Time dilation in uniform field?

In summary: But the equation for the uniform gravitational field doesn't say anything about time moving slower for an observer in the uniform field.
  • #1
Imagine two spaceships a distance z apart both moving with the same constant acceleration a. The trailing spaceship shoots a beem of light which will be redshifted by an amount

[tex]\frac{\Delta \lambda}{\lambda_0} = \frac{az}{c}[/tex]

(assuming that [tex]\frac{\Delta v}{c}[/tex] is very small). Due to the equivalence principle the same redshift will happen in a uniform gravitational field - this is the famous gravitational redshift. In a non-uniform gravitational field a is not constant, and

[tex]\frac{\Delta \lambda}{\lambda_0} = \Delta \Phi[/tex]

I have a pretty good understanding of the latter type of redshift, I think. Basically it expresses how time moves at different speeds in areas with different potentials. The deeper you are in a potential well, the slower time goes.

But what about the equation for the uniform field? Does it imply as well that time moves slower for the front spaceship? I hardly think that is 'fair' - I mean, the two spaceships are moving at the exact same speed. The same goes for the uniform gravitational field - why should time move faster for an observer in a uniform field, just because he is higher up?
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  • #2
dianaj said:
But what about the equation for the uniform field? Does it imply as well that time moves slower for the front spaceship?
dianaj said:
I hardly think that is 'fair'
Well, nature is pretty 'unfair'.
  • #3
dianaj said:
But what about the equation for the uniform field? Does it imply as well that time moves slower for the front spaceship? I hardly think that is 'fair' - I mean, the two spaceships are moving at the exact same speed.

They are moving at the exact same instantaneous speed as measured in some inertial frame. But neither of them are in that frame. Because of the relativity of simultaneity, they will disagree with each other about how long each has been accelerating, and therefore about how fast each is going in terms of their own "instantaneous" (i.e. simultaneous) speeds.
  • #4
Originally Posted by dianaj
But what about the equation for the uniform field? Does it imply as well that time moves slower for the front spaceship?

A.T. said:

Well, nature is pretty 'unfair'.

I thought that the gravitational dilation in accelerating systems theorem predicted that the dilation was greater in the rear?
or is there some other applicable principle involved wrt two different ships?
I certainly agree that nature is unfair. Or at least fairness doesn't seem to be an operative principle in either physics or life.
  • #5
time will run slower behind the accelerating rocket and eventually at some point will even stop completely. a photon emitted from that point will never reach the rocket. from the rockets point of view it is a kind of black hole.

beyond that point time will run in reverse.
  • #6
Austin0 said:
I thought that the gravitational dilation in accelerating systems theorem predicted that the dilation was greater in the rear?
Yes I misread, what dianaj wrote.
Austin0 said:
I certainly agree that nature is unfair. Or at least fairness doesn't seem to be an operative principle in either physics or life.
Yeah, just watch those animal documentaries on discovery chanel.
  • #7
dianaj said:
Imagine two spaceships a distance z apart both moving with the same constant acceleration a. The trailing spaceship shoots a beem of light which will be redshifted by an amount

[tex]\frac{\Delta \lambda}{\lambda_0} = \frac{az}{c}[/tex]

(assuming that [tex]\frac{\Delta v}{c}[/tex] is very small). Due to the equivalence principle the same redshift will happen in a uniform gravitational field - this is the famous gravitational redshift. In a non-uniform gravitational field a is not constant, and

[tex]\frac{\Delta \lambda}{\lambda_0} = \Delta \Phi[/tex]

I have a pretty good understanding of the latter type of redshift, I think. Basically it expresses how time moves at different speeds in areas with different potentials. The deeper you are in a potential well, the slower time goes.

But what about the equation for the uniform field? Does it imply as well that time moves slower for the front spaceship? I hardly think that is 'fair' - I mean, the two spaceships are moving at the exact same speed. The same goes for the uniform gravitational field - why should time move faster for an observer in a uniform field, just because he is higher up?

How exactly do you take 'deeper in a potential well' to mean?

Take a spaceship that is using thrusters to accelerate. A Pound-Rebka experiment conducted onboard that spaceship will find a frequency shift. If we choose to phrase that result in terms of a gravitational field then we will say that the redshift has occurred due to the difference in gravitational potential between ceiling and floor.

In the case of the Earth clocks at different altitudes count different amount of proper time. Also we have that gravitational acceleration is a function of the distance to the center of gravitational attraction. I suppose it's _tempting_ to attribute that difference in clock rate to the fact that at each altitude there is a different gravitational acceleration.
But whether or not there is different gravitational acceleration at different altitudes, the sole reason for different rates of clocks is different gravitational _potential_.

Phrased in a different way:
Let me call a gravitational field a 'slope'.
In the case of a spaceship accelerating itself with thrusters there is a uniform 'slope' from nose to rear of the ship.

In the case of the Earth's gravitational field the 'slope' is not uniform; there is a 'gradient' in the 'slope'. However, the local gravitational redshift as measured by a Pound-Rebka experiment is due solely to the local 'slope', not due to 'gradient of the slope'.

I don't know if I actually addressed your problem here. I mentioned a 'tempting supposition', but I'm not sure whether your question actually comes from that particular supposition.


FAQ: Time dilation in uniform field?

1. What is time dilation in a uniform field?

Time dilation in a uniform field is a phenomenon in which time appears to pass slower for an observer in a uniform gravitational field compared to an observer in a non-gravitational environment. This is due to the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of a massive object, such as a planet or star.

2. How does time dilation in a uniform field affect clocks?

Time dilation in a uniform field affects clocks by causing them to run at different rates depending on their location in the gravitational field. Clocks closer to the source of the gravitational field will run slower, while clocks further away will run faster. This is because gravity affects the rate at which time passes.

3. What is the formula for calculating time dilation in a uniform field?

The formula for calculating time dilation in a uniform field is t = t0√(1 - 2GM/rc2), where t is the time measured by the observer in the gravitational field, t0 is the time measured by an observer in a non-gravitational environment, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the object creating the gravitational field, r is the distance from the object, and c is the speed of light.

4. Does time dilation in a uniform field only occur in extreme gravitational environments?

No, time dilation in a uniform field can occur in any gravitational field, as long as there is a difference in gravitational potential between the two observers. However, the effect is more noticeable in extreme gravitational environments, such as near black holes or in space near massive objects like planets or stars.

5. How is time dilation in a uniform field related to Einstein's theory of relativity?

Time dilation in a uniform field is a consequence of Einstein's theory of relativity. According to this theory, space and time are interconnected and can be affected by the presence of massive objects. The theory also states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, regardless of their relative speed or location. Time dilation in a uniform field is a manifestation of this principle.

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