Time travel and Multiverse Theory

In summary, the conversation discusses the correlation between time travel and the multiverse theory and poses two questions: 1) If you go back in time and try to alter an event, could it turn out that you can't change it and are only helping history along its course? 2) Or could you actually change the event and create a parallel universe? The scenario of saving a family in the past is also discussed, with the potential outcome of being trapped in a branch of the timeline where you are out of place. The conversation also touches on the idea of meeting an older version of yourself when traveling forward in time, and the concept of multiple versions of oneself in different timelines. Some participants in the conversation believe that history cannot be changed and
  • #36
sol2 said:
There is so much more to quote here that I quickly grabbed this for now.:)

A bit like mandlebrot?

If one was to consider pascal's triangle, the potential for expression has certain patterns emerging. This fruitation of sorts, like a fractal design (the tree fractal)?

We see where Stephen Wolfram uses such an idea here about such possibilties?

What might emerge and from where? What pattern will it grow into? Fortunately crystaline natures have been catelogued:)

I am often remind of John Nash here and the birds as they gathered and while others played the game of Go. How might he of perceived such a pattern?

The danger was losing himself in dillusional acts, but he also realized, that the pattern for negotiation could exist. It had to be mathematically proven.:)

The anomalies in nature. It takes a keen eye?:) It has possibillites? All we have to do is create the space for it?

I'm no mathematician, so I'll never be the person who creates the equation that illustrates this. :(

If the prediction for every being is that its offspring will generally be an improvement, and this CAN be shown for the majority of beings, that should be proof in itself. I'm hoping this work already exists, since I have no qualifications in such matters, other than an open mind. A bit of help wouldn't go amiss :)
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  • #37
another possibility

Another possibility with time and motion is that they are an illusion, and every event exists as a tiny point in time (time point, or "now"). Therefore, instead of movement, people and things exist as very slightly different entities from nanosecond to nanosecond, and all of these existences overlap each other, therefore existing simultaneously. We only percieve them as separate events (one at a time in sequence) and separate physical positions. (Think of watching a movie on a movie screen [illusion, or time streams/fourth dimension] versus looking at each individual still-frame on a movie reel [simualtaneity/time points).

According to most time travel concepts I have studied, a majority of academia consider time to flow along in streams, or the fourth dimension. But what if time and motion are illusions ala Julian Barbour? Would time travel be possible under such conditions? And if so, how?
  • #38
Julian Barbour( End of Time)

Just thought I would add this.

In a world where everything is happening NOW, it seems a strange thing to think of everything happening in the instance. Curvature being automatic where ever any concentration of energy might exist?

Action, having consequence immediately, when any thought formed?

So having spent time in the superstring forum, it soon became apparent that the greater/lessor degrees of this energy, might impart to the nature of this, as of dimenisonal significance?

on February 06, 2003 at 07:44:41:

Started to read the book here, and I wonder and speculate.

Had he recognized then, that any Now, would have been relevant to the idea of, "to matters form", (there you are there you be)where times measure, being instantneous would have reocgnized the issues of gravity in expression always?

I just started the first couple of pages, and I recognized the importance of what a Smolin might have realized, in the expression of any moment, and the requirements of a logic that instantaneously recognizes the matters in expression.

Even at Planck scale, we have a measure of Planck time, and in the unification of the Quantum mechanics with Relativity, had we joined the principals of classical physics with the world of the every small?

It would seem to me, that based on the work by Smolin and Rovelli, others that having developed this logic, a world had to be recognized that was much different at Planck scale, then what we have come to understand, in the measures we find there.

A revision of the way we interpret what is happening and strings takes us here in what becomes the heart of the matters? Any thoughts or considerations here?

Further thoughts to consider?
  • #39
We All Can Carry the Equation?

deedubbleyoo said:
I'm no mathematician, so I'll never be the person who creates the equation that illustrates this.

Yes, but you can be the person, and never have created the equation that can illustrate this:)

Even a generalized view, can be mathematically correct? :smile:
  • #40
Nightsword said:
Another possibility with time and motion is that they are an illusion, and every event exists as a tiny point in time (time point, or "now"). Therefore, instead of movement, people and things exist as very slightly different entities from nanosecond to nanosecond, and all of these existences overlap each other, therefore existing simultaneously. We only percieve them as separate events (one at a time in sequence) and separate physical positions. (Think of watching a movie on a movie screen [illusion, or time streams/fourth dimension] versus looking at each individual still-frame on a movie reel [simualtaneity/time points).

According to most time travel concepts I have studied, a majority of academia consider time to flow along in streams, or the fourth dimension. But what if time and motion are illusions ala Julian Barbour? Would time travel be possible under such conditions? And if so, how?

Time is just a measurement, that one uses to explain the interval between two events. Time would not be a consideration for something that is not intelligent, therefore time, as we know it, only exists as a measure for us. For other beings that are intelligent, the same could be said, but their time may well be measured differently to ours.

Therefore time travel is not possible, since the sudden change of events would happen in one's own timeline. Time travel as we percieve it could only being events forward. Time travel backwards would mean bringing past events to the present, so one would not take themselves to another time, but bring another events from another time to oneself.

So how can such a thing be achieved?? It has to be something to do with energies, and transporting one's energy (spirit or whatever) to another place...
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  • #41
To Nightsword,
Each frame would be a decision-point, sort of decisions following in columns, each one distinctly different from the other ones. Follow one time-line and it has it's own decision-points, go to another time-line (parallell universe) and it has it's distinct decision-queu. The thing to keep in mind is that time as a linaer flow is an illusion, more of a movie, were each frames decision makes out the next frame. A bit about energy and multiverse-theory. I think that the 2.nd law of Thermodynamics can't be broken. But in a multiverse were one universe splits off, that means that the inherent energy is also split off in the process. Sort of instead of the electron going into a right-spin decision, it instead does a left-spin decision. It's just an analogy, not an exact portrayal of what happens.

  • #42
Time travel is differn to back past

The time travel is a event in time right direction, but in time to back is different in time action. right time system is to permit exist in now. but the back time system is different.
The time travel profit in space or distance some times! :rolleyes:
  • #43
I think time has a deep phylosophical mean. You might all agree that:
(Just think in deep. What we know about time, distance, and so on...)
talking about time travel is just like to talk about twisting the space inorder to make a papion!
maybe I'm wrong.
If so, please help me.

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