Time Dependence of Expectation Values

In summary, the conversation is about understanding the time-dependent expectation values in the quantum harmonic oscillator, specifically equation 7.7.52. The speaker is asking for help in understanding the equation and its relation to the Ehrenfest theorem. They also mention equation 7.7.53 and ask for a law or definition for the time-dependent expectation value. The other person explains that 7.7.52 is derived from 7.7.53 and uses the first-order Taylor expansion, and suggests looking at texts by Griffiths or Sakurai for more information.
  • #1

Please refer to this book (in google archive), and go to section 7.7 (page 85).


I understand Ehrenfest theorem very well, but what the author does when he solved

for the time-dependent expectation value of x, x^2, etc is strange.

I cannot really understand what he is doing. If someone wants to help, you may consider x^2 case (the book solves all the cases so please refer to it).

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Is there a particular line of his work you are hung up on?
  • #3
Jorriss said:
Is there a particular line of his work you are hung up on?

yes. eqn 7.7.52 is not compatible with ehrenfest theorem.
  • #4
ali8 said:
yes. eqn 7.7.52 is not compatible with ehrenfest theorem.

Are you sure about that? if you differentiate 7.7.52 wrt to time you get 7.7.51 which is the same thing you get by using 7.7.39.
  • #5
bp_psy said:
Are you sure about that? if you differentiate 7.7.52 wrt to time you get 7.7.51 which is the same thing you get by using 7.7.39.

That's correct because in differentiating the constant vanish, but what about doing it the other way around...

In particular, how originally do you get 7.7.52? specifically that constant term. I understand that the constant term is just the time-independent expectation value but what is the law? what is the relation used? that's the question.
  • #6
I think you may be over-thinking it. If df(t)/dt = C, then f(t) can be written as f(t) = f(0) + Ct, i.e. a first order Taylor expansion.

That means that f(t) = <A>t can also be written as <A>t = <A>0 + d/dt(<A>t) * t.
  • #7
ali8 said:
In particular, how originally do you get 7.7.52? specifically that constant term. I understand that the constant term is just the time-independent expectation value but what is the law? what is the relation used? that's the question.

He just computes it using the definition of expectation for that operator at t=0 in 7.7.53. If you are asking why 52 has that form then the reason is the same that x(t)=x_o+Vt.
  • #8
Jasso said:
I think you may be over-thinking it. If df(t)/dt = C, then f(t) can be written as f(t) = f(0) + Ct, i.e. a first order Taylor expansion.

That means that f(t) = <A>t can also be written as <A>t = <A>0 + d/dt(<A>t) * t.

Mathematically that's correct, but I want to see a law in Griffiths or Sakurai's text saying this.

Or even better, I'd like to know what is the used "definition" for the time-dependent expectation value.

Related to Time Dependence of Expectation Values

1. What is the concept of "time dependence" in the context of expectation values?

The time dependence of expectation values refers to the change in the average value of a physical quantity over time. In quantum mechanics, expectation values are used to describe the most probable outcome of a measurement, and this value can change as the system evolves over time.

2. How is the time dependence of expectation values calculated?

The time dependence of expectation values is calculated using the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, which describes the evolution of a quantum system over time. This equation takes into account the time-dependent Hamiltonian operator and the initial state of the system to determine how the expectation values of physical quantities will change over time.

3. What factors can affect the time dependence of expectation values?

The time dependence of expectation values can be affected by a variety of factors, including the initial state of the system, the time-dependent Hamiltonian operator, and any external forces acting on the system. Additionally, the nature of the physical quantity being measured can also impact the time dependence of its expectation value.

4. Can the time dependence of expectation values be measured experimentally?

Yes, the time dependence of expectation values can be measured experimentally through repeated measurements of a physical quantity over a period of time. By comparing the average values obtained at different times, the time dependence of the expectation value can be determined and compared to theoretical predictions.

5. How does the time dependence of expectation values relate to the uncertainty principle?

The time dependence of expectation values is closely related to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. The uncertainty principle states that certain pairs of physical quantities, such as position and momentum, cannot be known with absolute precision at the same time. This means that as the expectation value of one quantity changes over time, the expectation value of its complementary quantity must also change to satisfy the uncertainty principle.

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