Time as coordinate in many-body relativistic mechanics

In summary: Thanks for trying to explain it though.In summary, it is unclear how to parametrize a relativistic system with only 4n coordinates. However, once you synchronize the clocks, you can determine the state of the system using the Einstein-Hilbert action.
  • #1
In pre-relativistic mechanics a system of N particles would be described by 3N coordinates [tex]x_i,y_i,z_i[/tex] parametrized by time [tex]t[/tex].

Would a relativistic system be properly described by 4N coordinates [tex]x_i,y_i,z_i,t_i[/tex], with a time variable for each particle? If so, how can we ever speak of the Lagrangian of the system as a whole or the Hamiltonian of the system as a whole? Or the action of the system as a whole?

In general, can we find a single quantity to parametrize the state of a system of N particles?
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  • #2
Yes we need 4n coords in SR as the notation of simultaneity is not well defined. If we are dealing with non-interacting particles (or interacting with some external field) this is not problem and we can still solve our system. However if the particles in our system are interacting then our system may not be solvable.
  • #3
I had never thought about the implications of this before, but doesn't this mean that the concept of the state of a system breaks down since, without simultaneity, there is no way to refer to all the particles collectively. All we can say is that particle 1 is at [tex]x_1[/tex] when its clock reads [tex]\tau_1[/tex] and that particle two is at [tex]x_2[/tex] when its clock reads [tex]\tau_2[/tex].

Or is there? Can we synchronize all the clocks in the system via light signals? In general they will never agree with each again after synchronization (the "Twin Paradox") but at least we can then choose a single time and refer to position and momentum of each particle when its clock reads that specific time.

That is, if we can indeed synchronize the clocks so that we choose positions [tex]x_1(\tau_1=0),...,x_N(\tau_N=0)[/tex], then thereafter we can specify any [tex]t[/tex] and refer to the "state" of the system associated with [tex]t[/tex] as the positions [tex]x_1(\tau_1=t),...,x_N(\tau_N=t)[/tex] and the momenta [tex]p_1(\tau_1=t),...,p_N(\tau_N=t)[/tex].

That's just off the top of my head. Can an expert please clarify?
  • #4
There is no problem with defining the state of the system. With GR you can use any arbitrary synchronization procedure that you wish and thus use arbitrary hypersurfaces of simultaneity to define your state.
  • #5
Thanks. I'm pondering it.
  • #6
After some more thought I realize it is still not clear to me. Let me be a little more explicit. For the sake of this discussion I assume that though our spacetime may be curved, we are dealing with "test particles" and the metric is fixed.

Let [tex]x_j^\mu[/tex] denote the four-vector of the jth particle. The question amounts to, I think, can we in general parametrize the system with a single parameter s such that the action


determines the correct dynamics?
  • #7
I believe that you are looking for the Einstein-Hilbert action, but I'm afraid that I am at the limit of my GR (or maybe a little beyond).

Related to Time as coordinate in many-body relativistic mechanics

1. What is the concept of time as a coordinate in many-body relativistic mechanics?

In many-body relativistic mechanics, time is considered as a coordinate in addition to the three spatial coordinates. This means that time is treated as a dimension, similar to length, width, and height, and is used to describe the motion and interactions of multiple bodies in a relativistic framework.

2. How does time as a coordinate differ from our everyday understanding of time?

In everyday life, we perceive time as a linear progression, moving forward at a constant rate. However, in many-body relativistic mechanics, time is not absolute and can vary depending on the relative motion of the bodies being studied. Additionally, the concept of simultaneity, or events happening at the same time, can differ between observers in different reference frames.

3. What role does time as a coordinate play in understanding the behavior of particles?

Time as a coordinate is crucial in understanding the behavior of particles in a relativistic framework. It allows us to accurately describe the motion of particles, including their velocities and accelerations, and how they interact with each other. Without considering time as a coordinate, our understanding of the behavior of particles would be incomplete.

4. Can time as a coordinate affect the predictions of many-body relativistic mechanics?

Yes, time as a coordinate can have a significant impact on the predictions of many-body relativistic mechanics. This is because the passage of time can be affected by factors such as the speed and gravitational fields of the bodies being studied. These effects must be taken into account in order to accurately predict and understand the behavior of particles in a relativistic framework.

5. Are there any limitations to using time as a coordinate in many-body relativistic mechanics?

While time as a coordinate is a crucial aspect of many-body relativistic mechanics, it does have some limitations. One limitation is that it cannot be combined with the concept of time in quantum mechanics, as the two theories are not yet fully compatible. Additionally, the concept of time as a coordinate breaks down at extremely small scales, such as the Planck time, where the laws of physics as we know them may no longer apply.

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