Time evolution operator - Confusion

In summary, the conversation discusses a potential well with a given wavefunction and a constant for normalization. The eigenfunctions and temporal evolution are also mentioned. There is a discrepancy in the professor's solution for the temporal evolution, which is corrected by the other person. The correct state is shown to be a combination of two exponentials with a normalization factor already included.
  • #1
Hi everyone. I am given a somewhat common potential well [itex] V(x)=0 [/itex] for [itex] ¦x¦<a [/itex] and infinite elsewhere. I am told that at t = 0 my particle is in a state represented by the wavefunction

[itex] \psi(x,0)= A(\sin{(\frac{\pi x}{a})}+ \sqrt{2} \cos{(\frac{3 \pi x}{2 a})}) [/itex]

where A is a constant use for normalization. It turns easily out that this constant equals [itex] \sqrt{\frac{1}{3a}} [/itex]. On the other hand, the eigenfunctions in this situations are very well known to be [itex]\psi_n= \sqrt{\frac{1}{a}} \sin(\frac{n \pi x}{2a}) [/itex] for n even and [itex]\psi_n= \sqrt{\frac{1}{a}} \cos(\frac{n \pi x}{2a}) [/itex] for n odd. So given wave function can easily be written as a linear combination of the second and third eigenstates.

Now come the problems. At some point of the exercise I am asked to calculate the expected value of some operator but at some time t. This is how the professor writes the wavefunction at the generic time t:

[itex] e^{- \frac{i}{\hbar}(E_2-E_3)t} \psi(x,0) [/itex]

Now my question is: since the given state is a combination of 2 eigenstates, why in the world does he write the temporal evolution this way, with (E_2-E_3) in the exponent? Shouldn't it be something like
[itex] e^{- \frac{i}{\hbar}E_2 t} \psi_2(x,0) - e^{- \frac{i}{\hbar}E_3 t} \psi_3(x,0) [/itex]?
Maybe some details are wrong but what I mean is I expect to find the sum of 2 exponentials whereas there is the exponential of a sum.
My idea is that (simplifying the notation) the ket [itex] |2> + \sqrt{2} |3> [/itex] is of course different from the sum of the kets [itex] |2> [/itex] and [itex] |3> [/itex] but then why isn't the right expression something like
[itex] e^{- \frac{i}{\hbar}(E_2-\sqrt{2}E_3)t} \psi(x,0) [/itex].

Am I somewhat clear?
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  • #2
Es you can easily check by pluging your solution of the Schrödinger eq. back into the equation, you are right and the prof. is wrong. The correct state is

[tex]|\psi,t \rangle>=A [\exp(-\mathrm{i} E_2 t) |2 \rangle+\sqrt{2} \exp(-\mathrm{i} E_3 t) |3 \rangle].[/tex]

The norm should be 1, so you find [itex]A=1/\sqrt(1+2)=1/\sqrt{3}[/itex]. Note that the [itex]1/\sqrt{a}[/itex] factor is already included in the norm of the state vectors, which are given in position representation.

I don't understand, how you come to the last forumula, which definitely is wrong.
  • #3
Yeah, problem solved. The unexplainable factor came from a multiplication of exponentials. I must have been drunk when i first read the solution.

FAQ: Time evolution operator - Confusion

1. What is the time evolution operator and how does it work?

The time evolution operator, also known as the propagator, is a mathematical operator used in quantum mechanics to describe how a quantum system evolves over time. It is represented by the symbol U(t), where t is the time variable. The operator acts on the initial state of the system and transforms it into a new state at a later time, based on the laws of quantum mechanics.

2. How is time evolution operator different from the Hamiltonian operator?

The Hamiltonian operator describes the total energy of a quantum system, while the time evolution operator describes how the system changes over time. The Hamiltonian operator is a time-independent operator, meaning it does not depend on time, while the time evolution operator is time-dependent, describing the change in the system over time.

3. Can the time evolution operator be used to predict the future state of a quantum system?

No, the time evolution operator cannot be used to predict the exact future state of a quantum system. It can only provide the probability of the system being in a particular state at a given time. This is due to the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.

4. How does the time evolution operator relate to the Schrödinger equation?

The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes the time evolution of a quantum system. The time evolution operator is a solution to the Schrödinger equation and is used to find the state of the system at a particular time.

5. Can the time evolution operator be used for non-quantum systems?

Yes, the concept of the time evolution operator can be extended to classical systems as well. In classical mechanics, the time evolution of a system is described by the equations of motion, which are analogous to the Schrödinger equation. Therefore, the time evolution operator can also be used to describe the evolution of classical systems.

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