How Do You Calculate Acceleration and Tension in a Three-Mass Pulley System?

  • Thread starter artyboy
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In summary, the three blocks attached via a massless, frictionless pulley system with a 60 degree inclined plane and a 20kg block will start to slide down the plane when released. The equations used are Fnet = ma and for the 20 kg block, ma = mgsinθ - T, for the 2kg block, ma = 2T - mg, and for the 3kg block, ma = 2T - mg. The acceleration of each mass is dependent on the acceleration of the other two and can be determined through geometric relationships. Once the relationships are found, a fourth equation can be created to solve for the tension in the string.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The three blocks are attached via a massless, frictionless pulley system, as
shown. The frictionless plane is inclined at an angle  = 60 degrees. When released
from rest, the 20kg block will start to slide down the plane. Find the tension in the
The image is attached.

Homework Equations

Fnet = ma

The Attempt at a Solution

For the 20 kg block I got, ma = mgsinθ - T
2kg block- ma = 2T - mg
3kg block: ma = 2T - mg
The only problem is that the acceleration of all of the masses is different. How do I find the acceleration of each? Is it a ratio of the tensions, but then the 2kg and 3kg would have the same acceleration which wouldn't make sense?


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  • #2
artyboy said:

Homework Statement

The three blocks are attached via a massless, frictionless pulley system, as
shown. The frictionless plane is inclined at an angle = 60 degrees. When released
from rest, the 20kg block will start to slide down the plane. Find the tension in the
The image is attached.

Homework Equations

Fnet = ma

The Attempt at a Solution

For the 20 kg block I got, ma = mgsinθ - T
2kg block- ma = 2T - mg
3kg block: ma = 2T - mg
I think that looks about right so far. :approve:
I'd label my a's and m's though (something like a1, a2, and a3, m1, m2, m3 or whatnot), to avoid confusing them with each other.
The only problem is that the acceleration of all of the masses is different. How do I find the acceleration of each? Is it a ratio of the tensions, but then the 2kg and 3kg would have the same acceleration which wouldn't make sense?
It's not a ratio of tensions, no. It's a matter of geometry. The configuration of the system.

Suppose for a moment that the 2 and 3 kg masses are held in place (not allowed to accelerate) when the system is released from rest. In this situation, the 20 kg mass won't accelerate either. [Edit: the point being that the acceleration of the 20 kg mass is dependent on the acceleration of the other two masses -- and taking this a step further the acceleration of any of the three masses is dependent on the other two.]

Now let the 3 kg mass (and 20 kg mass) move freely when the system is released from rest, only holding onto the 2 kg mass. Now the 20 kg mass and 3 kg mass can both accelerate, but they won't both accelerate at the same rate. Look at the geometry of the system and determine a relationship between the 3 kg mass' acceleration and the 20 kg mass's acceleration. Once you figure that out, hold on, because you're not quite finished with this yet.

Do the same thing except hold the 3 kG mass in place instead of the 2 kg mass.

Now get crazy and hold onto the 2 and 3 kg masses together (or one in each hand, it's up to you) and lift both masses up such that they both accelerate at the same rate, say 1 m/s2. What's the acceleration of the 20 kg mass this time? You should be able to figure out a relationship (i.e. an equation) between the three accelerations. This equation is doesn't have anything to do with the tension by the way (so the equation is not going to have a T in it), it's just based on the configuration of the system.

That gives you your fourth simultaneous equation. Which is nice because you have four unknowns, a1, a2, and a3 and T. Four equations, four unknowns. The rest is algebra. :wink:
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FAQ: How Do You Calculate Acceleration and Tension in a Three-Mass Pulley System?

1. How does a three masses pulley system work?

A three masses pulley system is a mechanical system consisting of three objects connected by a rope or cable that runs over a pulley. The system works by using the force of gravity to balance the masses and transfer motion between them.

2. What are the equations used to solve a three masses pulley problem?

The equations used to solve a three masses pulley problem are based on the principles of conservation of energy and Newton's laws of motion. These include the equations for calculating the tension in the rope, the acceleration of the masses, and the work done by the system.

3. How do you determine the direction of motion in a three masses pulley system?

The direction of motion in a three masses pulley system can be determined by analyzing the forces acting on each mass. The mass with the greatest force acting on it will accelerate in that direction, while the other masses will move in the opposite direction.

4. What are some common assumptions made when solving a three masses pulley problem?

Some common assumptions made when solving a three masses pulley problem include assuming that the pulley is massless and frictionless, neglecting the mass and size of the rope, and assuming that the system is in equilibrium or moving at a constant velocity.

5. Can a three masses pulley system be used to lift objects of any weight?

No, a three masses pulley system has limitations on the weight it can lift. The maximum weight that can be lifted depends on the mass of the pulley and the strength of the rope. If the weight exceeds these limits, the system will not be able to lift the object.

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