Time reversibility of electromagnetism in Incandescent light bulb

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of time-reversibility in classical physics and how it applies to various processes, such as an incandescent bulb and burning a candle. It also touches on the idea that while the mathematics of physics may not distinguish the direction of time, the real world does. The conversation ends with a question about the smallest unit of time and the potential implications of this concept.
  • #1
This might seem odd but I need to explain my friend on this
Friend and I agreed that Classical physics is time reversible (i.e. laws remain same if time is reversed.. e.g. gravitational pull on a projectile.) only exception is II law of Thermodynamics (which talks of irreversible decrease in differentials of two interacting systems)

But coming to electromagnetics we hit a road block

An incandescent bulb glows by joule heating - i.e electrons from a battery are hitting ions in tungsten and that causes excited tungsten ions to realse photons.

But if we reverse time and assume the laws to hold the same, then tungsten can set electrons in motion by absorbing photons. But in real world this means that we can have light bulbs acting as photovoltaic cells !

But Classical physics is time reversible on non-quantum macro scale (isnt it ?). Which means light bulbs can be photovoltaic cells. so we are stuck there. Can we solve this without touching on quantum mechanics ?

Thanks in advance for answers
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  • #2
As a philosophical aside, I would not describe the second law of thermodynamics as an exception to time-reversibility. I would describe it as a statement about the initial conditions of the universe (the Big Bang was a low-entropy state), which leads to a statistical fact about which processes actually occur now.

Anyway, an incandescent bulb takes electrical energy and turns it into heat (~90%) and light (~10%). Time-reversing it violates the second law of thermodynamics for exactly the same reason that you can't time-reverse the process of burning a candle. In practical terms, you can't manipulate all the molecules and photons into a time-reversed version of the final state, because the system is too sensitive to the initial conditions.
  • #3
The mathematics of Physics seems to make no distinction in the direction that time flows, but the real world doesn't work that way. Some math represents the way things work, but some math doesn't. Until it is proven it is just marks on paper.

One of my favorite thoughts along that line is that the smallest "unit" of time must be the time that it takes for some physical object or energy level, somewhere in the universe, to change from condition A to condition B. Nothing else has had "time" to change yet, only this ONE item. If nothing is different, then no time has passed.
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  • #4
bcrowell said:
As a philosophical aside, I would not describe the second law of thermodynamics as an exception to time-reversibility. I would describe it as a statement about the initial conditions of the universe (the Big Bang was a low-entropy state), which leads to a statistical fact about which processes actually occur now.

Anyway, an incandescent bulb takes electrical energy and turns it into heat (~90%) and light (~10%). Time-reversing it violates the second law of thermodynamics for exactly the same reason that you can't time-reverse the process of burning a candle. In practical terms, you can't manipulate all the molecules and photons into a time-reversed version of the final state, because the system is too sensitive to the initial conditions.

Thanks Ben
  • #5
DarioC said:
The mathematics of Physics seems to make no distinction in the direction that time flows, but the real world doesn't work that way. Some math represents the way things work, but some math doesn't. Until it is proven it is just marks on paper.

One of my favorite thoughts along that line is that the smallest "unit" of time must be the time that it takes for some physical object or energy level, somewhere in the universe, to change from condition A to condition B. Nothing else has had "time" to change yet, only this ONE item. If nothing is different, then no time has passed.

Did u mean Plancks unit of time ? Thanks for reply

Related to Time reversibility of electromagnetism in Incandescent light bulb

1. Can electromagnetism in an incandescent light bulb be reversed?

Yes, the process of electromagnetism in an incandescent light bulb can be reversed. This is because electromagnetism is a reversible process, meaning that the flow of electricity can be reversed to produce light and heat in the bulb.

2. How does the process of time reversibility work in an incandescent light bulb?

The process of time reversibility in an incandescent light bulb involves the flow of electricity through a filament made of tungsten. When an electric current is passed through the filament, it heats up and produces light. This process can be reversed by reversing the flow of electricity, causing the filament to cool down and stop producing light.

3. Can the time reversibility of electromagnetism in an incandescent light bulb be observed?

Yes, the time reversibility of electromagnetism in an incandescent light bulb can be observed. This can be seen by turning the light bulb on and off, causing the flow of electricity and the production of light to be reversed.

4. Are there any limitations to the time reversibility of electromagnetism in an incandescent light bulb?

There are no known limitations to the time reversibility of electromagnetism in an incandescent light bulb. As long as the flow of electricity can be reversed, the process of producing light and heat in the bulb can also be reversed.

5. How does the time reversibility of electromagnetism in an incandescent light bulb compare to other types of light bulbs?

The time reversibility of electromagnetism in an incandescent light bulb is similar to other types of light bulbs, such as fluorescent or LED bulbs. However, the specific process of time reversibility may differ slightly depending on the type of bulb and the materials used in its construction.

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