Time Varying Potential Homework Solution

In summary, a time dependent potential energy is given by V(r,t) = \frac{M}{2}f(t)\omega^{2}(x^{2}+y^{2}-2z^{2}) where f(t) = 1 for 0<t<\frac{T}{2} and f(t)= -1 for \frac{T}{2}<t<T. and f(t+T) = f(t). Find r(T) and v(T) in terms of r(0) and v(0) using the equation r(T) = x(T) + y(T) + z(T) and solving for
  • #1

Homework Statement

A time dependent potential energy is given by
V(r,t) = [itex]\frac{M}{2}[/itex]f(t)[itex]\omega^{2}(x^{2}+y^{2}-2z^{2}[/itex])where f(t) = 1 for 0<t<[itex]\frac{T}{2}[/itex] and f(t)= -1 for [itex]\frac{T}{2}[/itex]<t<T.

and f(t+T) = f(t)

Find r(T) and v(T) in terms of r(0) and v(0)

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So far i have tried resolving the forces to each of the cartesian coordinate seperately and finding out x,y,z in terms of t. I solve the 2nd order differential equation for t<T/2 and express x(T/2) in terms of x(0). THen i move on to solve the differential equation for T/2<t<T and substituting x(T/2) as initial conditions to solve for constant and before finding X(T). This works pretty fine for the x and y coordinates but the z coordinate part becomes hell as the equation become absurdly long.
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  • #2
Show us your calculations for the z-components. It sounds like your approach would be fine.
  • #3
Ok here goes then,

For 0<t<T/2


general solution for such a 2nd order differential is

z= A[itex]e^{\sqrt{2}\omega t}[/itex]+B[itex]e^{-\sqrt{2}\omega t}[/itex]

z(0) = A+B

so A = [itex]\frac{1}{2}[/itex](z(0)+[itex]\frac{\dot{z(0)}}{\sqrt{2}\omega}[/itex])
and B = [itex]\frac{1}{2}[/itex](z(0)-[itex]\frac{\dot{z(0)}}{\sqrt{2}\omega}[/itex])

therefore Z([itex]\frac{T}{2}[/itex])= [itex]\frac{1}{2}[/itex](z(0)+[itex]\frac{\dot{z(0)}}{\sqrt{2}\omega}[/itex])[itex]e^{\sqrt{2}\omega \frac{T}{2}}[/itex] + [itex]\frac{1}{2}[/itex](z(0)-[itex]\frac{\dot{z(0)}}{\sqrt{2}\omega}[/itex])[itex]e^{-\sqrt{2}\omega \frac{T}{2}}[/itex]

Moving on to [itex]\frac{T}{2}[/itex]<t<T

[itex]\ddot{z}[/itex] = -2[itex]\omega^{2}[/itex]z

So general Solution is z = C cos([itex]\sqrt{2}\omega t[/itex]) + D sin([itex]\sqrt{2}\omega t[/itex])
[itex]\frac{\dot{z}}{\sqrt{2}\omega}[/itex] = -C sin([itex]\sqrt{2}\omega t[/itex]) +Dcos([itex]\sqrt{2}\omega t[/itex])

Heres wheres the maths gets really long and in fact pretty much too long for such an exercise. I substitute z([itex]\frac{T}{2}[/itex]) as the intial conditions to to find constants C and D and i end up with a multitudes of trigonometrics and hyperbolics. Am i on the right track?
  • #4
Try this trick. Write your solution for t>T/2 as [itex]z(t)=C\cos[\sqrt{2}\omega(t-T/2)]+D\sin[\sqrt{2}\omega(t-T/2)][/itex].

I'd also try writing the solution for t<T/2 in terms of sinh and cosh, just to make it less unwieldy.
  • #5
Wow didnt think of that trick thanks!

I've applied it and gotten a much shorter term for z(T) and [itex]\dot{z}[/itex](T)

However, to express r(T) in terms of r(0) ill need to merge all the terms together. but i cannot combine the terms together where r(T) = x(T) i + y(T) j + z(T) k. this is because the z(0) has different coefficients from the y(0) and x(0). in particular the sine and cosine terms have an extra [itex]\sqrt{2}[/itex] inside. i used eulers equation to pull out an e[itex]^{\sqrt{2}}[/itex] from both the trigo and hyperbolic trigo in the z term and end up with more z(0) than x(0) and y(0) i don't know how now to express r(T) in terms of r(0) since r requires equal amounts of x y and z.

EDIT: Working out what i said i realized the mistake in the above paragraph i can't remove the [itex]\sqrt{2}[/itex] from the exponential haha what a stupid maths error. Anyways now I am totally stuck as to how to express generally r(T) in terms of r(0). i expand out and the x(0) y(0) and z(0) have different coefficients and hence i cannot pull out the r(0) term.
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  • #6
I don't think that's necessary or possible. I'm sure the problem simply wants you to write r(T) in terms of the initial conditions.
  • #7
Hmmm but the problem explicitly states express r(T) and v(T) in terms of r(0) and v(0). because for the next part we must find the value of ωT that shows a trapped particle.

I could equate each of the coordinate at t=T with the one at t=0 but then ill still have to solve them simultaneously for times which all 3 coordinates x(T) y(T) and z(T) are equal to their initial counterparts.

FAQ: Time Varying Potential Homework Solution

What is a time varying potential?

A time varying potential is a type of potential energy that changes over time. It can arise in various physical systems, such as in an oscillating electric circuit or in a changing magnetic field. It is also known as an alternating potential.

What is the significance of studying time varying potential?

Studying time varying potential is important because it helps us understand the behavior of dynamic systems and how they change over time. It is also essential for understanding and analyzing various physical phenomena, such as electromagnetic waves, electric fields, and the behavior of particles in a changing potential.

How is time varying potential calculated?

The calculation of time varying potential depends on the specific system and the type of potential being studied. In general, it involves using mathematical equations and principles, such as Maxwell's equations, to determine the potential energy at different points in time. Advanced techniques, such as Fourier analysis, may also be used to analyze and calculate time varying potentials.

What are some real-world applications of time varying potential?

Time varying potential has many practical applications in our daily lives. It is used in the generation and transmission of electricity, as well as in electronic devices such as radios and televisions. It also plays a crucial role in medical imaging techniques, such as MRI, which use changing magnetic fields to produce images of the body.

How does time varying potential relate to the concept of energy?

Time varying potential is a form of potential energy, which is the energy that an object has due to its position or configuration. It can be converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy, as the system evolves over time. In this way, time varying potential is directly related to the concept of energy and is an important aspect of understanding energy in dynamic systems.
