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Not particularly useful in this problem. The wikipedia article on the n-body problem constains a fairly good discussion of Sundman's series. Scienceworld at wolfram.com also discusses this topic. From the scienceworld article, (emphasis mine):twofish-quant said:Or infinite series.
Since such global regularizations are available for this problem, the restricted problem of three bodies can be considered to be complete "solved." However, this "solution" does not address issues of stability, allowed regions of motion, and so on, and so is of limited practical utility (Szebehely 1967, p. 42). Furthermore, an unreasonably large number of terms (of order 108,000,000) of Sundman's series are required into attain anything like the accuracy required for astronomical observations.
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-body_problem#Sundman.27s_theorem_for_the_3-body_problem
Scienceworld: http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/RestrictedThree-BodyProblem.html
Non-elementary functions were widely used prior to the advent of modern computers. Invariant and mean orbital elements are essentially special-purpose non-elementary functions. These techniques were developed to describe a body orbiting the Earth, for example. Even ignoring perturbing factors from the Sun and Moon, a body orbiting the Earth does not obey Kepler's laws because the Earth is not a point mass. Various techniques were developed to analytically describe orbital behavior about the Earth that account for Earth's oblateness to some extent (usually J2 only). These techniques are still used to some extent; the two-line orbital elements issued by NORAD are one example.Or use non-elementary functions.
twofish-quant, you missed another formerly widely-used technique in your list of alternatives, perturbation theory. The description of the evolution of the Moon's orbit used to be done using perturbation techniques rather than numerical integration. People are much better at using analytic models than they are are performing lots and lots of rote calculations. Numerical integration didn't really become a viable option until the development of modern computers.
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