Thoughts on Newton's Bucket and the relativity of rotation

In summary, this discussion is about a thought experiment involving a spinning planet in space. The discussion discusses the philosophical appeal of the thought experiment, the difficulty of testing it, and the lack of evidence for it.
  • #1
Big Al
Isaac Newton imagined a bucket of water suspended on a fine (ideally torsionless) rope, set spinning. Friction eventually causes the water to rotate along with the bucket. The surface develops a dip in the middle and rises at the edges owing to the water's inertia. (You see this effect every time you stir a cup of tea.)

Einstein considered this 'thought experiment' too, and asked what this rotation might be relative to. Was it relative to nearby masses, or to the entire mass of the universe surrounding the bucket? Or to an absolute 'stationary' ether (as Newton did)? And he wondered whether this inertia effect would occur if the bucket of water were spinning in an otherwise empty universe devoid of any other masses.

My own 'Newtonian/relativistic' thoughts on this are as follows. The situation can be regarded as equivalent to a 'stationary' bucket with the rest of the universe spinning round it at the same rotational speed but in the opposite direction. The fact that the mass of the universe is orbiting the bucket of water implies that it is accelerating towards it (like the Moon accelerating in its orbit towards Earth). This implies that the bucket is exerting a force on the 'rotating' universe. But this in turn implies that the rotating universe is exerting an equal and opposite force on the bucket and the water within it. It is this force that causes the water to pile up at the edges and dip in the middle, and give the impression of possessing 'inertia'.

It follows from this, that in an otherwise empty universe the inertia effect would not occur. That is to say, the spinning water would not develop a dip in the middle and rise at the edges, unless empty space has mass.

I cannot believe for an instant that these thoughts are new. Would more knowledgeable forum members please refer me to where in the literature my thought experiment has been described. And also, I'd be very interested to hear what YOUR thoughts are on this?
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  • #2
I've often thought about this too ...

Imagine a planet in space not in orbit around a star ... far from anything ... we want to know if it's rotating about any axis ...
We measure the gravity where we are on the surface ... then fire a rocket engine tangentially to the surface to change it's angular rotation about an axis ... we measure gravity again , if it decreased then we know we have indeed given it a real rotation ... if it increases then we know it had a rotation before , but in the opposite direction (the apparent 'gravity' we are measuring is really the the true force from gravity minus the centrifugal force)
So we do this many times , different axis, until the gravity measured is a maximum everywhere on the surface , then we know this planet has zero spin.
  • #4
Big Al said:
I cannot believe for an instant that these thoughts are new. Would more knowledgeable forum members please refer me to where in the literature my thought experiment has been described. And also, I'd be very interested to hear what YOUR thoughts are on this?
This idea is usually known as Mach's principle. My thoughts on it are that it is philosophically appealing, but very hard to formulate in terms of an actual testable theory. There was one theory, Brans Dicke gravity, that attempted to do so. However, insofar as BD gravity does embody Mach's principle the experimental evidence shows that the universe does not follow it.
  • #5
It's not a new idea, as you can see. I seem to recall there are some particular solutions to Einstein's equations for gravity in a rotating cylinder which mimics the centrifugal and coriolis forces on a bucket, but I think the general consensus is that the universe is not Machian. The reason is that these solutions require some very special parameter settings, while the calculation of the bucket in Newtonian physics is very straightforward and doesn't require any special parameter settings.
  • #6
Suppose you have a craft traveling in open space (far from any source of gravity). Does it have momentum and inertia? Yes. Can you change its direction without using any force? No. So a spinning bucket of water out in free space will show the same depression in the center and rising on the edges of its surface.

The "relative" question is not so complex. You can calculate the rate of spin based on the slope of the water's surface from edge to center. That will tell you what the relative spin is compared to other objects.
  • #7
Just a comment: some years ago, I tried to read about the history of the 19th and 20th century research on the problem of inertia. There was a document, a book, by Immanuel and Benedikt Friedländer that seemed to be interesting, but in spite of my efforts, I wasn't able to find it in the internet ('Absolute oder relative Bewegung?'). I have tried now again, and here it is...

It seems that the internet gets better and richer by the day...

Related to Thoughts on Newton's Bucket and the relativity of rotation

1. What is Newton's Bucket experiment?

The Newton's Bucket experiment is a thought experiment devised by Sir Isaac Newton to demonstrate the relativity of rotation. In this experiment, a bucket filled with water is suspended from a rope and allowed to rotate around its axis. According to Newton, the surface of the water will remain flat and stationary in the absence of any external forces, regardless of the rotation of the bucket.

2. How does the experiment demonstrate the relativity of rotation?

The experiment demonstrates the relativity of rotation by showing that the shape of the water's surface is not affected by the rotation of the bucket. This suggests that there is no absolute frame of reference for rotation and that motion can only be measured relative to other objects.

3. What is the significance of Newton's Bucket experiment?

The significance of Newton's Bucket experiment is that it challenges the traditional notion of absolute space and time. It suggests that there is no absolute frame of reference for motion and that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames.

4. How does the experiment relate to Einstein's theory of relativity?

The experiment is a precursor to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, which builds upon the concept of the relativity of motion. Einstein's theory states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in any inertial frame of reference, and that the speed of light is constant in all reference frames.

5. Can the experiment be performed in real life?

The experiment is a thought experiment and cannot be performed in real life as it involves the absence of any external forces, which is impossible to achieve. However, the concept of relativity of rotation has been demonstrated in other experiments, such as the Foucault pendulum and the Sagnac effect.

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