Three conjectures looking for a proof 100Euro reward

  • Thread starter T.Rex
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In summary: The number is prime if the Cycle is a "pure" one (not a multiple of a sub-cycle).This is a good point. Conjecture 1 (or half of it) would be easier if the sequence was indexed from 1 instead of 0.Indexing from 1 to q makes sense in my mind, too.Notice that it is possible to use the same seed 1/4 for Conjectures 2 & 3.True.Because all cycles are of length (q-1)/m, I prefer that the seed be named S0.So that the iterations are from 1 to q-1. But this is a detail...I'll modify the conjectures to require the
  • #1

I've put on the" the description of 3 conjectures that are waiting for a proof. I've already done half the proof for one of them (the easy part...).
I've provided PARI/gp code that exercises the 3 conjectures.

I'll give 100Euro for the guy/lady who will provide one proof out of the three.

These conjectures deal with properties of a Digraph under x^2-2 modulo a Mersenne, a Wagstaff or a Fermat prime, and they use cycles of length q-1 (Mersenne and Wagstaff) or 2^n-1 (Fermat).

The final idea/dream is to use cycles of length (q-1)/n for proving that such numbers are NOT prime, in order to speed up the search and proof.

The conjecture about Wagstaff numbers is already implemented as a "Vrba-Reix PRP" test in the LLR tool by Jean Penné, based on Prime95 library, which is usually used for looking at primes of the form: k*2^n+/-1 .

Come and have a look, have fun, and compete !

(And come look how big are the two new Prime Mersenne numbers we found at" , and that I've verified.)

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Physics news on
  • #2
A .pdf summary of conjectures

I've summarized the information in this" .
And here is a link to a" r.
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  • #3
And now, the Voice of Ignorance speaks:

I believe Conjecture 1 (or half of it) would be easier if the sequence was indexed from 1 instead of 0. Then its closed form would be Sn = 3^(2^n) + 3^-(2^n) (mod Mq). (Just square S1 to convince yourself.)

Now, Sq = 3 . 3^Mq + 3^-1 . 3^-Mq;
if Mq is prime then, by Fermat's Little Theorem, Sq = 3^2 + 3^-2 (mod Mq) = S1.
  • #4
2 proofs of the first part of Conjectures 2 & 3


Mister Robert Gerbicz has provided a proof for the first (the easier, but not so easy !) part of Conjectures 2 and 3. See" .

Though this paper needs some cleaning and clarifications, 2 persons at least have read it. I've found no problem. Quite easy to understand. But guessing how he got the ideas. You are welcome to read it and make comments if you feel that some part is unclear or wrong.

This means that there is now a fast PRP test for Wagstaff numbers !
{Fast here means that this PRP test is about as fast as Prime95 is for Mersenne numbers.}

A first step forward.
Now, the converses (the hard part...).

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  • #5
INdex from 1 to q, instead of 0 to q-1.

Dodo said:
I believe Conjecture 1 (or half of it) would be easier if the sequence was indexed from 1 instead of 0.
Good comment ! It is exactly what Mr Gerbicz did in his proof !

Notice that it is possible to use the same seed 1/4 for Conjectures 2 & 3.

Because all cycles are of length (q-1)/m, I prefer that the seed be named S0. So that the iterations are from 1 to q-1. But this is a detail...

  • #6
You're welcome :)

About the other direction of the conjectures (the "only if" part), I presume you'd need an extra condition (perhaps that's your intention anyway).

For example, in conjecture 1, since the idea is to form a cycle when Mq is prime, I presume you mean "iff Sq = S0 (mod Mq) and for no other 0 < i < q is Si = S0 (mod Mi)"; that is, "and no smaller index closes the cycle first". I imagine you don't intend Mq to be prime on every loop of the cycle, just on the first.

(This is in the spirit of the" .)
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  • #7
Dodo said:
About the other direction of the conjectures (the "only if" part), I presume you'd need an extra condition (perhaps that's your intention anyway).

For example, in conjecture 1, since the idea is to form a cycle when Mq is prime, I presume you mean "iff Sq = S0 (mod Mq) and for no other 0 < i < q is Si = S0 (mod Mi)"; that is, "and no smaller index closes the cycle first".
Yes ! You are perfectly right !

