Time taken to form universe, religion vs science.

In summary: However, PF is a science forum. This is a mathematics forum, and there is a physics forum. In principle, PF is a place for people to discuss science and mathematics. Now if one wants to compare a particular concept or belief with scientific ideas or theories, that is fine, but in a polite and non-confrontational manner. If one wants to discuss the merits of one religion over another, then one should go to a site dedicated to such matters, and not to a science forum.In summary, PF is a place for discussing science and mathematics, and not for debating the rightness or wrongness of religion. While it is important to
  • #1
in the bible, and quran it mentions Earth and heavens and everything was created in 6 days right?

in the quran it mentioned that 1 day for god is equivilant to 1000 Earth years.

now if 6 days mentioned, means 6 days of God's, that means 6000 Earth years it took to created the universe.

but science suggests at least 400,000 Earth years just for atoms to form?

so clearly religion is wrong there.

am i missing anything there? is my logic flawed?
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
No, your logic is not flawed.

But most religions require you to put 'faith' in their ideas even though they do not coincide with most of what human kind has learned through science.
  • #3
alias25 said:
in the bible, and quran it mentions Earth and heavens and everything was created in 6 days right?

in the quran it mentioned that 1 day for god is equivilant to 1000 Earth years.

now if 6 days mentioned, means 6 days of God's, that means 6000 Earth years it took to created the universe.

but science suggests at least 400,000 Earth years just for atoms to form?

so clearly religion is wrong there.

am i missing anything there? is my logic flawed?
Consider when the sources were written, when people had no concept of billions of years, nor any understanding of the physics we now know and take for granted. Science has largely replaced the supernatural for many, but not all.

Be careful in this discussion because it's right of the border of being a discussion (particularly the rightness or wrongness) or religion or religious views which would be contrary to the PF guidelines.
  • #4

why arn't we allowed to disscuss 'right/wrongness' of religions? everyone has opinions, arn't we allowed to speak our minds? in a decent mannar?
  • #5
alias25 said:

why arn't we allowed to disscuss 'right/wrongness' of religions? everyone has opinions, arn't we allowed to speak our minds? in a decent mannar?

Not as far as religion is concerned. Please re-read the PF guidelines.
  • #6
When I closed the thread, Astronuc was in the process of replying to the last post, so here it is:


alias25 said:

why arn't we allowed to disscuss 'right/wrongness' of religions? everyone has opinions, arn't we allowed to speak our minds? in a decent mannar?

Well, if people could discuss matters, such as religion, in a calm, thoughtful and polite way, there would be no problem. However, some people become very emotional regarding such matters, and a discussion on religion may become confrontational and degenerate into bitter argument, which is rather unproductive - not to mention not good for one's health.

There are forums dedicated to discussions of religion - e.g. Belief.net


FAQ: Time taken to form universe, religion vs science.

1. How long did it take for the universe to form according to science?

According to the Big Bang theory, the universe formed approximately 13.8 billion years ago. However, our current understanding of the universe's formation is still evolving and scientists continue to study and gather new evidence.

2. What is the role of religion in the formation of the universe?

Religion and science have different perspectives on the formation of the universe. Many religions have creation stories or myths that explain the origins of the universe, while science relies on empirical evidence and theories to understand the universe's formation.

3. Can science and religion coexist in their explanations of the universe's formation?

Yes, science and religion can coexist in their explanations of the universe's formation. Many people believe that science and religion can complement each other in understanding the mysteries of the universe.

4. Does science provide a more accurate explanation for the formation of the universe compared to religion?

Science and religion have different ways of understanding the universe's formation, and both have their strengths and limitations. Science relies on evidence and theories, while religion relies on faith and beliefs. It is up to the individual to determine which explanation they find more accurate.

5. How does the concept of time factor into the formation of the universe according to science?

Time is a crucial element in understanding the formation of the universe. The Big Bang theory states that the universe began as a singularity and expanded rapidly, leading to the formation of galaxies and stars over billions of years. Time is also a key component in the study of the universe's evolution and the measurement of its age.

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