Time dependent perturbation theory of the harmonic oscilator

In summary, the behavior of the transition probability depends on the relative magnitudes of ##\tau## and ##1/\omega##, and the perturbation theory result is most applicable when the perturbation is small compared to the natural frequency of the system.
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Gold Member

Homework Statement

A 1-d harmonic oscillator of charge ##q## is acted upon by a uniform electric field which may be considered to be a perturbation and which has time dependence of the form ##E(t) = \frac{K }{\sqrt{\pi} \tau} \exp (−(t/\tau)^2) ##. Assuming that when ##t = -\infty##, the oscillator is in its ground state, it can be shown that the probability that it is in its first excited state at ##t = +\infty## using time-dependent perturbation theory is $$P_{t} = \frac{q^2 K^2}{2 \hbar m \omega} e^{-\frac{\tau^2 \omega^2}{4}}$$

Discuss the behaviour of the transition probability and the applicability of the perturbation theory result when a) ##\tau \ll 1/\omega## and b) ##\tau \gg 1/\omega##.

Homework Equations

(Given in question)

The Attempt at a Solution

The given conditions imply that either ##\tau^2 \omega^2 \ll 1## or ##\tau^2 \omega^2 \gg 1##.In the former case, I can expand the exp factor for small argument and for the latter case, the exp term dies away to zero quickly giving a transition prob of zero. I am just wondering what further comments can be made, in particular regarding the applicability of the perturbation theory result? Thanks!
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In the case of ##\tau \ll 1/\omega##, the transition probability is dominated by the factor ##e^{-\frac{\tau^2 \omega^2}{4}}##, which is close to 1. This indicates a high probability of the oscillator being in its first excited state at ##t = +\infty##. This behavior is consistent with the fact that when ##\tau \ll 1/\omega##, the time dependence of the electric field is rapid compared to the natural frequency of the oscillator, so it effectively "pumps" energy into the system. Therefore, the perturbation theory result is applicable in this case.

On the other hand, in the case of ##\tau \gg 1/\omega##, the transition probability is dominated by the factor ##e^{-\frac{\tau^2 \omega^2}{4}}##, which is close to 0. This indicates a low probability of the oscillator being in its first excited state at ##t = +\infty##. This behavior is consistent with the fact that when ##\tau \gg 1/\omega##, the time dependence of the electric field is slow compared to the natural frequency of the oscillator, so it does not significantly affect the energy of the system. Therefore, the perturbation theory result may not be applicable in this case, as the perturbation is not strong enough to induce a significant change in the system.

In general, the perturbation theory result is most applicable when the perturbation is small compared to the natural frequency of the system. In this case, the perturbation can be treated as a small correction to the unperturbed system, and the resulting transition probability can be accurately calculated using perturbation theory. However, when the perturbation is large compared to the natural frequency, the perturbation theory result may not be accurate and other techniques may need to be used to calculate the transition probability.

FAQ: Time dependent perturbation theory of the harmonic oscilator

1. What is time dependent perturbation theory?

Time dependent perturbation theory is a method used in quantum mechanics to study the behavior of a system that is subject to a time-varying external perturbation. It allows us to calculate the probability amplitudes of different states of the system as it evolves over time.

2. What is the harmonic oscillator?

The harmonic oscillator is a commonly used model in physics that describes the motion of a particle under the influence of a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. This type of motion can be found in many physical systems, such as a mass attached to a spring or an electron in an atom.

3. How does time dependent perturbation theory apply to the harmonic oscillator?

In the context of the harmonic oscillator, time dependent perturbation theory allows us to calculate the probability amplitudes of different energy states of the oscillator as it is subjected to a perturbing force that varies over time. This can help us understand how the oscillator's energy and state change over time due to the external perturbation.

4. What is the perturbation operator in the harmonic oscillator?

In the harmonic oscillator, the perturbation operator is the term that represents the external force acting on the system. It is usually denoted as V(t) and can take different forms depending on the specific perturbation being studied.

5. What are some applications of time dependent perturbation theory in the harmonic oscillator?

Time dependent perturbation theory in the harmonic oscillator has many practical applications in physics and engineering. It can be used to study the behavior of atoms in electromagnetic fields, the behavior of electrons in semiconductors, and the dynamics of quantum systems in general. It is also a useful tool for understanding and predicting the behavior of physical systems in time varying environments.
