Time spent doing independent study as an undergraduate

In summary, it is important to study until you understand the material in and out. For some people that will mean studying one hour per day, for others that means studying 10 hours per day. It's something very personal. module scores are your final mark for each course/paper. So under the British system we need 70% to get the highest honours (1:1). Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many opportunities for hands-on research experience. The general impression is that the staff look down on undergrads. As a result they don't really want us running around their labs.I might throw the first question back at you and ask what you mean by "independent study." I interpret that to mean reading or otherwise learning
  • #1
Hi all, this thread is mainly aimed at postgrads. I'm doing my undergrad degree in theoretical physics, my question is this; how many hours of independent study did you do while an undergrad? I've been getting good scores so far, but have only been averaging about an hour a day outside contact hours. Is it worth aiming to get super high marks on all modules or is it a case of a first is a first is a first. I hear they often want to know your module scores when you apply for a PhD. I remember my tutor (we get assigned a member of academic staff as a mentor of sorts) told me how he used to work every weekday till 10pm.

Also, my degree has a lab component in the first two years only. It's pencil and paper from there on in. Would this be a major problem if I decided to pursue an experimental PhD?

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  • #2
Do you ask how much you need to study?? The answer is simple, you need to study until you understand the material in and out. For some people that will mean studying one hour per day, for others that means studying 10 hours per day. It's something very personal.

If you want to do a PhD later on, then you might want to have some undergrad research experience. That will eat up some time as well. And the rule with research is: the more time you invest in it, the more you'll discover. It's your choice on how much you research, nobody can tell you how much you should study.
  • #3
Thanks for your reply micromass. I understand that the time required to fully understand a topic varies from person to person. I guess what I was hoping for was an estimate on how much work they put into their undergrad degree (ideally someone who is now a successful graduate student). I find that with the amount of work I currently put in, I understand the stuff but often slip up with shoddy notation or a silly mistake due to simple lack of practice.

Also do you have any opinion on the suitability of my degree (theoretical) for a PhD in experimental physics?
  • #4
I guess for me I would say maybe 3-5 hours a day if you average it out over all 4 years.

As for your experimental physics PhD question, I don't think it will be too much of an issue since my lab courses were not all that useful. The best way to gain experimental skills would be to do actual research in a lab.

Hope this helps answer your questions.
  • #5
What is module scores and how does it work? I'm also under the same major but haven't yet started research.
  • #6
Module scores are your final mark for each course/paper. So under the British system we need 70% to get the highest honours (1:1). Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many opportunities for hands-on research experience. The general impression is that the staff look down on undergrads. As a result they don't really want us running around their labs.
  • #7
I might throw the first question back at you and ask what you mean by "independent study." I interpret that to mean reading or otherwise learning about material that isn't directly covered in your classes. It's the stuff that you learn about purely for the interest of it. I suspect that not many students spend much time on this at all.

I suspect however that what you mean is simply study time - and the answer is that it's different for everyone. As far as marks go, my experience (not in the UK) has been that every little mark counts in undergrad. I believe (without any hard evidence to back it up) that high marks generate a kind of positive feedback situation. For example, higher marks increase your likelihood of getting a scholarship. Getting a scholarship means you don't have to work as much at a part-time job, leaving more time for studies, leading to higher marks, etc. Higher grades influence reference letters, and graduate admission decisions.

As to the secod question, I would strongly suggest a program that includes some kind of senior lab if you're considering an experimental path for your PhD. The labs that I did in first and second year were more-or-less cookbook experiments, designed to assist with learning. In my program we didn't really get to anything interesting that advanced our skill set until our third year.
  • #8
I think the crucial thing is to enjoy learning. One hour of learning, that you enjoy, is better and more advantageous than 10 hours of forced learning.
It's somehow similar to sports, let's say, bodybuilding. You don't need to train for 8 hours everyday to achieve results, however, what is completely necessary is consistency - you can't be lazy the whole year, then, when the competition is coming (exams), start training 8 hours a day to get in shape in a few weeks.
  • #9
0Irish0Guy0 said:
Module scores are your final mark for each course/paper. So under the British system we need 70% to get the highest honours (1:1). Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many opportunities for hands-on research experience. The general impression is that the staff look down on undergrads. As a result they don't really want us running around their labs.

Yeah the advice from US posters to "do some undergrad research" always sounds strange to UK ears. Something like "why not join a marching band?" or "you should plan carefully for the school prom".

"England and America are two countries separated by a common language." George Bernard Shaw

Why not ask if you can do the labs that the straight physics guys are doing?

By the way, I don't think most staff "look down on" undergrads. It's just that they don't have time to molly coddle them. Their career advances through research not pandering to undergrads.

Related to Time spent doing independent study as an undergraduate

What is independent study?

Independent study refers to a learning experience where a student designs and directs their own course of study, often with the guidance of a faculty member. It allows students to explore a topic of interest in depth and develop critical thinking and time management skills.

Why is independent study important?

Independent study allows students to take control of their own learning and pursue topics that they are passionate about. It also helps develop self-discipline, research skills, and the ability to work independently, all of which are valuable in both academic and professional settings.

How much time should I spend on independent study as an undergraduate?

The amount of time spent on independent study varies depending on the individual and their specific academic goals. However, a general guideline is to dedicate at least 2-3 hours per week for each credit hour of independent study. For example, if you are taking a 3 credit hour independent study course, you should plan to spend 6-9 hours per week on it.

What types of projects can I do for independent study?

The options for independent study projects are endless and can vary depending on your field of study. Some common types of projects include research papers, creative projects, community service projects, and internships. It is important to discuss potential projects with a faculty member to ensure they align with your academic goals.

How do I find a faculty member to supervise my independent study?

The best way to find a faculty member to supervise your independent study is to reach out to professors whose research and expertise align with your interests. You can also speak with your academic advisor or department chair for recommendations. It is important to find a faculty member who is willing and able to support and guide you throughout the independent study process.

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