Time Space Physics: 3 Questions for Physics Community

In summary, scientists are looking for more inclusive theories that can eventually be tested and if they are true, they will help us understand the universe better.
  • #1
i have three questions for the physics community
1. is time be a function of space or space be a function of time?
2. can we say that without space and time, there is no physics?
3. why has physics progressed from a fact based science to a "faith" based science?
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  • #2
1. Neither.
2. Yes.
3. It hasn't.

Are you here to ask questions or to make absurd accusations? You might as well ask "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
  • #3
in answer to 1 and 2, both space and time are combined into one entity spacetime meaning an object is defined by a point in x,y,z,t. The interrelationship is the spacetime metric ds^2 - td^2 to describe distances in spacetime. Its an analogue to the pythagorean formula for distance. x,y,z,t are all independent of one another but objects move within spacetime conform to the spacetime metric limitation from which we get length contraction and time dilation.

Physics is not and has never been faith based. Everything that we understand is testable and when it fails a test we either patch it up or discard it looking for a new and better mathematically described theory. At one time Newtons theory of gravitation described the world but as detailed measurements from experiments differed from Newtons predications we had to replace it with Einsteins relativity to gain a new understanding of things. Someday, Einsteins theory will give way to an even better more inclusive theory.

Scientists exploring Superstring theory or Loop Quantum Gravity are looking for more inclusive theories. They may be fueled by a belief (some might say faith) that they are on the right path but eventually the theory must describe everything that existing theories describe and then something new that we haven't seen that can eventually can be tested to see if its true.
  • #4
And on that note, this pointless thread is closed!

  • #5

I am always open to exploring new questions and ideas within the realm of physics. Let me address each of these questions in turn:

1. The relationship between time and space is a fundamental concept in physics and has been a subject of debate for centuries. While some theories suggest that time and space are independent of each other, others propose that they are interconnected and cannot exist without the other. Ultimately, the answer to this question will depend on the specific theory or model being considered. More research and experimentation is needed to fully understand the nature of this relationship.

2. The concept of space and time is essential in understanding the laws of physics and how the universe operates. Without them, we would not be able to make accurate predictions or observations about the natural world. However, it is worth noting that there are other areas of physics, such as quantum mechanics, where the traditional notions of space and time do not apply. So while they are crucial in many aspects of physics, they may not be the only factors at play.

3. I would not say that physics has become a "faith" based science. Rather, as our understanding of the universe has grown, we have come to realize that there are still many unanswered questions and mysteries waiting to be solved. This has led to the development of new theories and ideas that may not always align with our previous understanding of the world. This is a normal and healthy part of the scientific process, and it is important to continue questioning and challenging our beliefs in order to advance our understanding of the universe.

FAQ: Time Space Physics: 3 Questions for Physics Community

What is time space physics?

Time space physics is a branch of physics that studies the relationship between time and space. It explores topics such as spacetime, gravity, and the effects of motion on time and space.

What are the key concepts in time space physics?

Some key concepts in time space physics include the theory of relativity, the concept of spacetime, the curvature of spacetime, and how gravity affects the fabric of spacetime.

What are the applications of time space physics?

Time space physics has many practical applications, including GPS systems, satellite communication, and understanding the movement of celestial bodies. It also helps us understand the origins and evolution of the universe.

What are some common misconceptions about time space physics?

One common misconception is that time and space are separate entities, when in fact they are interconnected. Another is that time is constant, when it can actually be affected by factors such as gravity and velocity. Additionally, some people may think that time travel is possible, but it is not yet scientifically proven.

How does time space physics relate to other branches of physics?

Time space physics is closely related to other branches of physics, such as quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. It also intersects with fields like astronomy and cosmology, as it helps us understand the behavior of objects in the universe.

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