Time Evolution of Spin in a Magnetic Field

In summary, the Hamiltonian of a spin 1/2 particle with an external magnetic field is given by the equation H=gS⃗⋅B⃗, where S⃗=ℏσ⃗/2 is the spin operator. The first task is to determine the rate of change of the spin operator, denoted by Ṡ, as a function of S⃗ and B⃗. This can be done using the Heisenberg equation of motion, which states that Ṡ=1/iℏ[S⃗,H]. The second task is to consider a specific case where B⃗ is oriented along the z-axis and calculate the eigenstates
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Homework Statement

The Hamiltonian of a spin 1/2 particle is given by:
$$H=g\overrightarrow { S }\cdot \overrightarrow { B } $$
where ##\overrightarrow { S }=\hbar \overrightarrow{\sigma }/2## is the spin operator and ##\overrightarrow { B }## is an external magnetic field.
1. Determine ##\dot { \overrightarrow{ S } } ## as a function of S⃗ and B⃗ .
2. Consider now the particular case in which B⃗ = ##\hat{z}##B is oriented along ##\hat{z}##. Calculate the eigenstates and eigenvalues of ##\dot{S_y}##.

3. For t = 0 the system is in one of the eigenstates of ##\dot{S_y}## . Calculate the time evolution of the spin state and of the expectation value of the energy.

2. Homework Equations

1. So we are working with Heisenberg, equaiton of motion. They ask what is the rate of change of Spin operator with time. We are dealing with,
$$ \frac { dS }{ dt } =\frac { 1 }{ i\hbar } \left[ \overrightarrow { S } ,H \right] $$

2. ?

3. I think the timeevolution operator on the state

$$e^{-iHt/\hbar}\left |s \right> $$

The Attempt at a Solution

1. I interpet the ##\overrightarrow { S}## in the Heisenberg equation of motion as, a vector of [Sx,Sy,Sz], I don't know how to work with the Heisenberg equation to find the dirrevative.

2. Use the found ##\dot{\overrightarrow {S}}## vector and pick ##\dot{S_y}##, solve it as an eigenvalue problem with, spin up, with an eigen value of one.

I am not able to move forward without the first task. Any help would be nice. It is possible my attempt are not correct.
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I ofcourse had to use the commutation relations, for S got it figured out. $$\dot{S}$$ is then just a vector.

Related to Time Evolution of Spin in a Magnetic Field

What is spin in a magnetic field?

Spin in a magnetic field refers to the phenomenon where the spin of a subatomic particle, such as an electron, is affected by an external magnetic field. This results in the particle experiencing a torque and possibly changing its orientation.

How does spin in a magnetic field relate to magnetism?

Spin in a magnetic field is directly related to magnetism as it is the spin of the subatomic particles that give rise to the magnetic properties of materials. When these particles experience a magnetic field, their spin can either align with or against the field, resulting in different magnetic behaviors.

What is the importance of studying spin in a magnetic field?

Studying spin in a magnetic field is important for understanding the fundamental properties of matter and how particles interact with each other. It also has practical applications in fields such as materials science, electronics, and quantum computing.

How is spin in a magnetic field measured?

Spin in a magnetic field can be measured using various techniques, such as electron spin resonance or nuclear magnetic resonance. These methods involve applying a magnetic field to a sample and then measuring the resulting changes in spin orientation or energy levels.

Can spin in a magnetic field be controlled?

Yes, spin in a magnetic field can be controlled by manipulating the magnetic field or the properties of the particles themselves. This has led to the development of technologies such as magnetic storage devices, MRI machines, and spin-based electronics.
