Thought experiment about fluid compressibility

In summary, water is generally considered incompressible, but it is actually slightly compressible. As pressure is applied to it, it will resist volume change and the pressure inside the container will increase. To compress water significantly, a very strong material such as diamond would be needed. The behavior of water under compression can be predicted using phase diagrams. On a planet made entirely of water, the immense pressure at the center could potentially turn water into an exotic form of solid ice.
  • #1
I'm a physics noob but this is something I was thinking about when I read in my textbook that fluids are generally incompressible.

Let's say I had 1000 L of water enclosed in a sphere several meters thick (say, 2 meters thick) made of an extremely hard, dense metal with 0 outlets or holes of any kind. (Some other material other than metal might be better for this, since metals are malleable and can be punctured with high pressure.) The water is perfectly enclosed in the sphere, which has a volume of exactly 1000 L.

Let's say this sphere was constructed in such a way that it could be radius could be reduced uniformly so that I can keep "squeezing" the water inside. Maybe the plates of the sphere on the outside slide over each other or something.

What happens to the water as I keep compressing? Does it just turn into a gas? What kinds of forces are exerted by the water on the sphere? Could I do this without shattering the sphere?
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  • #2
Well water is incompressible... practically. In reality, water is very, very slightly compressible. The pressure generated by a thermonuclear explosion under water can just barely compress it, for example.

Anyway, since water is incompressible, as you keep squeezing your sphere, the water is just going to resist any sort of volume change by exerting an equal and opposite force to your squeezing, which would measure as an increase in water pressure inside.

Think about trying to squeeze a steel ball with your hand. It doesn't give any even as you squeeze harder. It's the same thing with your situation only with the ball squeezing the water.

Eventually the force would be great enough that you would just barely start to compress the water if you could generate that kind of squeeze. That is assuming the pressure didn't rupture your sphere first and allow the water to escape.
  • #3
Water (and every other material) is compressible, which can be proven by observing the propagation of sound. The thing is that the compressibility of liquids (including water) is not very different from the compressibility of solids - as compared to gases, which can be compressed considerably. So, your "squeezing tank" has to be made by a very very strong material, say diamond, and even then it will be effective only in a relatively small range of pressures (so, you can't squeeze very much, because your tank will start squeezing itself).

In order to know what's going on with water while squeezing it in the tank, you need to observe pressure, density, and temperature. The behaviour of water can be predicted from the phase diagrams of water. Here's one:

If you keep water in room temperature, then by squeezing it you make ice.
  • #4
In the case of water, to reduce the volume from 1000 L to 999 L, you would need to apply a pressure of about 20 atm.
  • #5
But wait, what would happen to water if it was on a planet made of only water and the
planet was 10,000 miles in diameter? At the center of said planet wouldn't the water be squished to a solid?
  • #6
solar71 said:
But wait, what would happen to water if it was on a planet made of only water and the
planet was 10,000 miles in diameter? At the center of said planet wouldn't the water be squished to a solid?

Sure. Just take a look at a phase diagram. In fact, it would likely be one of the exotic forms of ice that is borderline metallic. It is theorized, for example, that the ocean floor of Titan may be comprised of such an exotic crystalline form of ice.

Related to Thought experiment about fluid compressibility

1. How does the compressibility of a fluid affect its behavior?

The compressibility of a fluid refers to its ability to change in volume when subjected to pressure. When a fluid is compressed, its molecules become more closely packed, causing an increase in density. This can affect the behavior of the fluid, such as making it more difficult to flow or changing its buoyancy.

2. What is a thought experiment about fluid compressibility?

A thought experiment about fluid compressibility involves imagining a hypothetical scenario and using logic and reasoning to explore the behavior of a fluid under different levels of compression. This can help scientists better understand the properties and characteristics of different fluids.

3. How can fluid compressibility be measured?

Fluid compressibility can be measured by observing the change in volume of the fluid when subjected to different levels of pressure. This can be done using specialized equipment, such as a pressure gauge, and following specific procedures to ensure accurate measurements.

4. What are some real-world applications of understanding fluid compressibility?

Understanding fluid compressibility is important in various fields, such as engineering, geology, and meteorology. It can help in designing efficient hydraulic systems, predicting the behavior of fluids in underground reservoirs, and forecasting weather patterns.

5. How does the compressibility of gases differ from that of liquids?

The compressibility of gases is much greater than that of liquids, meaning that they are more easily compressed and their volume changes significantly under pressure. This is because gas molecules are much more spread out compared to liquid molecules, making them more susceptible to changes in pressure.

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