Clear that this problem you are talking about does not appear when using LLT with the Digraph-tree, since once you've reached Si=0 then the next steps are: -2, 2, 2, 2, ...

With cycles, yes there is the risk to be in a (q-1)/m cycle. So that, after q-1 steps, S0 is back, but it is not a proof that the number is prime since only (q-1)/m steps are different.

The number is prime if the Cycle is a "pure" one (not a multiple of a sub-cycle).

As you said, yes this is comparable to the "converse of Fermat's Little Theorem".

Good remark, again ! Thanks ! I'll modify the conjectures !

I imagine you don't intend Mq to be prime on every loop of the cycle, just on the first.
Sorry, I don't understand. Can you elaborate ?


  • #8
Not only a matter of primality proving. More.

For those who are reading this thread, let me remind that this thread does not only deal with some new theorems helping to prove that some special numbers (Mersenne, Wagstaff, Fermat) are primes.

If it was only this, then it would only worth to prove Conjecture 2 about Wagstaff numbers, since there is no fast primality test yet for these numbers.

First, it may end with the possibility to use smaller cycles (q-1)/m with m>1 to prove that one of these numbers is NOT prime.
It would speed up the GIMPS project or it would help to know about [tex]F_{33}[/tex], the 33th Fermat number.

Second, the LLT iteration [tex] S_{i+1}=S_{i}^2-2 \pmod{p} [/tex] is a mean to explore the hidden internal structure of the number.
If the number is prime, then the "Digraph under the LLT modulo this prime p" has specific features: tree(s) and cycles of specific organizations. I've checked with numbers of other forms (like k*3^n+/-1 or k*5^n+/-1, if I remember well). If the number is NOT prime, then the Digraph is very different, still with trees and cycles, but with an organization which is based on the divisors of the numbers, and which does not obey to all the rules that a prime of the same form obey to. The problem is to find which rules (the seed where to start ! and the length of 1 or more cycles to cover) are fundamental to the primes of this form. That's quite easy for Mersenne, Wagstaff and Fermat numbers, which are very pure/simple numbers. It would be more difficult for other numbers, but we know very few about the properties of these Cycles. More to discover. A full domain of research.
Start by extending our knowledge about the Digraph under x^2-2 for these Mersenne, Wagstaff and Fermat numbers !


  • #9
T.Rex said:
Sorry, I don't understand. Can you elaborate ?
I think you got the idea already. If S{q-1} = S0 (mod Mq), then the sequence will repeat every q-1 steps, but you don't intend to speak about primality for every further repetition of some Sn = S0. No clarification needed, we're already talking about the same thing.
  • #10
New version of the conjectures !

I've produced a" (thanks to "Dodo"), with more explanations, with new seeds, and with new PARI/gp code, and with information about the status of proof of the sufficiency, and who did what.
Hope it helps !
Only the necessity is now required !
(note that Lucas never provided a proof for the necessity of his theorems ! Then Lehmer came.)
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Related to Three conjectures looking for a proof 100Euro reward

1. What are the three conjectures looking for a proof?

The three conjectures are the Collatz conjecture, the Goldbach conjecture, and the Twin prime conjecture. The Collatz conjecture states that for any positive integer, if it is even, divide it by 2. If it is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. Repeat this process, and it will eventually reach 1. The Goldbach conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers. The Twin prime conjecture states that there are infinitely many pairs of prime numbers that differ by 2.

2. What is the reward for proving these conjectures?

The reward for proving these conjectures is 100 Euro. This is a symbolic amount and is not an officially recognized prize. The main motivation for proving these conjectures is the satisfaction of contributing to mathematical knowledge and potentially receiving recognition in the mathematical community.

3. Have any of these conjectures been proven?

No, none of these conjectures have been proven. They are still open problems in mathematics and have been extensively studied by mathematicians for centuries. However, there have been some partial results and progress made towards proving these conjectures.

4. Why are these conjectures important?

These conjectures are important because they have sparked significant interest and debate in the mathematical community. They have also led to the development of new mathematical techniques and research areas. Additionally, proving these conjectures would provide a deeper understanding of number theory and potentially lead to new discoveries.

5. Is there a time limit for proving these conjectures?

No, there is no time limit for proving these conjectures. They will remain open problems until they are either proven or disproven. Mathematicians continue to work on these conjectures and make progress towards finding a proof, but there is no set deadline for when they need to be solved.

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