Time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration

In summary, a rocket is launched with no initial velocity and is propelled vertically upwards by the ejection of mass with a constant velocity of 66.0 m/s relative to the rocket. The mass of fuel that can be ejected is 94.0% of the total mass at launch. Using the equations (1) and (2), the final velocity is calculated and it is determined that the maximum acceleration is reached when half of the fuel is burned. The relative mass rate can be found using equation (3) and from this, the time it takes to burn 94% of the mass can be calculated.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A rocket is launched vertically up with no initial velocity. Propulsion is provided by the ejection of mass with constant velocity of ejection u = 66.0 m/s relative to the rocket and at a constant rate so determined that the initial acceleration is zero. The mass of fuel that can be ejected is 94.0% of the total mass at launch. Assuming constant gravitational acceleration, how long does it take the rocket to achieve maximum upward acceleration?

u=66.0 m/s
Mass of fuel that can be ejected=94.0% of total mass at launch

Homework Equations

(1) ΔP=FgΔt
(2) Vf-Vi=uln(Mi/Mf
and maybe...
(3) Ru=Ma

The Attempt at a Solution

Alright, so first I found the delta t by plugging in the numbers given into (1). Then I solved for the final velocity using (2). Now I have no idea where to go and how to find the maximum acceleration and what time that happens at...just a point in the right direction would be nice!
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  • #2
becky_marie11 said:

Homework Statement

A rocket is launched vertically up with no initial velocity. Propulsion is provided by the ejection of mass with constant velocity of ejection u = 66.0 m/s relative to the rocket and at a constant rate so determined that the initial acceleration is zero. The mass of fuel that can be ejected is 94.0% of the total mass at launch. Assuming constant gravitational acceleration, how long does it take the rocket to achieve maximum upward acceleration?

u=66.0 m/s
Mass of fuel that can be ejected=94.0% of total mass at launch

Homework Equations

(1) ΔP=FgΔt
(2) Vf-Vi=uln(Mi/Mf
and maybe...
(3) Ru=Ma

The Attempt at a Solution

Alright, so first I found the delta t by plugging in the numbers given into (1). Then I solved for the final velocity using (2). Now I have no idea where to go and how to find the maximum acceleration and what time that happens at...just a point in the right direction would be nice!

I think we need to know the burn rate of the fuel - or at least the time it takes for all the fuel to burn, as then we may assume that half the fuel is gone in half that time.

My reasoning is as follows:

Suppose we were able to show that maximum acceleration is reached when half the fuel is gone [i don't believe that is true] then unless we know that the fuel takes a total of 90 seconds to burn, then we wouldn't know that max acceleration was at the 45 second mark.
If the fuel actually lasts 10 minutes, then max acceleration would be at 5 mins.

Perhaps it would be enough to say "when half the fuel is gone".

btw: I do expect that maximum acceleration is nearly 12g, provided the rocket hasn't got too far from the Earth by the time it happens.
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  • #3
The relative mass rate (that is, ejected mass per time divided by initial mass) can be found directly from (3). From this it is a simple matter to find out how long it takes to burn 94% of the mass.
  • #4
Filip Larsen said:
The relative mass rate (that is, ejected mass per time divided by initial mass) can be found directly from (3). From this it is a simple matter to find out how long it takes to burn 94% of the mass.

You are clearly reading more into 3 than me, but then I am not aware what Ru is intended to stand for.
  • #5
PeterO said:
You are clearly reading more into 3 than me, but then I am not aware what Ru is intended to stand for.

I assume OP denotes mass flow rate as R, normally written as [itex]\dot{m}[/itex].

To expand a bit on my earlier post you can from the stated balance of thrust and weight at launch, [itex]\dot{m}u=m_0 g[/itex], and from the relationship between spend mass and time, [itex]m_t = \dot{m}t[/itex], easily find an expression for the spend mass ratio [itex]m_t/m_0[/itex] (the 94%) and solve for time.

Related to Time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration

1. How is the time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration calculated?

The time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration is typically calculated using the rocket's thrust and mass, as well as the force of gravity and air resistance. This calculation is known as the rocket equation and takes into account both the initial acceleration and the acceleration due to gravity as the rocket gains altitude.

2. What factors can affect the time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration?

The time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration can be affected by several factors, including the rocket's design and propulsion system, the amount of fuel and the rate at which it is burned, and the conditions of the launch site such as altitude and atmospheric conditions. The payload and its weight can also impact the time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration.

3. How does the time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration differ between different types of rockets?

The time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration can vary greatly depending on the type of rocket. For example, a traditional chemical rocket may take several minutes to reach maximum acceleration, while a nuclear rocket could reach it much faster. Additionally, the time can also be affected by the purpose of the rocket, such as whether it is intended for space exploration or military applications.

4. Is there a maximum time limit for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration?

There is no specific maximum time limit for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration, as it can vary depending on the specific design and purpose of the rocket. However, for practical reasons, rockets are typically designed to reach maximum acceleration within a certain timeframe in order to efficiently use fuel and reach their intended destination.

5. How does the time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration impact its overall flight time?

The time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration can have a significant impact on its overall flight time. A shorter time to reach maximum acceleration can result in a faster flight and a longer time can result in a slower flight. Additionally, the time it takes for a rocket to reach maximum acceleration can also affect the amount of fuel needed for the journey and the overall efficiency of the rocket's propulsion system.

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