get w2 as 210 N, which is clearly wrong. Insight?
  • #4
You are right in thinking that the two x values must be equal (and opposite).

Remember I said sum up all the forces. You did that for x, now for y.

You have the weight of his leg pushing down, the y tension of w1 pushing up and the y tension of w2 pushing up too.

Therefore you can get the equation:
210 = 105 + w2
  • #5
That's exactly what I was thinking, Rake, but the answer for this question is stating that the w2 is not 105, but actually 163.8. I can't figure out where they got that value, because I kept getting 105 for w2.
  • #6
I'm sorry I was up all night, perhaps seek someone's second opinion because I'm sure I overlooked some tiny little thing.
  • #7
Oh hang on, how did I not see this. The force of 210N is not going straight down from his leg. Well essentially it is, but his hip can't just drop straight down, it's a joint. Therefore there will be a torque created.
But I wouldn't suppose there's a length given of his leg?
  • #8
Nope. No length. Lol. This is why this question is driving me nuts.
  • #9
Heheh, Serway strikes again. Be careful, if you don't use a standard angle for many problems, the signs can become quite confusing.

This is in a chapter strictly concerning forces, so not torque problems yet.

Your idea seems correct, so it may be a matter of checking your work.

[tex]w_x_1 + w_x_2 =0[/tex]

[tex]220 = (105*\sin(140)) + w_y_2

Now use [tex]|w_2| = \sqrt{w_x + w_y} [/tex] to find your magnitude and [tex]\theta = \tan^{-1} \frac{y}{x}[/tex]
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  • #10
I figured it out. I was thinking the side of the triangle with the weight, or the y of the triangle was 105 when it was actually the r. it makes sense now, since that's where the tension should have been.

So if r = 105, cos40*105 = 80.43 for x, which in turn is 80.43 on x2 because of T-T'=0.

If I get the sin40*105, the y is 67.5.
210 (force acting downward) - 67.5 = 142.5 for y2.
142^2 + 80.43^2 = 26775. Square that and you come to your answer of what the weight must be: 164 N.
  • #11

FAQ: This question is driving me nuts. (counter-balancing forces)

1. What are counter-balancing forces?

Counter-balancing forces refer to equal and opposite forces acting on an object, resulting in a state of balance or equilibrium. These forces cancel each other out, causing the object to remain in a stationary position or to move at a constant velocity.

2. Why is it important to consider counter-balancing forces?

Understanding and considering counter-balancing forces is important in many fields, such as engineering, physics, and biomechanics. It allows us to predict and control the movement and stability of objects, structures, and systems.

3. What are some examples of counter-balancing forces?

Some common examples of counter-balancing forces include tension and compression in a rope during a tug-of-war, weight distribution on a seesaw, and lift and drag forces on an airplane wing.

4. How do counter-balancing forces affect motion?

Counter-balancing forces can affect motion in different ways. In the case of balanced forces, an object will remain stationary or move at a constant velocity. In the case of unbalanced forces, there will be a change in the object's motion, such as acceleration or deceleration.

5. Can counter-balancing forces be manipulated?

Yes, counter-balancing forces can be manipulated through various methods, such as changing the magnitude or direction of the forces, or by introducing additional forces. This manipulation can be used to achieve desired outcomes, such as stability, control, or propulsion.

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