Tiling Polygons: Can Any n-Sided Polygon Tile?

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  • Thread starter thetexan
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In summary, the article raises the question of whether any polygon with n sides can be tiled with other similar polygons, and specifically asks if there is a 20 or 53 sided polygon that can tile with itself. The answer to the first question is yes, but the second question may require a mathematical proof.
  • #1
Here is an interesting article...


This raises the question...can any polygon with n sides be manipulated so that it will tile with other similar polygons? Can one find a shape of a 20 sided polygon that will tile with the same shaped 20 sided polygon, or a 53 sided polygon?

More to the point...is there any intuitive proof one way or the other?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
thetexan said:
Here is an interesting article...


This raises the question...can any polygon with n sides be manipulated so that it will tile with other similar polygons? Can one find a shape of a 20 sided polygon that will tile with the same shaped 20 sided polygon, or a 53 sided polygon?

More to the point...is there any intuitive proof one way or the other?

Notice that some junctions are part way along a side of one of the pentagons involved. This means that from a graph-theoretical view these are hexagons. They appear as pentagons in the geometric view because two consecutive sides are collinear.
A plane tiling must have average degree at most 6, counting every junction as a vertex. The pentagons can be made to look like regular degree 6 by subdividing a side, but there is no way to make a polygon with more than 6 sides look to have fewer.
  • #3
anmath: Interesting article! I've always been fascinated by the concept of tiling with polygons. From what I understand, the answer to your question is yes, any polygon with n sides can be tiled with other similar polygons. However, finding the specific shape of a 20 or 53 sided polygon that will tile with itself may be more difficult. It seems like a mathematical proof would be the best way to approach this question. Do you know of any resources or studies that have tackled this problem?

FAQ: Tiling Polygons: Can Any n-Sided Polygon Tile?

1. Can all n-sided polygons tile the plane?

Yes, all n-sided polygons can tile the plane, as long as certain conditions are met. These conditions include having equal side lengths and equal angles, and following specific tiling rules.

2. What are the specific tiling rules for n-sided polygons?

The specific tiling rules for n-sided polygons include having each polygon connect to at least one other polygon at every side, without any gaps or overlaps. Additionally, the polygons must form a repeating pattern that covers the entire plane.

3. Are there any exceptions to the tiling rules for n-sided polygons?

Yes, there are exceptions to the tiling rules for n-sided polygons. For example, certain irregular polygons may not be able to tile the plane, even if they have equal side lengths and equal angles. In general, regular polygons are more likely to tile the plane than irregular polygons.

4. Can any n-sided polygon tile the plane by itself, or does it require multiple copies?

Some n-sided polygons can tile the plane by themselves, while others require multiple copies to create a complete tiling. For example, regular hexagons can tile the plane by themselves, but regular pentagons require multiple copies to form a complete tiling.

5. Are there any real-world applications for tiling polygons?

Yes, tiling polygons have many real-world applications. They are used in art, architecture, and design to create visually appealing patterns and structures. They are also used in mathematics and computer science for various geometric and algorithmic purposes, such as creating tessellations and designing efficient algorithms for packing and covering shapes.
