Time development of Expectation values

In summary, the conversation discusses the question of finding the average value of operator A at t>0, given that the system is in a normalized eigenstate of A at t=0 corresponding to the eigenvalue of a. The participants consider the evolution of A over time and the significance of the initial eigenvalue a in determining the average value. They also discuss using Heisenberg's equation of motion to solve for the time evolution of <A>.
  • #1
Ed Quanta
Here is a question that I have found in my quantum text which I have been thinking about for a few days and am unable to make sense of.

If there is an operator A whose commutator with the Hamiltonian H is the constant c.


Find <A> at t>0, given that the system is in a normalized eigenstate of A at t=0 corresponding to the eigenvalue of a.

-So here is what I am thinking. Please tell me what I am doing wrong.

I know that where p is momentum operator [H,p]=ihdV/dx, and V is some potential in the Hamiltonian

and d<p>/dt=-<dV/dx>

So where [H,A]=c, wouldn't d<A>/dt=0? And then there would be no change in the eigenstate of A with time, and <A>=a which is its initial value at 0, which would be a(Psi) where Psi is my wave function or eigenvector or whatever I need it to be.

Am I understanding the question wrong?
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  • #2
Ed Quanta said:
So where [H,A]=c, wouldn't d<A>/dt=0?


Check out Heisenberg's equation of motion:


So if [H,A]=c, then the operator A is evolving in time at a constant rate. The only way you will have dA/dt=0 is if c=0.

More http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/qm/fundamental/node31.html .
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  • #3
Ok, I follow your argument as to why dA/dt=0, but what I am unclear about is what this does to <A>. And what is the significance of eigenvalue a of the eigenstate A in describing <A> where t>0? We know at t=0,A=a I believe.
  • #4
Solve the equation -i hbar dA/dt = c for A.
From this calculate the time evolution for <A> with the given initial value.

I did not try it. The fact that the initial average value is an eigenvalue will play a role in the second step: you know the initial state.
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FAQ: Time development of Expectation values

1. What are expectation values?

Expectation values refer to the average value that a particular physical quantity would take on if we were to measure it many times. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and is used to describe the behavior of particles at the microscopic level.

2. Why is it important to study the time development of expectation values?

Studying the time development of expectation values allows us to understand how physical quantities change over time in a quantum system. This is crucial for predicting and analyzing the behavior of particles and their interactions.

3. How is the time development of expectation values calculated?

The time development of expectation values is calculated using the Schrödinger equation, which describes how the wave function of a quantum system evolves over time. By solving this equation, we can determine the time evolution of expectation values for a given physical system.

4. What factors can influence the time development of expectation values?

There are several factors that can influence the time development of expectation values in a quantum system. These include the initial state of the system, the potential energy of the system, and any external forces or interactions that may be present.

5. How does the concept of uncertainty affect the time development of expectation values?

The concept of uncertainty, also known as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, states that it is impossible to know both the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time. This uncertainty can affect the time development of expectation values, as it introduces a level of unpredictability in the behavior of quantum systems.

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